With the impact of COVID-19, the educational system across the world had to be reviewed and readapted. Both learners and tutors were forced to adopt the online teaching and…
With the impact of COVID-19, the educational system across the world had to be reviewed and readapted. Both learners and tutors were forced to adopt the online teaching and learning mechanism. Learners had to cope with the drastic teaching mode. In all of these, the student’s level of satisfaction remains pivotal. Teaching and learning remain successful if the students are satisfied and engaged. Therefore, this study aims to identify and assess factors that influenced students’ level of learning from home satisfaction.
This study followed a mixed-method approach. Online focus groups were arranged to devise indicators for factors like the accessibility of lecturers, support from university and conducive home environment. A questionnaire was designed and disseminated through an online survey. A response rate of (N = 169) was received. The proposed framework was tested in two phases: confirmatory factor analysis and partial least square structural equation modeling.
The findings revealed that education/life balance and learners’ commitment have a positive and significant relationship with learning from home satisfaction. Accessibility of lecturers and a conducive home environment positively influenced education and life balance. Learners’ commitment was influenced by the accessibility of lecturers, education and life balance and support from the university. Support from university was positively influenced by the accessibility of lecturers and a conducive home environment.
Various studies focused on the quality of online teaching and learning, and very few studies paid attention to the day-to-day lives of learners at the tertiary level. This study has borrowed organizational factors and adapted them to the students’ lives with two theoretical foundations which will enable a better understanding of the students.
Soujata Rughoobur-Seetah and Zuberia Aminah Hosanoo
Technology acceptance research in the L&T contexts has a necessity for enabling the significant inclusion of technology in educational settings (Scherer et al., 2019). Despite the…
Technology acceptance research in the L&T contexts has a necessity for enabling the significant inclusion of technology in educational settings (Scherer et al., 2019). Despite the propensity for information communication and technology to enhance the teaching and learning process, the acceptance or rejection of learning technology is essential. Technological acceptance model (TAM) has evolved to become a key model to depict the predictors of human behaviour towards prospective rejection or acceptance of technology (Granic and Marangunic, 2019). In their recent systematic review of the extensive literature on TAM, Granic and Marangunic (2019) found that most of TAM research originate from Asia (Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea and China), Europe, North America, Middle East and Africa. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, research on TAM has been very scarce in small island economies. This study aims to guide the empirical model of Al-Fraihat et al. (2020), which wants to uncover the quality of learning by understanding the intentions and satisfaction of tertiary education learners on the acceptance and use of information technology (IT) for e-learning, during the confinement period.
This study adopted a quantitative approach. The proposed framework was borrowed from Al-Fraihat et al. (2020) and amended based on the contextual aspect of the study. The model proposed by Al-Fraihat et al. (2020) takes into consideration the quality of e-learning through technical system quality, information quality, service quality, educational system quality, support system quality, learner quality and instructor quality. The framework has as the basis the TAM where the perceived satisfaction, perceived usefulness, use and benefits of E-learning have been evaluated. This current study evaluated the quality of the e-learning platform from the students’ perspective in the confinement period. The service quality construct has been broken into three different dimensions, namely, service quality from an IT perspective, service quality from an administration perspective and service quality from the faculty represented by the Head of Departments. Another dimension has been added so as to evaluate the learner’s point of view when studying during confinement, namely, confinement and learning quality.
The findings of this study did not support H25, that is the hypothesis that perceived usefulness has a positive relationship with perceived satisfaction, in contradiction to similar previous studies that confirmed the relationship (Al-Sabawy et al., 2011; Al-Fraihat et al., 2020). However, interestingly, the findings of this research supported the relationship between perceived satisfaction and benefits (H26). This means that the greater the satisfaction of the learner, the greater the benefits on students. The results of this study further supported that there is a positive relationship between perceived usefulness and benefits (H27); there is a positive relationship between perceived usefulness and use (H28); and finally, there is a positive relationship between use and benefits (H29). Such relationships were also found in the existing literature (Al-Sabawy et al., 2011; Cidral et al., 2018; Al-Fraihat et al., 2020). The perception of the usefulness of the e-learning system determines the benefits, usefulness and system use. When the learners feel that the system is enhancing their learning, learning activities and performance, hence learning more effectively, they tend to see the e-learning system as useful and they are more likely to use the e-learning system/tool. The use of the tool/system, thus positively impacts the benefits that the learners derived from the system.
The COVID-19 and overnight decision for a country-wide lockdown drastically changed the education sector. School and all teaching institutions were closed. However, most universities had to review their teaching and learning models to introduce e-learning to ensure the semester’s progress. Hence, the use of the various LMS tools became a necessity overnight. This study on e-learning in Mauritius uses the TAM as the theoretical foundation because the theory has long been extensively used to investigate the quality of learning eg. Davis (1989), Scherer et al. (2019), Al-Fraihat et al. (2020).
The purpose of this study is to identify and assess the factors that influence the work performance of employees in the service sector of Mauritius during the post-COVID-19…
The purpose of this study is to identify and assess the factors that influence the work performance of employees in the service sector of Mauritius during the post-COVID-19 period. Factors like emotional labour, burnout, job satisfaction and psychological health of employees have been identified as those potential factors influencing the work performance of employees.
This study adopts the survey-based approach for data collection. Employees from the service sector were targeted, that is, those who have direct contact with the customers. A response rate of 197 was recorded. The partial least square structural equation modelling has been used to run the data analysis.
Ten hypotheses were proposed, and four hypotheses were accepted. Job satisfaction appears to positively influence the work performance of employees in the service sector. Emotional labour, burnout and psychological health of employees appeared not to significantly affect the work performance of employees.
Practical implications
From a practical perspective, the author recommends that employers need to provide more support in terms of employee counselling, more job rotation for the employees to avoid burnout. Other support mechanisms as a supportive supervisor/manager where the employees can voice their concerns. It is also recommended that employers should have a more humane way to handle their human resources despite they are having the pressure to maximise profits. Employers need to understand that commercialisation of emotions demand a lot of emotional pressure on the employees and job re-design might be a solution to provide employees with more autonomy in the workplace. The level of flexibility also needs to be reviewed and employees should be more trusted.
This study acknowledges that a lot of research has been done in identifying and assessing factors that significantly impact employees’ work performance. Nevertheless, this study brings together two theories, namely, the social exchange theory and the psychological contract theory to better understand the relationship between the variables. This study also brings a methodological contribution with second-order factor analysis of factors like emotional labour and burnout which enabled better assessment and understanding of the factors and their effect on work performance. Some practical recommendations have also been made.
Soujata Rughoobur-Seetah, Zuberia Hosanoo and Loga Devi Balla Soupramanien
This study aims to understand and analyse the financial independence of women in small island developing states, with a focus on Mauritius. Factors such as employer choice…
This study aims to understand and analyse the financial independence of women in small island developing states, with a focus on Mauritius. Factors such as employer choice, domestic violence, sociological factors, lack of opportunities and empowerment and the legal framework have been identified as potential influencers of the financial independence of women.
A survey was conducted where residents of Mauritius were targeted to have a more generic overview of the subject matter. A response rate of 347 was received. The partial least square structural equation modeling was used to analyse the proposed framework.
A total of 12 hypotheses were proposed and only 2 hypotheses were confirmed. The sociological factors, lack of opportunities, domestic violence and employer choice appeared not to have a significant influence on the financial independence of women. The legal system had a significant influence on the financial independence of women.
It must be acknowledged that the literature is rich with studies on financial independence. Nevertheless, not much has been prescribed in the literature from the perspective of small developing economies and having women at the centre of the debate. The theory of gender and power and the social learning theory were used as the theoretical foundation.