Shironica P. Karunanayaka and Som Naidu
A critical attribute of open educational practices (OEP) is the pursuit of open scholarship which comprises the release of educational resources under an open licence scheme that…
A critical attribute of open educational practices (OEP) is the pursuit of open scholarship which comprises the release of educational resources under an open licence scheme that permits no-cost access, use, reuse, adaptation, retention and redistribution to others. The degree of openness in relation to this attribute will depend on the context and culture of the place and the people in it. When left to chance, the adoption and practice of open scholarship by educators is at best sketchy. For optimum impact, a design-based approach is essential. A central focus of such an approach will need to target educators’ belief systems and practices about their scholarship. Any such work will involve researchers collaborating with practitioners in real-life settings to improve educational practices through iterative analysis, design, development and implementation. The purpose of this paper is to report on how the development and use of such a design-based approach, implemented by the Open University of Sri Lanka, impacted the adoption and uptake of open scholarship among teachers in the Sri Lankan school system in terms of changes in their use of instructional resources, pedagogical thinking and pedagogical practices.
The study adopted a design-based research (DBR) approach (Reeves, 2006), which involved researchers collaboratively working with practitioners in real-life settings to improve their educational practices along three aspects – instructional resource use, pedagogical perspectives and pedagogical practices. Based on the four stages of the DBR approach – analysis, solution, testing and refinement, and reflection, a professional development intervention programme was designed and implemented to support teachers on the integration of open educational resources (OER) and adoption of OEP in their teaching-learning process. Data collected throughout the process using multiple strategies such as questionnaire surveys, concept mapping, lesson plans, focus group interviews, self-reflections and “stories”, were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
By the end of the intervention, significant changes were observed in teachers’ use of instructional resources, their pedagogical thinking and pedagogical practices. While resource usage has shifted from no or low usage of OER to reuse, revise, remix and creation of OER, the pedagogical thinking and practices of teachers moved from a content-centric and individualized patterns to more constructivist, context centric and collaborative ways. The diffusion of OEP was prominent along two dimensions – enhancements in the individual practices in innovative OER use as well as collaborative practices of sharing of resources, knowledge and good practices.
Practical implications
The systematic and flexible methodology adopted based on the DBR approach via a framework designed as a contextualized, process oriented and a self-reflective enquiry has been very useful to support changes in OEP among practitioners over time.
This iterative process allowed the researchers to function as “designers”, while investigating real-life issues in collaboration with the practitioners through reflective enquiry to further refine innovative practices towards OEP. This provides valuable insights for improved design solutions for future interventions in similar contexts.
S.P. Karunanayaka, J.C.N. Rajendra, H.U.W. Ratnayake and Som Naidu
The Open University of Sri Lanka implemented a fully online professional development course on open educational resources-based e-learning (OEReL), which adopted a scenario-based…
The Open University of Sri Lanka implemented a fully online professional development course on open educational resources-based e-learning (OEReL), which adopted a scenario-based learning (SBL) design within the constructivist pedagogy. It was designed to facilitate knowledge construction in a collaborative manner with the support of open educational resource (OER), mainly through peer-facilitated discussion forum activities. The purpose of this paper is to present a case study on how peer-facilitated discussions affected the OEReL process, what factors supported and hindered peer-facilitated discussions, and what challenges were faced during the process.
The OEReL course consisted of five modules with 14 discussion forum activities. Content analysis of the threaded forum discussions was the key data collection and analysis strategy based on the community of inquiry (CoI) framework (Garrison and Arbaugh, 2007). It was supplemented with participants’ reflections and focus group discussions.
The three elements of CoI – cognitive presence, social presence and teaching presence played a major role in knowledge construction in the OEReL process. A complementary relationship between cognitive presence, social presence and teaching presence was observed, where the three elements have interacted in supporting knowledge construction. Overall, the findings reaffirm the significant of role of instructors in cultivating the three presences within a peer-facilitated environment, by enabling learners to engage with the content in a meaningful manner through appropriate course design, structure and leadership.
Practical implications
Forum discussions created an opportunity for participants to engage in meaning making through social negotiation, where facilitation became a shared responsibility among instructors and learners. Peer-facilitation was the key strength that promoted critical, analytical and reflective thinking, as well as self-regulated learning. The SBL design, learning tasks with OER integration, and instructor guidance were the most supportive factors, while time constraints due to the participants’ workload was challenging.
Through carefully orchestrated, well-structured and pedagogically sound OEReL environments, peer-facilitated forum discussions can be designed creatively and implemented in a meaningful manner to enhance knowledge construction.
Educational resources are integral components of resource‐intensive technology‐enhanced and “student‐centered” learning environments. While resources on delivery formats such as…
Educational resources are integral components of resource‐intensive technology‐enhanced and “student‐centered” learning environments. While resources on delivery formats such as CD‐ROMs are carefully selected, edited, reworked and presented for specific educational purposes, a lot of resources on the Web are not. Adopts the term “non‐educationally‐focused (NEF) resource” to refer to such resources. NEF resources may have the potential for educational use, but have not been identified for this purpose. Recognizes this subtle but significant difference between “educational resources” and “educational aspects of resources” among the plethora of information that can be found on the World Wide Web, and promotes the direct learner use and reuse of NEF resources. Urges those concerned with formulating metadata standards to recognize the notion of NEF resources and start the process of extending the standard to enabling the effective use and reuse of the richer NEF resources base on the World Wide Web.
Vasishta Bhargava, Satya Prasad Maddula, Swamy Naidu Venkata Neigapula, Md. Akhtar Khan, Chinmaya Prasad Padhy and Dwivedi Yagya Dutta
This paper aims to model the aerodynamic flow characteristics of NACA0010 for various angle of attacks including stall for incompressible flows using panel methods. This paper…
This paper aims to model the aerodynamic flow characteristics of NACA0010 for various angle of attacks including stall for incompressible flows using panel methods. This paper also aims to quantify the surface pressure distribution on streamlined bodies and validate the results with analytical Jukouwski method and inverse panel methods that can predict the aerodynamic flow behaviour using the geometric iteration approach.
The 2 D panel method was implemented in Qblade software v.06 which uses the fundamental panel method which rely on source strengths and influence coefficients to determine the velocity and pressure fields on the surface. The software implements the boundary layer or viscous effects to determine the influence on aerodynamic performance at various angles of attack. Jukouwski method is also evaluated for predicting aerodynamic characteristics and is based on the geometric iteration approach. Then complex aerodynamic flow potentials are determined based on the source strengths which are used to predict the pressure and velocity fields.
At low to moderate angles of attack, panel and Jukouwski methods predict similar results for surface pressure coefficients comparable to Hess and Smith inverse method. In comparison to panel method, results from the Jukouwski mapping method predicted the pressure coefficient conservatively for the same free stream conditions. With increase in Reynolds number, lift coefficient and aerodynamic performance improved significantly for un-tripped aerofoil when stall angle is approached when compared to tripped aerofoil.
Practical implications
This study demonstrated that panel methods have higher efficacy in terms of computational time or resources and thus can provide benefits to many real-world aircraft or aerospace design applications.
Even though panel and Jukouwski methods have been studied extensively in the past, this paper demonstrates the efficacy of both methods for modelling aerodynamic flows that range between moderate to high Reynolds number which are critical for many aircraft applications. Both methods have been validated with analytical and inverse design methods which are able to predict aerodynamic flow characteristics for simple bluff bodies, streamlined aerofoils as well as bio-inspired corrugated aerofoils.
Sanjay Bhattacharya, Kirankumar S. Momaya and K. Chandrasekhar Iyer
To suggest a conceptual framework to benchmark enablers of growth and link them to performance metrics, duly supported theoretically with definitions and literature review. The…
To suggest a conceptual framework to benchmark enablers of growth and link them to performance metrics, duly supported theoretically with definitions and literature review. The sub-objectives of the study are the following:
To identify enablers based on theories and antecedents of growth
To establish key leads on how the identified enablers have been deployed by leading construction companies, basis their stages of growth and economic context
To identify which enablers have higher potential to contribute to competitiveness and growth in an effort to benchmark performance
To establish if the enablers deployed is dependent on the market maturity and economic context
To identify enablers based on theories and antecedents of growth
To establish key leads on how the identified enablers have been deployed by leading construction companies, basis their stages of growth and economic context
To identify which enablers have higher potential to contribute to competitiveness and growth in an effort to benchmark performance
To establish if the enablers deployed is dependent on the market maturity and economic context
The enabler-mix-based approach is evolved through literature review, inputs from industry practitioners, and subsequent empirical analysis. To explore relationships, the primary methodology suggested is building theory from practice, justified in specific industry and regional economic context. Content analysis has been used for validation of the framework.
Traditional strategy literature suffers from the limitations in terms of applicability and specific contextual settings. In a rapidly changing and varied environment coupled with the context of emerging countries, there is a need for a benchmarked framework for strategy and growth. The evidence toward utility of the framework has been established through a quick analysis of leading construction companies. Capabilities for “operational and process excellence,” “unique products and services,” and “visionary leadership” emerged to be the higher ranked core growth enablers. However, the deployment of these enablers is dependent on the maturity of the company and its economic context.
Research limitations/implications
This simpler and generic framework analyzes the relative impact on performance, as well as the inter-enabler interaction and substitution effects, in the context of construction companies.
Practical implications
In the context of industries that are volatile in nature (like the construction industry), strategy tools need to be simple and generic towards practical and uncomplicated application for the managers, to achieve positive outcomes.
This paper offers fresh perspectives to benchmarking literature in terms of enablers to deliver growth performance, in the context of construction companies. It attempts to fill the gap in evolving simple strategy tools to ensure sustainable growth performance in industries having nascent research support and less availability of data so far. In the context of industries that are volatile in nature (like the construction industry), strategy tools need to be simple and generic toward practical and uncomplicated application for the managers to achieve positive outcomes.
This chapter aims to investigate and interpret China’s educational aid by analyzing its history, philosophies, and practices in Africa. The study is based on review and analysis…
This chapter aims to investigate and interpret China’s educational aid by analyzing its history, philosophies, and practices in Africa. The study is based on review and analysis of governmental documents, reports, academic papers, and news by Chinese and foreign scholars on China’s aid, particularly educational aid to Africa. The analysis unveils three transformations of China’s aid “from pro-ideology to de-ideology,” “from single area to multiple areas,” and “from pragmatic economy driven to sustainable and humane economy focused” in Africa. Meanwhile, it indicates a continuity of the philosophy of solidarity, morality, and reciprocity in China’s South-South cooperation with African educational development.
The analysis also shows China’s educational aid does not match well with the framework of the Western donors. China, under the FOCAC framework, is devoted to higher education cooperation, human resources training program, scholarship, and Chinese language education with African partners. With the growth of its economic and political influence, China will play multiple roles as the biggest developing country and as an active promoter and provider for South-South cooperation in the negotiation and construction of the post-2015 agenda. Nevertheless, we assume China will keep a pragmatic higher education cooperation with its developing country partners to inclusively link it with business, technology transfer, and people-to-people exchange.
This study delivers a comprehensive review and analysis of paradigm shift, philosophy, mechanism, and practice of China’s educational aid to Africa to fill up the literature gap in this field. It also timely presents China’s stance toward discussion on the post-2015 agenda.
Professional associations mark an important step in the development of any profession. Research Management and Administration (RMA) as a profession is still emerging across…
Professional associations mark an important step in the development of any profession. Research Management and Administration (RMA) as a profession is still emerging across Europe, thus the relevance of RMA associations is pertinent. These associations operate either specifically at the transnational or international levels or have certain activities linked to both levels. The theory of social constructivism from the field of international relations will be applied in this analysis with a goal to add additional insights on the topic. The results confirm that RMA associations have an outstanding role in enforcing the internationalised culture of their members, however, members in return can also exert influence on their association. Members are also aware that the association is providing a platform for collective actions in policymaking at national, transnational, and international levels. However, time plays a crucial role in social learning for identity and interest formation, as well as in recognizing the role of RMA associations in corporate agency.
Gurmeet Singh, Asheefa Shaheen Aiyub, Tuma Greig, Samantha Naidu, Aarti Sewak and Shavneet Sharma
This paper aims to identify factors that influence customers' panic buying behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This paper aims to identify factors that influence customers' panic buying behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 357 participants in Fiji, and structural equation modeling to analyze the collected data.
Results indicate that expected personal outcomes is positively associated with customers' attitudes while expected community-related outcomes negatively impact customers' attitudes. Factors such as attitude, subjective norms, scarcity, time pressure and perceived competition were found to positively influence customers' panic buying intention. Furthermore, scarcity and time pressure were confirmed to positively influence perceived competitiveness while perceived social detection risk negatively influences customer's panic buying intention.
Practical implications
The findings highlight the need for better measures to ensure that every customer has access to goods and services and is not deprived of such necessities in times of a crisis. These results will assist store managers and policymakers in introducing better management, social policies and resource utilization mechanisms to mitigate panic buying during the pandemic.
This study's findings contribute to the literature on customer's panic buying behavior during a global pandemic. Research in this area remain scarce, inconsistent and inconclusive. Novel insights are generated as this study is the first to combine the theory of planned behavior, privacy calculus theory and protection motivation theory. Applying these theories allows new relationships to be tested to better understand customer behavior during a global pandemic. With most studies on customer behavior during crises and disasters in developed countries, this study generates new insights by exploring customer behavior in a developing country.
Chander Mohan Gupta and Devesh Kumar
The purpose of this paper is to study the concept and procedure of creative accounting as how is it worked around and how it can lead to financial crimes. The procedure which are…
The purpose of this paper is to study the concept and procedure of creative accounting as how is it worked around and how it can lead to financial crimes. The procedure which are followed and which are the people who are involved and who are the victims of such crimes. The methods which are used to perform the action and how is it done. What are the findings of different researchers who have studied the same concept and how can it be curbed is the main purpose of the paper.
This paper is designed to find out the working of accounting policies and how the loopholes in the same can actually be taken into account, resulting in a certain number games which can be played around it, and to get the desired outcome in the preparation of financial statements.
Creative accounting, though legal and acceptable around the world, gives in the way to loopholes provided by the acts and rules governing the preparation of financial statements and eventually leading to financial crimes and hampering the economy as a whole.
Research limitations/implications
The limitations of this study remain to the fact that it is an empirical study, as a lot of papers and articles were studied before giving it a shape and reaching a conclusion.
Practical implications
Creative accounting though not illegal but the excess use of the same has given daunting effects on the financial statements and as a result have resulted into financial frauds and looting of peoples money throughout the world.
Social implications
Hard-earned money of the investors is looted and no action can be taken against as the mechanism and the legal bodies are still struggling to curb the problem, and thus it is very important to learn about creative accounting.
This study leads to the understanding of the growth of creative accounting and how it has resulted in accounting frauds leading to financial crimes in an economy.
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