Aims to provide a brief conference report of the Pre‐conference held in Alexandria, Egypt prior to the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis.
Aims to provide a brief conference report of the Pre‐conference held in Alexandria, Egypt prior to the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis.
A brief report of the hightlights of the conference.
Presentations treated a number of topics from different countries. This included discussions on Internet governance, social inclusion, proactive assistance, cultural diversity, health information, and the development of the IFLA success stories database
Provides information to educate readers about the social issues raised by the Summit and the role of libraries globally to insure access to information among the world’s diverse populations.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a flavour of the content of the third IFLA Presidential Meeting held in Berlin, Germany in 2009.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a flavour of the content of the third IFLA Presidential Meeting held in Berlin, Germany in 2009.
An outline description of the issues, contents and participants of this conference is presented in the paper.
The meeting follows the issues of Libraries for Access to Knowledge: Information Services and Information Literacy Today, The Digital Library as Social Challenge, Building Infrastructures in a Global Knowledge Society, and Digital Knowledge and Cultural Heritage.
The paper provides a conference report of value to all library and information professionals regarding access to knowledge.