Marina Tsili, Eleftherios I. Amoiralis, Jean Vianei Leite, Sinvaldo R. Moreno and Leandro dos Santos Coelho
Real-world applications in engineering and other fields usually involve simultaneous optimization of multiple objectives, which are generally non-commensurable and conflicting…
Real-world applications in engineering and other fields usually involve simultaneous optimization of multiple objectives, which are generally non-commensurable and conflicting with each other. This paper aims to treat the transformer design optimization (TDO) as a multiobjective problem (MOP), to minimize the manufacturing cost and the total owing cost, taking into consideration design constraints.
To deal with this optimization problem, a new method is proposed that combines the unrestricted population-size evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithm (UPS-EMOA) with differential evolution, also applying lognormal distribution for tuning the scale factor and the beta distribution to adjust the crossover rate (UPS-DELFBC). The proposed UPS-DELFBC is useful to maintain the adequate diversity in the population and avoid the premature convergence during the generational cycle. Numerical results using UPS-DELFBC applied to the transform design optimization of 160, 400 and 630 kVA are promising in terms of spacing and convergence criteria.
Numerical results using UPS-DELFBC applied to the transform design optimization of 160, 400 and 630 kVA are promising in terms of spacing and convergence criteria.
This paper develops a promising UPS-DELFBC approach to solve MOPs. The TDO problems for three different transformer specifications, with 160, 400 and 630 kVA, have been addressed in this paper. Optimization results show the potential and efficiency of the UPS-DELFBC to solve multiobjective TDO and to produce multiple Pareto solutions.