This study aims to focus on an innovative undergraduate teaching intervention designed to guide students in exploring and narrating the potential futures of climate change. The…
This study aims to focus on an innovative undergraduate teaching intervention designed to guide students in exploring and narrating the potential futures of climate change. The intervention aimed to reduce the psychological distance associated with climate change by systematically investigating futures in real-world contexts. The study had two objectives: to examine students’ learning outcomes by analysing their visions of a carbon-neutral future towards the end of the intervention and to measure the intervention’s impact on students’ understanding of climate change and their perceived ability to contribute effectively.
The intervention was implemented over two consecutive semesters. Data for analysis included student narratives from the final assignment (N = 140), where they envisioned life in a carbon-neutral city, and pre-/post-instruction surveys (N = 37) assessing content knowledge and action competence.
Content analysis of student narratives revealed 12 distinct themes, encompassing infrastructural and technological advancements, lifestyle adaptations and shifts in societal attitudes towards sustainability. Statistical analysis of the survey data demonstrated significant improvements in both variables. These findings suggest that the teaching intervention effectively enhanced students’ scientific understanding of climate change, increased their self-perceived ability to take action and fostered a realistic sense of life in a sustainable future.
This research introduces a novel teaching intervention exploring and narrating climate change futures. Analysing personal narratives provides fresh insights into how young individuals envision sustainable living within the context of climate change, thereby contributing a unique perspective to climate change education and future studies.