The purpose of this paper is to empirically test a framework which identifies the relationships between various supply chain practices (SCPs) and organizational performance…
The purpose of this paper is to empirically test a framework which identifies the relationships between various supply chain practices (SCPs) and organizational performance (operational performance (OP), customer satisfaction, and financial performance) in the context of Indian manufacturing organizations.
From the literature, ten SCPs are selected which finally influences the organizational performance. In order to understand the interactions between SCPs and organizational performance, this paper grouped the ten SCPs into four constructs namely: information and communication technology, supply chain (SC) integration, operational responsiveness, and closed loop green practices. Three levels of firm performance are also examined, including OP, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. The paper-based and web-based survey yielded 292 responses from the Indian manufacturing organizations. The data collected were put through rigorous statistical analysis to test for the content, construct, and criterion-related validity, as well as reliability analyses. Further a structural equation model was developed to test the relationships between SCPs and organizational performance.
The finding suggests that a successful SCPs implementation not only improves the OP, but also enhances customer satisfaction and financial performance. In addition, higher financial performance is also attributable to better customer value resulting from the achievement of better customer satisfaction.
Research limitations/implications
SCPs are complex constructs. While this study shows the effect of broadly accepted SCPs on organizational performance, not all possible practices are covered in this study. Again the study can be further extended to sector specific so that the results can be further refined.
Practical implications
This is one of the few studies which attempts to investigate whether there is any relationship exits between SCPs and organizational performance. The finding will help decision makers in the organization to know the importance of SCPs and how SCPs influence the organizational performance. Second, this study has developed and validated a multi-dimensional construct of SCPs, which can assist decision makers of Indian organizations to evaluate the competence of their current status of SCPs in the organization.
As per the knowledge of the authors, this is the first kind of study which empirically investigated the relationships between SCPs and organizational performance in the context of Indian manufacturing organizations.
Sudarshan Kumar, Shrikant Gorane and Ravi Kant
The purpose of this paper is to present an approach to successful supplier selection process (SSP) by understanding the dynamics between SSP enablers (SSPEs), using interpretive…
The purpose of this paper is to present an approach to successful supplier selection process (SSP) by understanding the dynamics between SSP enablers (SSPEs), using interpretive structure modelling (ISM) methodology and find out driving and the dependence power of enablers, using fuzzy MICMAC (Matriced’ Impacts Croisés Appliquée á un Classement) analysis.
The group of experts from industries and the academics were consulted and ISM is used to develop the contextual relationship among various SSPEs for each dimension of supplier selection. The results of the ISM are used as an input to the fuzzy MICMAC analysis to identify the driving and the dependence power of SSPEs.
The research presents a hierarchy-based model and mutual relationships among SSPEs. The research shows that there is a group of SSPEs having a high driving power and low dependence, which requires maximum attention and is of strategic importance, while another group consists of those SSPEs that have high dependence and low driving power, which requires the resultant actions.
Research limitations/implications
The weightage obtained for the ISM model development and fuzzy MICMAC are obtained through the judgment of academician and few industry experts. It is the only subjective judgment and any biasing by the person who is judging the SSPEs might influence the final result. A questionnaire survey can be conducted to catch the insight on these SSPEs from more organizations.
Practical implications
This category provides a useful tool for top management to differentiate between independent and dependent SSPEs and their mutual relationships which would help them to focus on those key SSPEs that are most significant for effective supplier selection.
Arrangement of SSPEs in a hierarchy, the categorization into the driver and dependent categories, and fuzzy MICMAC are an exclusive effort in the area of supplier selection.
The purpose of this paper is to predict the success possibility of supply chain practices (SCPs) implementation based on ten selected SCPs using the analytic hierarchy process…
The purpose of this paper is to predict the success possibility of supply chain practices (SCPs) implementation based on ten selected SCPs using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
A case study was conducted, and for the same, data were collected from two organizations. The data collected from both the organizations were analyzed using AHP. The pair-wise comparisons of SCPs (usually, alternatives and attributes) are established using a scale indicating the strength with which one SCP dominates another with respect to higher-level SCPs. This scaling process then translated into priority weights. Once the priority weights of the elements/determinants of the module have been calculated, the presence of the corresponding element in the organization was evaluated. An evaluation rating of these elements multiplied by the established priority weights have determined the prediction weight for each SCP.
The application of this procedure is described for the institutionalization module and can be similarly extended to the other SCPs/SCM implementation modules. By establishing the prediction weight for each module, the organizations will be able to evaluate the strength of the corresponding factors present before embarking on the SCPs. The organization can identify and create awareness of the essential elements in the SCPs implementation process and identify the actions necessary before implementing SCPs. The AHP can be a useful guide in the decision-making process of SCPs implementation, especially for medium- and large-scale organizations.
Research limitations/implications
The priority weights are subjective and assigned as per the judgment of SCM managers from both the organizations. Further, the priority weights can be obtained from more industry experts through a questionnaire. Second, in this model, only ten practices are taken into consideration for successful SCPs implementation; more practices may be included in future research.
Practical implications
The methodological approach presented can be a useful guide in the decision-making process of SCPs implementation in an organization. The outcome will aid practitioners to know the SCPs and benchmark the organizations on the basis of the methodological research conducted. Again, this model can simply act as a possible research model and the data can act as an example that can be utilized for other studies.
This is the first kind of study which identified ten SCPs and further deployed AHP approach to see the success possibility of combined SCPs that influence the SCM implementation in an organization.
Mandeep Kaur Sidhu, Kanwarpreet Singh and Doordarshi Singh
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the capabilities of total quality management (TQM) and supply chain management (SCM) and extract various significant factors which…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the capabilities of total quality management (TQM) and supply chain management (SCM) and extract various significant factors which influence the implementation of SCM alone and synergy of both TQM–SCM in terms of business performance of Indian medium and large scale manufacturing industry.
In the present study, 116 Indian manufacturing organizations have been extensively surveyed to ascertain the inter-relationships between various success factors and competitive dimensions of SCM alone and for combined approach (TQM–SCM), through different statistical techniques. Further, to evaluate the significance of time period on competitive dimensions, two-tailed t-test has been deployed. Finally the discriminant validity test has been applied to extract highly successful and moderately successful organizations for both approaches.
The study compares the contributions played by only SCM initiatives and combined approach (TQM–SCM) initiatives toward realization of significant improvements of various competitive dimensions of Indian manufacturing organizations. Finally, this study reveals that synergistic relationship of TQM and SCM paradigms can be more helpful as compared to only SCM initiatives for Indian manufacturing industries to enhance overall business performance.
TQM and SCM are considered as performance improvement techniques by the manufacturing organizations. The present research work establishes that combined (TQM–SCM) initiatives have effectively contributed for realization of significant competitive dimensions, progressively from introduction to maturity phases. So, the study stresses upon the need for improving coordination between various manufacturing parameters as well as competitive dimensions of TQM and SCM paradigms to enjoy higher potential of business performance.
Mandeep Kaur, Kanwarpreet Singh and Doordarshi Singh
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contribution of significant factors in the success of supply chain management (SCM) implementation and in synergistic approach…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contribution of significant factors in the success of supply chain management (SCM) implementation and in synergistic approach (SCM-TQM) terms of business performance of Indian medium- and large-scale manufacturing industry.
This research paper deploys the fuzzy inference system (fuzzy logic tool box) to evaluate the success of SCM and synergistic approach’s implementation. For this purpose, significant factors for each SCM approach as well as synergistic approach are identified from relevant literature and validated by industry experts.
The results of fuzzy rule viewer and surface view tool of fuzzy tool box in MATLAB have highlighted that synergistic approach is better as compared to SCM approach. Furthermore, top management support and leadership role, SCM issues and total quality management (TQM) issues have emerged as significant predictor variables for successful synergistic implementation of TQM-SCM in Indian industries.
TQM and SCM are considered as performance improvement techniques by the manufacturing organizations. The present research work establishes that combined (TQM-SCM) initiatives have contributed more as compared to only SCM approach in the business performance of Indian manufacturing industry. So, the study stresses upon the need for improving coordination between various manufacturing parameters as well as competitive dimensions of TQM and SCM paradigms to enjoy higher potential of business performance.
Santosh B. Rane, Gayatri J. Abhyankar, Milind Shrikant Kirkire and Rajeev Agrawal
This article aims at - exploring and prioritizing the barriers to adoption of digitization in supply chains (SCs), categorizing them into sustainability triple bottom line (STBL…
This article aims at - exploring and prioritizing the barriers to adoption of digitization in supply chains (SCs), categorizing them into sustainability triple bottom line (STBL) based upon their direct impact and suggesting digital technologies to address each barrier.
A five-phase methodology is used which consists of an exploration of 44 barriers to the adoption of digitization in SCs, analysis of 44 barriers for mean, standard deviation and Cronbach alpha based on questionnaire-based feedback of 25 experts, extraction of 10 most significant barriers through 05 experts, followed by categorization of the barriers into STBL referring to their direct impact on STBL, prioritization of ten barriers using Fuzzy Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution and recommendation of digital technologies to address each barrier.
While all the barriers considered in this study significantly impede the adoption of digitization in SCs, lack of top management commitment (B1) is found to be most crucial while lack of culture toward use of information and communication technology required for digitization (B3) has minimum impact. Large investment in digital infrastructure (B6), difficulty in integration of cyber physical systems (CPSs) on varied platforms (B8) and lack of experts having knowledge of digital technologies (B2) are equally important barriers requiring more attention while adopting digitization in SCs.
Research limitations/implications
This study is mainly based on feedback from 25 seasoned experts; a wider cross section of experts will give more insight.
Practical implications
The outcomes are very significant for organizations looking to adopt digitization in their SCs. Simultaneous consideration to all the barriers becomes impractical hence prioritization of same will be useful for the SC managers to benchmark their preparedness and decide strategies for the adoption of digitization with due consideration toward the impact of barriers on STBL. The digital technologies recommended will further aid in planning the digital strategies to address each barrier.
A unique approach to explore, analyze, prioritize and categorize the barriers to adoption of digitization in SCs is used to provide a deeper understanding of factors deterring the same. It implies that a supportive top management along with systematic allocation of finances plays a crucial role. The importance of availability of digital experts for integrating CPSs on a single platform is also highlighted. The digital technologies recommended will further assist the organizations toward adoption of digitization in SCs with due consideration to STBL.
Mandeep Kaur, Kanwarpreet Singh and Doordarshi Singh
The purpose of this paper is to develop an insight into the prevalent quality and supply chain practices adopted in the contemporary Indian manufacturing industry, and compare…
The purpose of this paper is to develop an insight into the prevalent quality and supply chain practices adopted in the contemporary Indian manufacturing industry, and compare business performance measurements between transfusion of total quality management (TQM)–supply chain management (SCM) companies and only SCM implementing companies.
To meet the goals of this work, i.e., to ascertain contributions made by TQM–SCM practices, a reasonably large number of Indian manufacturing organizations have been extensively surveyed, through a specially designed TQM–SCM questionnaire. And the design of TQM–SCM questionnaire has been finalized through extensive literature review. Finalized TQM–SCM questionnaire was sent to around 720 industries that are implementing TQM and SCM with other related lean manufacturing practices.
The leading Indian manufacturing organizations have taken proactive initiatives to effectively improve the manufacturing by transfusing various lean manufacturing philosophies like TQM, SCM, TPM, 5S, Six Sigma, etc., for realizing enhanced manufacturing performance. The study reveals that Indian entrepreneurs have been reasonably successful in improving the business performances in the organizations by implementing combination of TQM and SCM, as TQM support to SCM is much effective and this improvement initiative has significantly contributed toward enhancing the overall manufacturing performance.
Practical implications
Synergy of TQM and SCM in the context of Indian manufacturing industry has been proved beneficial in terms of competitive image as well as business performance. Therefore, the whole Indian manufacturing entrepreneurs must continue to make an earnest effort in their endeavour to realize enhanced competitiveness through synergizing different business improvement initiatives. A major implication is that only SCM implementing companies should develop their supply chain through synergy of TQM–SCM after analyzing the business environment and their future plans.
Much of the attention has been given to TQM practices and SCM practices, and very few studies have been undertaken to integrate TQM and SCM practices. But as far as the authors know till now there is no study undertaken to analyze synergy status of TQM and SCM and then comparing with only SCM implementing companies in India for medium- and large-scale manufacturing class. Therefore, this study compares the transfusion of TQM–SCM with only SCM companies and can be, thus, treated as filling a gap in the extant literature. Therefore, the findings of this research paper will contribute to future research.
Mandeep Kaur, Kanwarpreet Singh and Doordarshi Singh
The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to present a set of critical factors for total quality management (TQM) and supply chain management (SCM) practices through an…
The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to present a set of critical factors for total quality management (TQM) and supply chain management (SCM) practices through an extensive literature review; and, second, to identify the relationships among them by comparing the identified TQM and SCM practices in order to explore the concept of supply chain quality management (SCQM).
To meet the goals of this work, a review of published quality research papers was carried out. For this, the authors identified papers on TQM and SCM practices and observed how these practices improve the business performance of organizations. Further, on the basis of identified practices, a conceptual model of SCQM was developed.
The results presented a set of six critical factors each for TQM and SCM practices. Further, it was found that management support and commitment, customer focus, information and supplier partnership are the most common practices found in both TQM and SCM practices. The integration of TQM and SCM (SCQM) throughout the supply chain has the strongest impact on the organizational performance.
Research limitations/implications
The study used data from various research papers of reputed journals which considered the study of India’s manufacturing industry as well as other countries, which may not provide a clear picture. However, this can be overcome by applying the findings of this paper to collect data from Indian manufacturing industry in future studies.
Practical implications
Indian manufacturing industry can improve its competitive image through the synergy of TQM and SCM. The result of this paper will help in providing a greater understanding of identified TQM and SCM practices that will lead to the successful implementation of TQM and SCM strategies to enhance business performance in terms of the improved levels of customer service.
Much of the attention is given on TQM and SCM practices, and very few studies have been undertaken to integrate TQM and SCM practices. But as far as the authors know, there is no study undertaken to integrate TQM and SCM practices in India for the manufacturing class. Therefore, this study compares TQM and SCM practices and considers their integration and can be thus treated as filling a gap in the extant literature. Therefore, the findings of this review paper will contribute in future research.