Diane Seddon, Catherine Robinson, Shirley Bowen and Mari Boyle
This paper presents some of the key findings from a study about supporting carers in employment. It describes the qualitative experiences of family carers for older people who are…
This paper presents some of the key findings from a study about supporting carers in employment. It describes the qualitative experiences of family carers for older people who are in paid employment, paying particular attention to their views on assessment and service provision. The perspectives of other key stakeholders, including staff from statutory and independent sector agencies, are also considered. Support for carers in employment is one of the five priority action areas underpinning the National Strategy for Carers (DoH, 1999). However, the findings from this study reveal that carers in employment have a limited profile at strategic level and their specific needs are rarely addressed in mainstream health and social care planning processes. The findings also suggest that assessment and care management practices are failing to support carers in relation to their employment aspirations. The effectiveness of health and social care assessments in identifying and exploring the needs of carers in employment is limited and very few separate carer assessments are completed. Carers' first‐hand experiences of service provision are described. Deficits in current services are identified and examples of good practice are highlighted. The paper concludes by outlining the implications for policy and practice. It is suggested that flexible support, underpinned by partnerships between employers and staff from statutory and independent sector agencies, is the key to supporting carers in employment.
Educational research and many aspects of the educational system in Germany are facing a challenge. With Germany’s participation in large-scale assessment studies such as PISA, the…
Educational research and many aspects of the educational system in Germany are facing a challenge. With Germany’s participation in large-scale assessment studies such as PISA, the German educational discourse is increasingly incorporating international developments in terms of educational standards, accountability, and students’ performance testing. At the same time, the long-standing history of German Didaktik has influenced and shaped teacher education programs in Germany for decades. Research conducted at a German university shows how these two concurrent developments can be fused – without neglecting their distinct differences. A crucial aspect revealed in this work shows that preservice teachers are prepared for their future profession in a rather output- and standard-based educational system in inquiry-based classes. In these classes, their research-based reflective thinking, didactic expertise, and their leadership skills in the sense of didactic ownership are strengthened.
L. Gary Moore, Willie E. Hopkins and Shirley A. Hopkins
Members of the Original Equipment Manufacturer Group (OMEG) at National Semiconductor Corporation (NSC) were used to help answer the question of whether empowerment programs…
Members of the Original Equipment Manufacturer Group (OMEG) at National Semiconductor Corporation (NSC) were used to help answer the question of whether empowerment programs, independent of quality improvement programs such as total quality management (TQM), create customer satisfaction. Results of a customer satisfaction survey, administered to a sample of NSC customers prior to implementing an empowerment program and then again one year into the program, provided affirmative support for our research question. Finally, a conceptual model suggesting a process by which empowerment programs create customer satisfaction is proposed to provide direction for future research.
Andrea McIlroy and Shirley Barnett
The relationship between customer loyalty and satisfaction, profitability and customer retention is described within the framework of relationship marketing. The importance of…
The relationship between customer loyalty and satisfaction, profitability and customer retention is described within the framework of relationship marketing. The importance of loyal customers and their impact on business profitability is undisputed, but it is more difficult to build customer retention than it may appear. Various strategies including loyalty schemes and discount cards are sometimes used in an effort to retain customers, but their success is questionable. A New Zealand hotel case study is presented which describes customer reactions to a discount card promotion. It was found that customers who purchased the card exhibited the characteristics of Morgan’s “mercenaries”. Although they had high satisfaction, their commitment to the company was low. However, in order to succeed, loyalty programmes need to develop “loyalists”, customers who have high satisfaction, high loyalty and who will stay and be supportive of the company.
Emphasizes the importance of old county maps to library localhistory collections. Describes the history of county map production inthe United Kingdom beginning with Christopher…
Emphasizes the importance of old county maps to library local history collections. Describes the history of county map production in the United Kingdom beginning with Christopher Saxton in 1579 and proceeding through his successors to John Speed (1542‐1629). Discusses seventeenth‐and eighteenth‐century county maps and their makers covering up to Thomas Moule in the early nineteenth century. States the importance of strengthening local history map collections in libraries.
Raymond Bérard, David F. Cheshire, Shirley Day, Allan Bunch and Edwin Fleming
This book by Rod Cowley — ALS: A Guide for Librarians and System Managers — plunges me into some perplexity. For what is the object of this series of which we seem to have here…
This book by Rod Cowley — ALS: A Guide for Librarians and System Managers — plunges me into some perplexity. For what is the object of this series of which we seem to have here the first volume? According to the back cover, it is to help librarians or system managers — a frightful term. I do hope that the “managers” are also librarians and not upper echelon bureaucrats with their eyes firmly fixed on the statistics produced by computers. However, the book seeks to help them choose an automated system by examining the different products now available. A good move, for librarians wishing to automate their systems often have great difficulty in making a choice in the face of commercial‐cum‐technical engineers well versed in the techniques of salesmanship. Often there is a risky choice — that of one system rather than another based on hazardous rule of thumb and word of mouth. This indicates the potential value of a series which should enable us to form an opinion of different systems by an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. Rod Cowley is a former assistant librarian at Bromley Public Library which has an ALS system and former Secretary of the ALS Users Group. Today, he is UK Sales Manager of Automated Library Systems Ltd.
ONE of the chief objections to printed catalogues is that they are no sooner published than they become out of date. Another pertinent objection has been that of their great…
ONE of the chief objections to printed catalogues is that they are no sooner published than they become out of date. Another pertinent objection has been that of their great expense. There is also the matter of the labour entailed in preparing the printer's copy; but as this labour has to be performed in any case the point has not cropped up during a consideration of rival schemes. The contest between printed, card, and manuscript catalogues has often been waged, and the arguments pro and con, as summed up in Mr. Cutter's report will be familiar to every librarian.
DURING much of the Second World War, the affairs of the Library Association were conducted for the Council by an Emergency Committee. The record of its meeting on 10th June 1941…
DURING much of the Second World War, the affairs of the Library Association were conducted for the Council by an Emergency Committee. The record of its meeting on 10th June 1941, includes the following: “A resolution having been received suggesting that a committee be formed to consider post‐war reconstruction, it was resolved that by means of a notice in the LIBRARY ASSOCIATION RECORD, Branches and Sections should be invited to formulate suggestions for the consideration of the committee. A draft questionnaire for the purpose of an enquiry into the effects of the war on the public library service was approved”. In July, the Committee reported “further arrangements … for carrying out an exhaustive survey designed to give the necessary data for full and detailed consideration and ultimate recommendation as to the future of public libraries, their administration and their place in the social services”. The promised notice appeared as an editorial in September.