Sheng‐Jen Hsieh, Gary Rhoades and Sang‐Shiun Chan
One of the primary problems in the production of cement testing cubes is inconsistency in quality due to skill differences between operators and low repeatability in human…
One of the primary problems in the production of cement testing cubes is inconsistency in quality due to skill differences between operators and low repeatability in human performance of identical operations. To eliminate this problem and to enhance productivity, a state‐of‐the‐art robot workcell system, which utilized a multitasking control strategy and tool changer and sensor technology to automatically produce cement testing cubes, was designed and integrated. A comparative analysis of compressive strength values of specimens made by human operators and robots indicated that the specimens made by the robot workcell system had lower variation than the human made ones. This study not only demonstrates that robot workcells are flexible and robust enough to be used in cement testing cube production, but also suggests that revision of American Society of Testing Methods (ASTM) procedures to facilitate implementation of high technology in the materials testing process should be considered.