Sharon Carton and Brian H. Kleiner
Considers the discrimination in various areas of the restaurant industry, looking first at the discrimination of the customer. Covers areas of race, sexual orientation and people…
Considers the discrimination in various areas of the restaurant industry, looking first at the discrimination of the customer. Covers areas of race, sexual orientation and people with disabilities, citing case law as examples in each. Continues by covering the employees in relation to race, sex, gender and pregnancy. Outlines discrimination in advertising and suggests that education is the key to improvement.
Delma Poniman, Sharon Purchase and Joanne Sneddon
The purpose of this paper is to explore the emergence and implementation of traceability systems in the Western Australian (WA) Halal food industry. In particular, to understand…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the emergence and implementation of traceability systems in the Western Australian (WA) Halal food industry. In particular, to understand how individuals in facilitating organizations perceive the Halal idea logic and the benefits that a traceability system can provide to the Halal food processing industry.
An empirical qualitative approach was employed to examine these issues utilizing in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis was carried out using Leximancer software.
Findings suggest that individual’s perception of Halal idea logic is aligned to the roles they perform. These perceptions were impacted by the specific objectives or business interests of each organization. Facilitating organizations also perceive that traceability systems are a strategic tool in the Halal food processing industry.
Practical implications
The research provides insights into how to improve existing understanding of the Halal idea logic within Halal food business networks and the benefits of implementing traceability systems in Halal food production. Joint activity between firms creates a network effect, where the value created is greater than that which the firms alone can create.
Though traceability systems have become increasingly popular in the food industry, little research has been undertaken to understand how individuals in facilitating organizations perceive these systems, particularly in the growing Halal food industry. Hence, the study contributes to the literature of traceability studies and the area of change and process adaptation in business relationships in the context of halal food production.
Victoria Bush, Sharon Harris and Alan Bush
The arena of services marketing provides numerous opportunities for ethical violations. As competition intensifies, service providers strive harder to please the customer which…
The arena of services marketing provides numerous opportunities for ethical violations. As competition intensifies, service providers strive harder to please the customer which can increase the temptation to make ethical compromises. Presents the narrative paradigm as a normative model for ethical decision making in the services marketing environment. The narrative paradigm is learned through socialization and can be applied to the performances of service providers. By viewing services rendered from the narrative perspective, service marketers may be able to discern hidden moral issues, or potential controversial activities. Introduces the concept of services as a performance and the current status of ethics in marketing with implications for the service industry. Introduces the narrative paradigm and gives examples of how it can be applied to the service marketing environment.
Alexandra K. Abney, Allyn White, Kevin J. Shanahan and William B. Locander
This research investigates new innovative service models that provide opportunities for hearing and deaf individuals to switch roles within a co-created service encounter to allow…
This research investigates new innovative service models that provide opportunities for hearing and deaf individuals to switch roles within a co-created service encounter to allow for an enhanced perspective-taking experience. The purpose of this paper is to gain an in-depth understanding of deaf individuals’ experience working within such models using their preferred language, American sign language, to interact with a primarily hearing-majority customer base.
Data were collected for two studies through qualitative depth-interviews with both the deaf service employees and the hearing-majority customers from a North American restaurant founded on this innovative service model.
Results of these studies yield new insights into understanding the value generated for both the minority and majority populations within this co-creation platform. Notably, the deaf employees primarily recognize the transformative value derived from this service experience, whereas the hearing customers note the missing habitual value elements to which they are accustomed in traditional service encounters that inhibit repatronage intentions.
This is the first study to investigate the interpersonal service experience of deaf and hearing individuals within these emerging service models. Further, this research represents an initial attempt to explore a co-creative service experience between two different cultures, the deaf-minority and hearing-majority populations, with differing levels of ability.
Throughout the many decades of Bond films, 007’s patriotism is much assumed and never questioned. However, how does the English male spy display devotion to Queen and Country…
Throughout the many decades of Bond films, 007’s patriotism is much assumed and never questioned. However, how does the English male spy display devotion to Queen and Country? James Bond is an invaluable source when questioning the attitudes towards patriotism and identity over the last 50 years. For example, is his display of manliness patriotic? More importantly, how has the exhibition of the subjective nature of patriotism adapted from an imperial to a more modern British identity? This chapter will examine how the actors who have depicted Bond have worked within the ever-changing British patriotic codes of these international movies.
IT SEEMS THAT librarians, in common with many other forms of mankind, do not learn from history. One of the more interesting sessions of the recent La Public Librarians'…
IT SEEMS THAT librarians, in common with many other forms of mankind, do not learn from history. One of the more interesting sessions of the recent La Public Librarians' Conference in Aberdeen dealt with the need for many more librarians in school libraries, and the kind of qualifications which would best fit them for the work. Clearly, professional training in librarianship and knowledge of the educational process are both relevant and valuable.
Pre‐employment medical examinations with appropriate testing are required in many industries—a basic tenet of Occupational Medicine—and it has long been a recommendation of many…
Pre‐employment medical examinations with appropriate testing are required in many industries—a basic tenet of Occupational Medicine—and it has long been a recommendation of many in community medicine and environmental health for those food handlers whose close contact with open food, aspects of its preparation, processing, sale, exposure for sale, make their personal health important and in prevention of diseases and may constitute a health hazard to food consumers. Epidemiological studies have revealed too many instances of a human source of disease, especially in milk and water, for this to be denied or under‐estimated. Food poisioning outbreaks caused by a carrier, of chronic or limited duration, enable those investigating such outbreaks to see there could be advantages in medical screening of certain employees especially in certain areas of food trades. The main problem is to decide the extent of the discipline and who should be subject to it. The fact that by far the majority of the examinations and tests will prove negative should not be seen as removing the need for the service. After all, there are a number of similar circumstances in public health. Meat inspection, for example, in which a 100% inspection of all food animals slaughtered for human food is now fully established, it is not suggested that inspections should in any way be reduced despite the fact that a number of the diseases, eg., tuberculosis, no longer occurs as it once did, which was the prime cause of meat inspection being brought into being. Other areas where routine medical examinations reveal satisfactory health with only a few isolated cases requiring attention, is the school medical service. Here, the “de‐bunkers” have had some success, but if children are not regularly examined at vulnerable age levels and especially in between where the occasion demands, there is no question that much will be missed and ill‐health progress to a chronic state.
This paper explores the emergence and shift in critical theories and problems-of-practice over the last 50 years.
This paper explores the emergence and shift in critical theories and problems-of-practice over the last 50 years.
Quipu is an Incan record-keeping system used across the Andes. Using multiple strings of different colors, hundreds of different knots were used to count, record historical events. The underlying idea of Quipu was that the intersection of knots and strings is a way of making memory tangible. I use the image of Quipu as a framework to organize my analytic memories and interpretation of research on school organization across spaces, people and generations.
I explore my own research and that of others who have influenced me, linking the strings of organizational theory to the knots representing changes in the educational environment that motivate research.
The paper is, in part, not only a reflective review of the literature but also a summation of the problems-of-practice that have engaged me and other scholars over a relatively long period of time.