Nelson A. Andrade-Valbuena, Jose M. Merigo-Lindahl and Sergio Olavarrieta S.
The remarkable concept of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has attracted scholars’ attention for its relevance to a firm’s performance. Based on bibliometric and distance-based…
The remarkable concept of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has attracted scholars’ attention for its relevance to a firm’s performance. Based on bibliometric and distance-based visualization of similarities (VOS) analysis, the purpose of this paper is to outline a broad-spectrum perspective of the structure of research in EO across more than 20 years of publications, identifying the most prominent journals, authors and articles in this field.
The paper uses the Web of Science Core Collection and the VOS viewer software. The analysis searches for all the documents connected to EO available in the database from 1976 to 2017. The graphical visualization maps the bibliographic data using both bibliographic coupling and co-citation data.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Journal, Journal of Business Venturing and Family Business Review are the most relevant journals in the field. Among the many important authors in the EO literature, key contributors are Lumpkin, Payne, Short, Covin, Dess and Wiklund. Three different streams of research are linked to the EO concept; strategy and entrepreneurship, family business and miscellaneous work in psychometrics, methods, marketing and knowledge/capability-based approaches to organizations.
This paper contributes to EO research by providing a global perspective on the concept’s investigation, using bibliometric data and graphical networks.
This issue includes five of the best papers, from six different countries, presented in the Cladea Assembly of 2015. This introduction summarises the papers and presents an…
This issue includes five of the best papers, from six different countries, presented in the Cladea Assembly of 2015. This introduction summarises the papers and presents an analysis of Latin American publications on management, and of the advantages and conditions for international collaboration. The first article looks at the positive impact of the decentralization of decision-making processes and the formalisation of work in the innovation of small and medium enterprises. The second studies the fear of failure in work and its relationship to demographic variables. The third analyses the impact of the domestic violence suffered by workers on customer services in Puerto Rican companies. The fourth discusses the relationship between teleworking and the work-family conflict, and finally, the fifth is aimed at optimising the management of dependent demand inventory systems.
This issue includes five articles chosen among the best papers presented at the Cladea Assembly of 2015 organised by Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile). The articles were sent in from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, and Puerto Rico, and were the best assessed in the fields of organisational behaviour, leadership and human capital management, entrepreneurships and SMEs, technology management and innovation, and operations management and value chains.
The selection process began with the evaluation of the works sent to the conference for each topic. The author wish to thank the organisers, those in charge of each topic, and all the evaluators that helped select the best works. In particular, we thank Sergio Olavarrieta, José Ernesto Amorós, Jorge Ayala, Silvio Borrero, Daniel Cabrera, Reinaldo Calvo, Consuelo García, Valeska Geldres, Jorge Gilbert, Olga Pizarro, José Antonio Robles, and Jorge Tarzijan. Authors interested in publishing their articles were asked to send in a revised version. These new versions were then subjected to a double blind evaluation, and subsequent revisions until reaching the current publication. This has been a collective process in which dozens of academics from all the Cladea schools and countries have taken part.
Este número incluye cinco de los mejores trabajos presentados en la asamblea de Cladea 2015, provenientes de seis países. En la presente introducción se resumen y comentan los trabajos, se ofrece un análisis acerca de las publicaciones latinoamericanas sobre gerencia y de las ventajas y condiciones de la colaboración internacional. El primer artículo analiza el positivo impacto de la descentralización de las decisiones y la formalización del trabajo en la innovación de las PYMES. El segundo estudia el miedo al fracaso en el trabajo y su relación con variables demográficas. El tercero analiza el impacto en el servicio al cliente de la violencia doméstica experimentada por trabajadoras en empresas de Puerto Rico. El cuarto estudia la relación entre el trabajo a distancia en el hogar (teletrabajo) y el conflicto familia-empresa. El quinto se orienta a optimizar el manejo de inventarios en sistemas con demanda dependiente.
En este número publicamos cinco artículos escogidos entre las mejores ponencias presentados en la Asamblea de CLADEA 2015 organizada por la Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile). Los artículos provienen de Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, España y Puerto Rico, y fueron los mejor evaluados en los temas de comportamiento organizacional, liderazgo y gestión del capital humano, emprendimientos y PYMES (pequeña y mediana empresa), gestión tecnológica e innovación, y gestión de operaciones y cadena de valor.
El proceso de selección se inició por las evaluaciones que se hicieron en cada tema para aceptar los trabajos enviados a la asamblea. Debemos agradecer a los organizadores, a los encargados de cada tema y a todos los evaluadores que permitieron tener una selección de los mejores trabajos, en especial a Sergio Olavarrieta, José Ernesto Amorós, Jorge Ayala, Silvio Borrero, Daniel Cabrera, Reinaldo Calvo, Consuelo García, Valeska Geldres, Jorge Gilbert, Olga Pizarro, José Antonio Robles, y Jorge Tarzijan. Posteriormente desde esta revista procedimos a solicitar versiones revisadas a los autores que estuvieran interesados en publicarlos, versiones sometidas a evaluación doble ciego, que llevaron a posteriores revisiones hasta la publicación actual. Ha sido un proceso colectivo donde participaron docenas académicos de todas las escuelas y países de Cladea.
Despite the general recommendation of using a combination of multiple criteria for research assessment and faculty promotion decisions, the raise of quantitative indicators is…
Despite the general recommendation of using a combination of multiple criteria for research assessment and faculty promotion decisions, the raise of quantitative indicators is generating an emerging trend in Business Schools to use single journal impact factors (IFs) as key (unique) drivers for those relevant school decisions. This paper aims to investigate the effects of using single Web of Science (WoS)-based journal impact metrics when assessing research from two related disciplines: Business and Economics, and its potential impact for the strategic sustainability of a Business School.
This study collected impact indicators data for Business and Economics journals from the Clarivate Web of Science database. We concentrated on the IF indicators, the Eigenfactor and the article influence score (AIS). This study examined the correlations between these indicators and then ranked disciplines and journals using these different impact metrics.
Consistent with previous findings, this study finds positive correlations among these metrics. Then this study ranks the disciplines and journals using each impact metric, finding relevant and substantial differences, depending on the metric used. It is found that using AIS instead of the IF raises the relative ranking of Economics, while Business remains basically with the same rank.
Research limitations/implications
This study contributes to the research assessment literature by adding substantial evidence that given the sensitivity of journal rankings to particular indicators, the selection of a single impact metric for assessing research and hiring/promotion and tenure decisions is risky and too simplistic. This research shows that biases may be larger when assessment involves researchers from related disciplines – like Business and Economics – but with different research foundations and traditions.
Practical implications
Consistent with the literature, given the sensibility of journal rankings to particular indicators, the selection of a single impact metric for assessing research, assigning research funds and hiring/promotion and tenure decisions is risky and simplistic. However, this research shows that risks and biases may be larger when assessment involves researchers from related disciplines – like Business and Economics – but with different research foundations and trajectories. The use of multiple criteria is advised for such purposes.
This is an applied work using real data from WoS that addresses a practical case of comparing the use of different journal IFs to rank-related disciplines like Business and Economics, with important implications for faculty tenure and promotion committees and for research funds granting institutions and decision-makers.
Sergio Olavarrieta and Alexander E. Ellinger
Despite calls for more theoretical and strategically oriented work in logistics, the resource‐based theory of the firm (RBT), and the related capabilities approach ‐ which…
Despite calls for more theoretical and strategically oriented work in logistics, the resource‐based theory of the firm (RBT), and the related capabilities approach ‐ which represent a dominant stream of research in strategic management over the last decade ‐ have not been prominent in the logistics literature. Provides a critical review of the large literature on the RBT and suggests areas where it can be applied to strategically‐oriented logistics research. Describes the resource‐based theory of the firm, its major assumptions, and its implications for strategic actions. Also discusses other areas of research where the RBT have been applied. Illustrates how the RBT represents the underlying theoretical support for one of the central propositions of strategic logistics: that a distinctive logistics capability is a source of sustainable competitive advantage and superior performance. Suggests that strategic logistics research may benefit from combining the RBT with organizational learning theory and evolutionary approaches to competition.
Enrique Manzur, Rodrigo Uribe, Pedro Hidalgo, Sergio Olavarrieta and Pablo Farías
The purpose of this study is to test the viability of comparative advertising in Chile.
The purpose of this study is to test the viability of comparative advertising in Chile.
Data were collected via controlled experimentation. The study employed a 3 (comparative advertising intensity: noncomparative, indirect comparative, and direct comparative)×2 (product category involvement: low, high)×2 (sponsor brand's relative market share: market leader, other brand) between‐subjects factorial design.
The results suggest that direct and indirect comparative advertisements are not more effective than noncomparative advertisements in Chile. Additionally, data do not support the idea that the effect of comparative advertising intensity is moderated by the product category involvement and/or by the sponsor brand's relative market share. Since comparative advertising was not shown to be more effective than noncomparative advertising, the authors hypothesize that it is due to cultural biases and the novelty of comparative advertising in Latin America, as expressed through negative message believability.
Practical implications
While experimental research is not sufficient to establish the generalized non‐superiority of comparative advertising in the region, the results support the idea that comparative advertising might not be more effective than noncomparative advertising for many marketing campaigns in Latin America.
Several recent studies have investigated international differences in advertising practices. Most of these address advertising in general, leaving the transferability of comparative advertising practices largely unexplored (White Nye et al.). Analyzing the case of Latin America is highly relevant due to the limited development that exists with respect to comparative advertising in the region.
This issue includes five contributions from six countries; four of these are revised versions of the best works presented at the Business Association of Latin American Studies…
This issue includes five contributions from six countries; four of these are revised versions of the best works presented at the Business Association of Latin American Studies Congress (BALAS), in 2012. The first article is a study of the effectiveness of price promotion strategies in retail chains across Chile; a topic of growing importance in Latin America. The second is a study of the literature on the accounting treatment of the decision to buy or lease with option to buy, which is a topic that reflects international changes in accounting practices that will take place as from 2013. The third contribution is a case study of the strategy of Miss Venezuela, an organisation of the Cisneros group that has become an icon of overwhelming success in international beauty contests. The fourth article narrates the difficulties faced by a Brazilian restaurant chain in their internationalisation process through the master franchises concept. The last contribution is the Britt case study, telling the story of a Costa Rican company founded by an innovating North American businessman. The article recounts the company's interesting process of development in international business and the complex strategic decisions it faced when it came to the subsequent steps to be taken in international markets. Although all the articles are in English, Academia is multilingual. As from 2013, all its articles will be available in their original language as well as in English.
Este número incluye cinco contribuciones originadas en seis países, cuatro de las cuales son versiones revisadas de los mejores trabajos presentados en el congreso de la Business Association of Latin American Studies (Balas) de 2012. La primera contribución es un estudio sobre la efectividad de las estrategias de promoción de precios en cadenas detallistas en Chile, un tema de creciente importancia en América Latina. La segunda es un estudio de la literatura sobre el tratamiento contable de la decisión de comprar o de realizar un arrendamiento con opción de compra (lease), tema que refleja el cambio internacional en las prácticas contables que ocurrirá a partir de 2013. La tercera contribución es el caso de la estrategia de Miss Venezuela, la organización del grupo Cisneros que se ha constituido en un icono en Venezuela por su éxito avasallador en concursos internacionales de belleza. El cuarto es un caso que narra las vicisitudes de una cadena brasileña de restaurantes con la internacionalización mediante el concepto de máster de marca. La última contribución es el caso Grupo Britt N.V., empresa fundada por un empresario estadounidense en Curazao y Costa Rica, que ha tenido un interesante desarrollo de negocios internacionales y se enfrenta a decisiones estratégicas complejas sobre sus siguientes pasos en los mercados mundiales. Aunque todos los trabajos están en inglés, Academia es multilenguaje. A partir de 2013 todos los artículos de la revista están disponibles en inglés, además de su idioma original.
Enrique Manzur, Sergio Olavarrieta, Pedro Hidalgo‐Campos and Pablo Farías
The purpose of this paper is to examine two popular price promotion strategies – price matching guarantees (PMGs) and everyday low prices (EDLP) – and their effects on Chilean…
The purpose of this paper is to examine two popular price promotion strategies – price matching guarantees (PMGs) and everyday low prices (EDLP) – and their effects on Chilean consumer behavior in terms of consumer perceptions of low prices, search behavior and purchase intention.
A quasi experiment with three scenarios was conducted to test price promotion effects. Subjects were instructed to respond a questionnaire that included the dependent variables.
Results show that EDLP and PMG strategies increase perceptions of low prices and affect purchase intentions. These effects are significantly higher for stores offering EDLP than PMG. However, when consumers are exposed to two or more price promotion strategies (rather than one) they reduce their purchase intentions for a specific store and increase their search intentions.
Research limitations/implications
This is an initial study exploring the effects of price promotion strategies on consumers. Future research could test the hypotheses advanced in the study across different samples and contexts (supermarkets, department stores, convenience stores, and other retailers) and might privilege external validity, using experiments mimicking decisions with real consequences.
Practical implications
Retailers and marketers in Latin America – particularly those companies stressing price or value as their differential advantage – should consider the use of price promotions when designing marketing strategies. On the other hand, retailers should be aware that an intensive use of these of promotions could lead to increases in consumer search behavior.
While findings from the USA suggest that price promotion strategies can be effective in several contexts, there has been a limited number of studies addressing whether such strategies are effective in other countries, particularly in Latin America and emerging nations.
Romina Gómez-Prado, Aldo Alvarez-Risco, Jorge Sánchez-Palomino, Berdy Briggitte Cuya-Velásquez, Sharon Esquerre-Botton, Luigi Leclercq-Machado, Sarahit Castillo-Benancio, Marián Arias-Meza, Micaela Jaramillo-Arévalo, Myreya De-La-Cruz-Diaz, Maria de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario and Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales
In the academic field of business management, several potential theories were established during the last decades to explain companies' decisions, organizational behavior…
In the academic field of business management, several potential theories were established during the last decades to explain companies' decisions, organizational behavior, consumer patterns, and internationalization, among others. As a result, businesses and scholars were able to analyze and decide based on theoretical approaches to explain the current conditions of the market. Secondary research was conducted to collect more than 36 management theories. This chapter aims to develop the most famous theories related to business applied in the international field. The novelty of this chapter relies on the compilation of recognized previous research studies from the academic literature and evidence in international business.
Enrique Ogliastri, Carlos Pombo and Elvira Salgado
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the anniversary issue marking 30 years of academic publication.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the anniversary issue marking 30 years of academic publication.
This anniversary issue contains 12 articles from 11 countries and 17 academic institutions which present literature reviews, meta-analyses, and novel studies. It also contains testimonials about the history of the journal from Enrique Ogliastri (Editor and/or Director between 1998 and 2018), Elvira Salgado (Editor between 2002 and 2013), and Carlos Pombo (Chief Editor, 2013 to the present).
The history of the journal may be divided into five stages: first, the foundation at the Universidad de Chile (1988-1998); second, the move to the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá) and the preparation of a proposal to the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) for inclusion among the scientific journals of the world (1999-2004); third, a period of consolidation in Latin America (2004-2007); fourth, the acceptance of the journal in ISI and the development of an electronic platform with free access to the journal (2008-2013); and fifth, the entry of the Emerald group as editorial partner (2013-2018).
The 12 articles present literature reviews, meta-analyzes, and novel studies.
El propósito de este editorial es presentar el tema del aniversario.
Se publican doce artículos provenientes de once países y 17 instituciones académicas. Se presentan los testimonios de Enrique Ogliastri (editor y/o director entre 1998 y 2018), Elvira Salgado (Editora entre 2002 y 2013), y Carlos Pombo (jefe editorial 2013-2018).
Se publican doce artículos provenientes de once países y 17 instituciones académicas. Se presentan los testimonios de Enrique Ogliastri (editor y/o director entre 1998 y 2018), Elvira Salgado (Editora entre 2002 y 2013), y Carlos Pombo (jefe editorial 2013-2018). La historia de la revista de CLADEA se podría dividir en cinco etapas: la fundación en la Universidad de Chile (1988-1998); pasó a cargo de la Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá), un período de puesta a punto para presentar al Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) la solicitud de ser analizada e incluida entre las revistas científicas del mundo (1999-2004); el período de consolidación en América Latina (2004-2007); la aceptación en ISI y el desarrollo de una plataforma electrónica de acceso libre a la revista (2008-2013); y el ingreso del grupo Emerald como socio editorial (2013-2018).
Los 12 artículos presentan revisiones de literatura, metanálisis y estudios novedosos
Six research papers are published on this issue: three on finances, two regarding public administration and one on business economy. They come from six countries and ten…
Six research papers are published on this issue: three on finances, two regarding public administration and one on business economy. They come from six countries and ten universities. The first paper analyses the effect of a new platform for transactions in the Colombian stock exchange. The second studies the factors that influence the capital structure of the non‐financial companies that quote in the stock market of Lima. The third studies a sample of Brazilian coffee growers in order to determine the influence of attitudes and behaviours in their price risk management decisions. The fourth studies the relation between financial stress, decentralisation and outsourcing of public local services in Spain, by particularly taking into account the length of the financial stress, the effectiveness of the measures taken to attenuate it and the lapse between the crisis and an answer based on the portion of privatisation and decentralisation of the public services. The fifth explores the Chilean small and medium businesses determinants that from their beginnings are orientated towards the global international market. Lastly, the concepts of marketing services and higher education are used to analyse the evaluations of professors given by Mexican university students. The journal is shifting towards a new electronic platform. It will begin to be trimestral in the year 2015 and will continue to broaden its net of Associate Editors.
En este número publicamos seis artículos de investigación: tres en finanzas, dos en administración pública, y uno en economía de negocios, provenientes de seis países y diez universidades. El primer artículo analiza el efecto de una nueva plataforma para las transacciones en la bolsa de valores de Colombia. El segundo, estudia los factores que influyen en la estructura de capital de las empresas no financieras que cotizan en el mercado de valores de Lima. El tercero, estudia una muestra de cultivadores de café brasileños para determinar la influencia de las actitudes y comportamientos en sus decisiones de gestión del riesgo del precio. El cuarto, estudia la relación entre estrés financiero, descentralización y contratación externa de servicios públicos locales en España, particularmente al enfocarse en la consideración de la duración del estrés financiero, la efectividad de las medidas tomadas para atenuarlo, y el lapso entre la crisis y una respuesta basada en la opción de privatización y descentralización de servicios públicos. El quinto explora los determinantes de que las pequeñas y medianas empresas chilenas desde el principio estén orientadas al mercado global internacional. Finalmente, se utilizan conceptos del mercadeo de servicios y la educación superior para el análisis de las evaluaciones de los profesores por parte de los estudiantes universitarios mexicanos. La revista está migrando a una nueva plataforma electrónica, pasará a ser trimestral en el año 2015 y se continúa ampliando la red de Editores Asociados.