Seenaiah Kale and Badri Narayan Rath
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether innovation plays a significant role in the total factor productivity (TFP) growth in India at an aggregate level.
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether innovation plays a significant role in the total factor productivity (TFP) growth in India at an aggregate level.
This study first estimates the TFP growth using a growth accounting framework. In the second stage, the authors examine the long-run and short-run impact of innovation on TFP growth using the ARDL bound testing approach.
The results indicate a cointegrating relationship between innovation and TFP growth. Further, coefficients of long-run elasticity show that the increase in overall innovation activities improves the TFP growth. Other factors such as human capital, financial development and FDI do not affect the TFP growth in the long run; however, these variables significantly affect the productivity growth in the short run.
Practical implications
Findings of the study suggest that the innovation-friendly policies such as the strengthening of intellectual property rights, R&D subsidies and innovation rebates may spur the productivity growth, and hence, good growth and prosperity as well.
Having devoted a large volume of literature to address the sources of economic growth, the present study focuses on the determinants of TFP growth in India which may fall in similar category but differ in several angles: First, the authors construct a TFP index using a growth accounting framework. Second, the authors construct an innovation index using principal component analysis which is new to the literature and also an innovation index. Third, given the scanty innovation activities in low developed countries like India and its widening role in the contemporary literature, special emphasis will be given to this aspect. Finally, the effect of the examined relationship on TFP growth in the long run and short run provides several implications for policy purpose to the developing nations like India.