Samuel Elong, Paul Isolo Mukwaya and Caroline Aboda
This paper aims to respond to the need for “socially sustainable settlements for all” and the need for successful integration within the settlements through building strong social…
This paper aims to respond to the need for “socially sustainable settlements for all” and the need for successful integration within the settlements through building strong social constructs among the settlers.
Mixed methods were used in this study. A sample size of 332 households in Pagirinya Refugee Settlement was used. The settlement is divided into six blocks, each block is subdivided into clusters. Each cluster comprises of 100 households. Due to variations in the number of households in each settlement block, the authors used a proportional sampling approach to determine the number of respondent households in each settlement block. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. Chi-square and an interdependent multivariate statistical analysis were performed to establish the relationship between housing and social sustainability.
The study finds a significant relationship between housing and social sustainability when considered jointly on the variables of roofs of buildings and how often the refugee respondents meet with neighbours (p = 0.018) and when considered jointly on the variables of the width of access roads and how knowledgeable the refugee respondents are about their neighbours (p = 0.018). The study also finds a significant relationship between housing and social sustainability when considered jointly on the variables of the number of direct access roads to the households and the number of friends of the refugee respondents (p = 0.019).
With limited literature, this is a novel approach. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous studies focused on the specifics of a building and analysed its relationship with the social dynamics, especially in settlement studies.
The demand for stainless steels as journal materials coincides with the incorporation of these steels into designs where their inherent properties have been not only desirable…
The demand for stainless steels as journal materials coincides with the incorporation of these steels into designs where their inherent properties have been not only desirable but, in many cases, necessary for the purpose to which they are to be put.
The purpose of this chapter is to identify African financial management practices, highlight their origin and explain how they differ from their Western counterparts. The study…
The purpose of this chapter is to identify African financial management practices, highlight their origin and explain how they differ from their Western counterparts. The study identified indigenous African financial practices using literature review, archival sources and library research covering the five areas of Africa comprising Northern Africa, Eastern Africa, Central Africa Western Africa and Southern Africa. The study found out that pre-colonial indigenous African financial management features prevalent use of trade finance, trade credit management, investment management and accounting. While there is also evidence of modification of Western financial management practices to suit African contexts, it is on the whole scarce. This is suggestive of the fact that they were in existence in the first instance. The clear conclusion is that many indigenous African financial management practices pre-dated and foreshadowed their Western counterparts. Yet, it is confounding that this has been largely lost sight of, and both scholars and financial management practitioners depict the former as inferior. There is clearly a need to remedy this situation. Educators need to focus on incorporating ethno-finance concepts into the entire curricula chain from basic to higher education. The anchor point for such curricula is Ubuntu philosophy. Financial management practitioners, on their part, need to shed notions that the indigenous practices are inferior and seek to journalise their day-to-day work experiences to build a body of documented practice.
This paper advances the argument that misappropriation of public funds should be construed as illicit financial flows (IFFs) which, undoubtedly, have an adverse effect on the…
This paper advances the argument that misappropriation of public funds should be construed as illicit financial flows (IFFs) which, undoubtedly, have an adverse effect on the realisation of the right to development. Furthermore, by detailing the nature of IFFs, this paper aims to demystify the shallow understanding of what is IFF or what are IFFs and why misappropriation of public funds should be seen in that light.
This paper examines and interrogates the different judgements that have been delivered in cases tried and finalised by the special criminal court (SCC). With viewpoints that are backed by a theoretical understanding of Cameroonian criminal law in particular and criminal law in general, an analysis of the underlying intentions, motives and trajectories in the commission of misappropriation of public funds corroborate the view that the offence must be construed as IFFs. The data used in this paper are primary.
A few pertinent findings were made in the course of this research. Firstly, the offence of misappropriation of public funds and IFFs are not distinct, and any effort to limit the use of “funds” to finances will ultimately miss the point as property with financial value will definitely amount to funds. Secondly, through misappropriation of public funds/property, IFFs have been committed based on the trends and figures disclosed in the judgements of the SCC. Finally, the right to development requires resources and by stealing public funds, resources are deprived, thereby compromising the realisation of development and the right to development.
This paper examines the impact of IFFs on the right to development within the context of Cameroon. By diagnosing the definition of the crime of misappropriation of public property or funds, the paper argues that such an offence must be seen as IFFs given its nature, the motive and intention underlying its perpetration. By taking such perspectives, this paper not only adds to the literature thereon but further brings in new perspectives on those aspects of Cameroonian criminal law.