Achilles A. Armenakis, J. Don Flowers, Henry B. Burdg, Kimberly M. Kuerten, Sammy O. McCord and H. David Arnold
A nation′s capacity to compete in international markets isinfluenced by a number of factors including R&D expenditures,radical innovation, productivity, machine tool production…
A nation′s capacity to compete in international markets is influenced by a number of factors including R&D expenditures, radical innovation, productivity, machine tool production and patents. The United States′ declining capacity to dominate selected markets is related to reductions in these factors. Although one can argue that, in general, the managerial practices of business executives are responsible for that decline, a number of more specific causes are isolated. It is argued that the quickest solution to the competitiveness situation is through proactive business extension programmes.
This article describes the background to the What Works initiative launched by Barnardo's in the early 1990s, with a focus on the What Works for Children series of reports…
This article describes the background to the What Works initiative launched by Barnardo's in the early 1990s, with a focus on the What Works for Children series of reports published from 1995 onwards. The author describes the intellectual and social context of the initiative, the approach taken, and some of the barriers to and levers for the adoption of research in practice are identified. The article describes more briefly the ways in which those in the Research and Development (R&D) team at Barnardo's worked towards knowledge transfer, both inside and outside the organisation. The article concludes with reflections on the impact of Barnardo's initiatives, the journey still to be travelled to strengthen the knowledge base of those providing services to children in education, health and social work, and the need for further work both to strengthen the evidence base and to increase synergies between research, policy and practice.