IN RECENT YEARS, expenditure on university libraries has taken up a slowly increasing percentage of total recurrent grant of United Kingdom universities, although the trend is now…
IN RECENT YEARS, expenditure on university libraries has taken up a slowly increasing percentage of total recurrent grant of United Kingdom universities, although the trend is now temporarily reversed. The final table of the Department of Education and Science Statistics of education (Volume 6) indicates:
SINCE LEAVING NORWICH, where I had lived and worked for eight years, I have been interested to read Philip Hepworth's periodic bulletins in NLW, the latest being Defeat (NLW…
SINCE LEAVING NORWICH, where I had lived and worked for eight years, I have been interested to read Philip Hepworth's periodic bulletins in NLW, the latest being Defeat (NLW, January, pp 7–9). I have come to the conclusion that it must quickly have become a far wickeder and less hospitable place than I remember it. I don't recall the world of librarianship in that fine city being a battlefield, with winners and losers. Indeed, unless I am mistaken, PH was always quick to imply that county library services were very much second rate affairs, and am somewhat surprised that he subsequently became very keen to join one—not like him at all.
Yi Huang, Zhipeng Huang, Gang Xu and Yan Zhang
Grassland degradation is a global ecological issue that inevitably leads to low livestock production efficiency (LPE). Adoption of appropriate technology is an effective way to…
Grassland degradation is a global ecological issue that inevitably leads to low livestock production efficiency (LPE). Adoption of appropriate technology is an effective way to improve productivity. However, the rate of technology adoption among herders in less developed pastoral areas is low. Therefore, it is critical to improve the level of technology adoption in order to increase LPE.
Based on remote sensing data and survey datasets of herder households in China’s Qinghai–Xizang Plateau, this paper innovatively constructs a stochastic production frontier model incorporating grassland productivity (i.e. grassland total net primary productivity) to accurately evaluate LPE and uses fractional regression models to determine the impact of technology adoption on LPE.
The results show that grassland productivity is essential to estimating LPE, and failing to account for it will result in overestimation. Technology adopters have a technical advantage with respect to average LPE (0.596) when compared with non-adopters (0.540), and technology adoption positively contributes to LPE. Furthermore, compared with profit-seeking technology, pro-environmental technology contributes more to improving LPE, and the combined adoption of both technologies leads to a markedly greater enhancement in LPE.
Few studies have empirically analyzed the economic benefits of technologies that most smallholders can afford, and few measure LPE considering grassland productivity. This study fills these gaps, and the findings are highly relevant for policies aimed at encouraging technology adoption and facilitating more efficient livestock production.
Swagatika Sahoo, Arnab Mukherjee and Raju Halder
The rapid technological growth, changes in consumer demands, products’ built-in obsolescence, presence of more non-repairable parts, shorter lifespan, etc., lead to the generation…
The rapid technological growth, changes in consumer demands, products’ built-in obsolescence, presence of more non-repairable parts, shorter lifespan, etc., lead to the generation of e-waste at an unprecedented rate. Although a number of research proposals and business products to manage e-waste exist in the literature, they lack in many aspects such as incomplete coverage of product’s life cycle, access control, payment channels (in few cases), incentive mechanisms, scalability issues, and missing experimental validation. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a novel blockchain-based e-waste management system aiming to mitigate the above-mentioned downsides and limitations of the existing proposals.
This paper proposes a robust and reliable e-waste management system by leveraging the power of blockchain technology, which captures the complete life cycle of e-products commencing from their manufacturing as new products to their disposal as e-waste and their recycling back into raw materials.
While the use of blockchain technology increases accountability, transparency and trust in the system, the proposal overcomes various challenges and limitations of the existing systems by providing seamless interactions among various agencies.
This paper presents a prototype implementation of the system as a proof-of-concept using solidity on the Ethereum platform and this paper performs experimental evaluations to demonstrate its feasibility and effective performance in terms of execution gas cost and transaction throughput.
Shengliang Zhang, Yuan Chen, Xiaodong Li and Guowei Dou
The purpose of this study is to use role expectation theory to identify potential determinants of user voting avoidance on mobile social media.
The purpose of this study is to use role expectation theory to identify potential determinants of user voting avoidance on mobile social media.
Data were collected through a survey of 602 WeChat users, and the proposed model was analysed using structural equation modelling.
Results indicate that user voting avoidance was positively influenced by unfair competition, perceived inauthenticity, perceived information insecurity, over-consumption of renqing (a unique Chinese human relation) and organisation placement in the context of mobile social media.
This study illustrates mobile user voting avoidance from the perspective of role expectation theory and clarifies the importance of avoidance in current voting research.