Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing…
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing psychological data using the creation of a model base. Compares the created psychological equivalent to the adequate mathematical‐algorithmic multi‐apparatus descriptions. Presents the programme‐developed human memory model as a precondition for microelectronic realizations (robot technique, computers and other bionic‐cybernetical systems).
The probability coding and reconstruction of information in the block‐system “Coding and Reconstruction” are examined in respect of the proposed block‐system organization and…
The probability coding and reconstruction of information in the block‐system “Coding and Reconstruction” are examined in respect of the proposed block‐system organization and Instantaneous Human Memory. A definition is given of the capacity, the law of volume distribution and the capacity of buffer “sensual” registers.
The development of a method of human memory quantitative modelling is described. This consists of a “factor list” or verbal expert answers, which is realised by a Decision‐Making…
The development of a method of human memory quantitative modelling is described. This consists of a “factor list” or verbal expert answers, which is realised by a Decision‐Making System in Human Memory Modelling (DMSHMM). This comprises three subsystems: Information Securing (IS), Planning of Scientific Investigations (PSI) and Expert Estimation (EE). The way in which the different functions of the human memory work and interact are mathematically transcribed.
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing…
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing psychological data using the creation of a model base. Compares the created psychological equivalent with the adequate mathematical‐algorithmic multi‐apparatus descriptions. Presents the program‐developed human memory model as a precondition for micro‐electronic realizations (robot technique, computers and other bionic‐cybernetical systems).
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing…
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing psychological data using the creation of a model base. Compares the created psychological equivalent to the adequate mathematical‐algorithmic multi‐apparatus descriptions. Presents the programme‐developed human memory model as a precondition for microelectronic realizations (robot technique, computers and other bionic‐cybernetical systems).
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing…
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing psychological data using the creation of a model base. Compares the created psychological equivalent to the adequate mathematical‐algorithmic multi‐apparatus descriptions. Presents the programme‐developed human memory model as a precondition for micro‐electronic realizations (robot technique, computers and other bionic‐cybernetical systems).