Zuraidah Zainol, Rusliza Yahaya, Juliana Osman and Nor Asiah Omar
This study aims to determine the effect of health knowledge on nutrition-label use and attitude, and consequently on healthy food choice among Malaysian Muslim consumers.
This study aims to determine the effect of health knowledge on nutrition-label use and attitude, and consequently on healthy food choice among Malaysian Muslim consumers.
This study adopts the positivist, deductive and quantitative approach. A sample consisting of 257 Muslim consumers, at least 15 years old, were selected using systematic street-intercept sampling method. Data collected using a self-administered questionnaire were analysed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling (SEM).
The findings reveal the significant positive effect of health knowledge on nutrition-label use and attitude towards nutrition label, but only attitude towards nutrition label significantly predicts healthy food choice.
Research limitations/implications
Though the findings add to the existing literature, provide useful information on how nutrition label could guide the consumer to make healthier food choices and serve as a reference point that could stimulate and guide future researchers and other relevant parties, this study is limited by several factors that require replication in future research.
This research is perhaps one of the first attempts to consider the role of nutrition label as one of the ways to comply with the Tayyib principle.
Wan Adibah Wan Ismail, Raja Adzrin Raja Ahmad, Khairul Anuar Kamarudin and Rusliza Yahaya
This paper investigates twenty financial ratios to develop a local financial failures prediction model. The study covers the period of 1993‐2001. We used mean and comparison of…
This paper investigates twenty financial ratios to develop a local financial failures prediction model. The study covers the period of 1993‐2001. We used mean and comparison of difference to the data set of fiveyears before the failures to identify the most superlative ratios. From these ratios, we developed two prediction models by using a logistic regression. The results indicae that these models are excellent in predicting financial failures a year before failure. Both models are able to predict financial failure two years before the failures with more than 90 per cent accuracy rate. It is hoped that this study, which is conducted using a recent data can contribute towards existing literatures on corporate failure prediction.
Rusliza Yahaya and Fawzy Ebrahim
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between Bass’s (1985) leadership dimensions (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and several outcome…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between Bass’s (1985) leadership dimensions (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and several outcome variables (employee extra effort, employee satisfaction with leader, leadership effectiveness) and organizational commitment.
This is a systematic literature review.
This review briefly discusses the conceptual framework and the Full Range Leadership Model (Bass, 1985) which include transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and laissez-faire leadership. Also discussed in this section were the abilities and the characteristics of transformational leaders. The leadership section was concluded with discussion on previous researches on transformational leadership. This review also provides a literature review on organizational commitment.
Described in this paper are the various definitions of organizational commitment and the three-component model of commitment. This paper also described the antecedents and outcomes of organizational commitment obtained from previous researches. This paper concluded with a discussion on the impact of transformational leadership on employee organizational commitment.