Arkadiy Lukjanov, Marina Pushkareva, Zugura Rakhmatullina, Leisian Itkulova and Rufina Khanova
This paper aims to deal with the social ontology of ethnos with regard to the problem of “neutralization” of consciousness and the method of intuition.
This paper aims to deal with the social ontology of ethnos with regard to the problem of “neutralization” of consciousness and the method of intuition.
This paper relies on the observation that the epoch we live in has originated the ontology of ethnos as a “cracked subject” connected with the dissolution of “self”.
The results show that the ontology of ethnos by itself as the synthesis of natural, social and universal forces is undergoing the asymmetric synthesis of sensual individuation and the act of thinking. However, thinking as some “fold” of the existence correlates with the extended understanding of subjectivity as the dissolution of the historical consciousness.
This paper proposes that the new ontology of ethnos is eventually connected with the “flickering” subject, with the “flickering” of the historical thinking and with the “masks” of the historical subject itself.