Sarah Low, Kerryn Butler-Henderson, Rosie Nash and Kelly Abrams
The health information management (HIM) profession lacks clarity around leadership and leadership development. To date, little empirical research exists on this topic, and it is…
The health information management (HIM) profession lacks clarity around leadership and leadership development. To date, little empirical research exists on this topic, and it is unclear if broader approaches for healthcare leadership are suitable. This paper aims to explore which the leadership styles are relevant to the HIM profession. The findings were also used to inform a discussion on how HIM professionals could develop these leadership styles.
Through a systematic scoping literature review, deductive thematic analysis was undertaken to extrapolate common themes around this style of leadership based on transversal competency domains that reflect twenty-first century skills (i.e. critical thinking and innovation, interpersonal, intrapersonal and global citizenship) (Bernard, Watch and Ryan, 2016; UNESCO, 2015). This approach enabled the findings to be discussed from a leadership development perspective.
Analysis of the literature revealed that a relational leadership style through a team-based approach is required. Literature studies on how to develop leadership competencies were not found.
Research limitations/implications
Future policy and research implications include the need for research on transversal competencies to determine if they can shape HIM leadership development.
Practical implications
This leadership style and competencies proposed are relevant across many occupations and may have broader applications for leadership research, education and development.
This paper defines the style of leadership required in the HIM profession and identifies a succinct set of contemporary competencies to inform the development of this type of leadership.
Andrew Ridge, Gregory Peterson, Bastian Seidel and Rosie Nash
Psychosocial problems, including social isolation and loneliness, are prevalent in rural communities and can impact the use of health services and health outcomes. Current…
Psychosocial problems, including social isolation and loneliness, are prevalent in rural communities and can impact the use of health services and health outcomes. Current approaches to managing patients with predominantly psychosocial issues may not be the most appropriate. Social prescribing (SP) is a relatively new way of linking patients with sources of non-medical support within the community. Emerging literature suggests that community-based, non-medical activities are an effective and preferred approach to managing psychosocial problems. However, there is little evidence describing the attitudes of general practitioners (GPs) towards formal SP pathways.
This research will occur in a general practice in a rural area of Tasmania, Australia. The project will deliver an education module to rural GPs to highlight the benefits of SP and provide a streamlined pathway for referring patients to community support hubs. Existing community organisations will act as “link workers” to connect patients with suitable community activities. GPs will complete a baseline and follow-up survey to measure their perception of SP and the acceptability, feasibility and appropriateness of such an intervention.
The acceptability, feasibility and appropriateness of the pathway will be assessed using published measures. Free-text responses to open-ended questions will be used to complement the quantitative data. A hybrid effectiveness-implementation method will be used to gather information about the rate of uptake and quality of the SP referral process and identify barriers and facilitators of the process in a real-world setting.
Research limitations/implications
While qualitative data for SP programmes is predominantly positive, quantitative data is lacking. Although the planned project is relatively short, it will provide a basis for future SP programme implementation and guide the approach to data collection and implementation assessment.
Social implications
The barriers to and facilitators of introducing a SP programme in a rural general practice setting may be used to guide the development and implementation of future large-scale SP interventions. This research is both timely and relevant as the problem of social isolation and loneliness, especially in rural areas of Australia, is becoming more well-recognised as a driver of poor health and unnecessary health service usage.
Using SP to address psychosocial risks may reduce healthcare burden and costs. Few SP programmes have been delivered and formally assessed in Australia, and the best way to implement SP locally remains unclear. By delivering a SP intervention in a rural setting and assessing GPs’ responses, future SP projects will be better able to design and integrate social and medical care services.
Rosie Allen and Chathurika Kannangara
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the student mental health crisis in Higher Education (HE), and how resilience and grit, two important positive psychological…
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the student mental health crisis in Higher Education (HE), and how resilience and grit, two important positive psychological constructs, can be beneficial for university students’ success and wellbeing. As part of a discussion around some of the current approaches to intervening in wellbeing in universities, the chapter provides evidence for the use of PPIs for wellbeing in university students, alongside some of the challenges of implementing these in HE. It also provides an overview of the Thriving Students Framework and presents a case for a multicomponent approach to monitoring and improving educational success. In particular, a wellbeing framework that, alongside resilience, also recognises the importance of strengths, persistence in the face of difficulty, a growth mindset, self-control and mental wellbeing; Academic Tenacity. The implications of utilising this framework for educational attainment in university students are discussed. The Bolton Uni-Stride Scale (BUSS), a single short measure of academic tenacity that combines the attributes enabling measurement and intervention to support university students to thrive, is also presented for educators to use.
Cinthia Salinas and Brooke Blevins
In this qualitative case study, we examine pre-service teachers’ understandings’ of history as narrative. This analysis specifically explores the kinds of new historical…
In this qualitative case study, we examine pre-service teachers’ understandings’ of history as narrative. This analysis specifically explores the kinds of new historical narratives pre-service teachers create as a result of purposeful secondary social studies methods instruction that juxtaposes traditional narratives (e.g. individual achievement and motivation) and alternative narratives (e.g. those attentive to empathy and race, class, and gender) in an effort to help future teachers understand the nature of critical historical inquiry. In examining the understandings and initial efforts of young secondary social studies teachers, the study concludes that while troubling the traditional narrative is viable and likely event, the challenges of developing critical historical inquiry are clear and persistent.
The management of children′s literature is a search for value andsuitability. Effective policies in library and educational work arebased firmly on knowledge of materials, and on…
The management of children′s literature is a search for value and suitability. Effective policies in library and educational work are based firmly on knowledge of materials, and on the bibliographical and critical frame within which the materials appear and might best be selected. Boundaries, like those between quality and popular books, and between children′s and adult materials, present important challenges for selection, and implicit in this process are professional acumen and judgement. Yet also there are attitudes and systems of values, which can powerfully influence selection on grounds of morality and good taste. To guard against undue subjectivity, the knowledge frame should acknowledge the relevance of social and experiential context for all reading materials, how readers think as well as how they read, and what explicit and implicit agendas the authors have. The good professional takes all these factors on board.
Richard Cardinali and Zandralyn Gordon
The period commencing with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941) and ending with the completion of World War II had a great impact on women’s employment and sets…
The period commencing with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941) and ending with the completion of World War II had a great impact on women’s employment and sets the stage for the expression of woman power and its tremendous impact on women’s future horizon. It indeed widened the present and future horizons of women.
This chapter addresses the current state of librarian participation in the global lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ (LGBTQ+) Wikipedia engagement efforts and…
This chapter addresses the current state of librarian participation in the global lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ (LGBTQ+) Wikipedia engagement efforts and proposes an extended librarian advocacy to advance LGBTQ+ rights and concerns. The author provides a brief history of global LGBTQ+ Wikipedia engagement, librarian involvement in Wikipedia, and librarian participation in global LGBTQ+ Wikipedia initiatives. In the process, the author examines the underrepresentation and invisibility of librarians in global LGBTQ+ Wikipedia engagement efforts and Wikipedia initiatives in general, as well as the barriers that librarians face in becoming active Wikipedian librarians. Based on a review of the literature, the analysis of data gathered from Wikipedia, and the author’s own experiences as an LGBTQ+ Wikipedian librarian, the author recommends strategies for librarians to advocate for and include global LGBTQ+ Wikipedia engagement in their professional practice.
Despite being the standard against which all other offshore work sites are compared, the male-dominated work culture of the Gulf of Mexico has received little attention from…
Despite being the standard against which all other offshore work sites are compared, the male-dominated work culture of the Gulf of Mexico has received little attention from social scientists. Drawing on the literature on women and work in the United States, on women in the U.S. South, in the military, and in the oil field, and on interviews with hundreds of individuals this paper explores the roles of women in the development and maintenance of the offshore oil and gas industry in southern Louisiana.
DULLNESS can be the aftermath of conferences, but Scarborough may be an exception. Some of the heat engendered at the Annual Business Meeting has indeed already evaporated, but…
DULLNESS can be the aftermath of conferences, but Scarborough may be an exception. Some of the heat engendered at the Annual Business Meeting has indeed already evaporated, but its implications remain. They are these: that, while the examination system of the L.A. is to remain as it is for another two years, some revision is imperative; and the relations of the L.A. with the Association of Assistant Librarians must be so arranged that the latter can continue a distinctive existence. As for the examinations, resentment was felt not so much at the age‐limits, although these were the gravamen of the criticism against them, but against the undue severity of the Intermediate Examination, which, we are told, has delayed and impaired the careers of many quite capable young people. The severity, great as it seems in the two subjects, is increased by the requirement that both must be passed together. Only students exceptionally possessed of the examination faculty can do this, and we have the spectacle of several who have passed in each subject two or more times and yet have never been able to pass them together. The sanity of the requirement that they be passed together lies in the fact that it prevents cramming. Will anyone tell us the remedy?