It is unwise, though common practice, to base decisions on numerical values without knowing how they can be justified as correctly describing aspects of reality. Scientists have…
It is unwise, though common practice, to base decisions on numerical values without knowing how they can be justified as correctly describing aspects of reality. Scientists have great responsibility in this regard, especially in the social sciences where it is easy to provide an appearance of rigour through the use of numbers and mathematical apparatus. We must be prepared to justify any numbers we use by clarifying the relationship between a numerical variable and a “real thing”. The article defines fundamental, explicit, scientific measurements and how they may be used in a meaningful way. It then considers instruments, in particular pointer measurements, that simulate these fundamental measurements. It concludes with a look at the validity of the resulting information.
Constructive deviance has received increasing attention across the last 20 years. However, because the distinction between constructive and traditional forms of deviance (i.e.…
Constructive deviance has received increasing attention across the last 20 years. However, because the distinction between constructive and traditional forms of deviance (i.e., destructive) is based on the intent behind the behaviors, it can be difficult to determine which acts are constructive. As an umbrella construct consisting of several forms of deviant acts (e.g., whistle-blowing, employee voice, necessary evils), research into constructive deviance has largely remained focused on the individual behaviors to date. While advancements have been made, this focus has limited the consideration of an overarching understanding of constructive deviance in the workplace. Further, constructs like constructive deviance that straddle the bounds between beneficial and detrimental necessitate the exploration into their antecedents as determined by the employees (i.e., apples), their environments (e.g., barrels), or some combination of the two. The author seeks to advance the research in constructive deviance by proposing a testable model. In which, the author develops an interactionist perspective of the antecedents to reposition constructive deviance as the acts of good employees in restrictive or negative environments. In doing so, the author considers how various aspects of individuals, their organizational environments, and the influence of their leaders interact. The author then develops a multi-stakeholder approach to the outcomes of constructive deviance to consider how the various parties (i.e., organization, coworkers, customers) are expected to respond and how these responses impact the more distal outcomes as well as the likelihood of engaging in future constructive deviance.
WHEN technological change began to make a serious impact upon manufacturing industry widespread fears were expressed about the volume of unemployment that would follow. In the…
WHEN technological change began to make a serious impact upon manufacturing industry widespread fears were expressed about the volume of unemployment that would follow. In the succeeding years those fears have not been realized, but that does not mean that workers and their jobs have remained unaffected.
Summarizes the basic structure of a general multi‐stage salesforce model, and presents experiences in implementing that framework. Discusses the benefits of the use of such a…
Summarizes the basic structure of a general multi‐stage salesforce model, and presents experiences in implementing that framework. Discusses the benefits of the use of such a model, and concludes that the key to success for a small company to be based on using subjective estimates of the needs of a firm in the absence of hard data and on operational involvement of decision makers.
The Minister of Technology, Mr Anthony Wedgwood Bonn, in agreement with the Secretary of State for Defence, has appointed Air Commodore J. S. Mason as Director of Aircraft…
The Minister of Technology, Mr Anthony Wedgwood Bonn, in agreement with the Secretary of State for Defence, has appointed Air Commodore J. S. Mason as Director of Aircraft Production, Ministry of Technology, with effect from 29th July 1968.
Joshua Doane, Judy A. Lane and Michael J. Pisani
Volume 25 celebrates the 25th year of publication for the American Journal of Business (AJB). Launched by eight MAC schools of business in March 1986, the Journal has featured…
Volume 25 celebrates the 25th year of publication for the American Journal of Business (AJB). Launched by eight MAC schools of business in March 1986, the Journal has featured more than 700 authors who have contributed more than 330 research articles at the intersection of theory and practice. From accounting to marketing, management to finance, the Journal prominently covers the breadth of the business disciplines as a general business outlet intended for both practitioners and academics. As the Journal reaches out beyond the MAC in sponsorship, authorship, and readership, we assess the Journal’s first quarter century of impact.
The scientific basis of MAFF′s policy on the chemical safety offood is described. Examples are provided of the independent advisorycommittee structure which depends on scientific…
The scientific basis of MAFF′s policy on the chemical safety of food is described. Examples are provided of the independent advisory committee structure which depends on scientific information and advice in formulating proposals to Government. This science takes the form of pre‐market evaluations of chemical products such as food additives, pesticides and veterinary products and subsequently extends to the monitoring of their presence in the diet as part of a wide‐ranging surveillance programme of the UK′s food supply for food additives, nutrients and contaminants.
INTRODUCTION A large number of variables influence the approach of the marketing function to the problem of selling, including the state of technology, the economic environment…
INTRODUCTION A large number of variables influence the approach of the marketing function to the problem of selling, including the state of technology, the economic environment, the social structure, the climate of the age (political, institutional, religious and educational), available communication media, skills which managers apply and so on. Yet personal selling is by far the major promotional method used to increase profitable sales by offering want satisfactions to markets and customers.