Total quality management (TQM) has been suggested as a means of coping with turbulent change. The strong and simple central focus allows an internal war to be waged on complacency…
Total quality management (TQM) has been suggested as a means of coping with turbulent change. The strong and simple central focus allows an internal war to be waged on complacency that prepares an organisation for strong external competition. However, a desire to introduce and practise TQM is not sufficient for success. Highlights the main features of a TQM programme, and the critical success factors. In particular, stresses the importance of matching words with actions ‐ completely and continually. This is vital since a failing TQM programme cannot be resurrected.
Identifies Unix as the third wave of computer systems and one whichis already on the horizon and rapidly approaching. Outlines the historyof the development of Unix; the reasons…
Identifies Unix as the third wave of computer systems and one which is already on the horizon and rapidly approaching. Outlines the history of the development of Unix; the reasons why, to date, the Unix system has failed as an effective competitor in the marketplace; and what is being done to resolve its past limitations. Concludes that, following major moves which have taken place in the Unix world in the last two to three years and the resultant improvements in flexibility and standardization, Unix will become an important part of the technology and business world – perhaps today, certainly tomorrow.
There are now many tools to assist in developing increased overallquality and supporting total quality management. These management toolsare now recognized as valuable – often…
There are now many tools to assist in developing increased overall quality and supporting total quality management. These management tools are now recognized as valuable – often essential. Other tools which are now being integrated include quality function deployment (QFD), Hoshin Planning, and design of experiments (DOE). The key to product improvement and customer satisfaction lies in problem solving with facts. These management tools are essential to support these goals.
Explores the prevailing system of management in the West, which hasdiscouraged individual initiative. The results are decreased innovationand a reduction in applied technology. To…
Explores the prevailing system of management in the West, which has discouraged individual initiative. The results are decreased innovation and a reduction in applied technology. To restore motivation, innovation and joy in work and learning, a transformation of management is essential. This transformation requires application of a system of profound knowledge and an understanding of processes and statistics. Areas of understanding include: system optimization, blending statistical analysis with human empowerment, and the practical use of theoretical knowledge. Additionally, transformation requires that management must comprehend human behaviour, cultural forces, motivational techniques and the process of change. The transformation is based on the theory of Dr W. Edwards Deming.
Discusses how in today’s dynamic world of paradigms, quality and TQM,attempts are made to understand organizational behaviour. Discusses thetraditional 2D model of quality versus…
Discusses how in today’s dynamic world of paradigms, quality and TQM, attempts are made to understand organizational behaviour. Discusses the traditional 2D model of quality versus people and proposes that it is in fact a multifaceted model. Proposes that a 3D model exists for a static condition formed by adding the dimension “quality”, which could be substituted by other multidimensional models to include commitment, attitude, etc. Concludes that this refined model allows a more complete and effective understanding of leadership behaviour.
Data processing has undergone evolutionary changes in the past 30 years.Processing with a database management system offers a number ofadvantages. Presents the basics of today′s…
Data processing has undergone evolutionary changes in the past 30 years. Processing with a database management system offers a number of advantages. Presents the basics of today′s dynamic database management systems. Reviews the relevant professional magazines and concludes that systems now are more user‐friendly.
The hope that profitability can be increased or maximized withautomation has been the driving force for computer integratedmanufacturing (CIM). The CIM concept is a combination of…
The hope that profitability can be increased or maximized with automation has been the driving force for computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). The CIM concept is a combination of all production‐related activities to be completely integrated by means of computer‐supported systems. Provides an overview of the various objectives and uses of CIM in manufacturing industry.
Questions whether total quality management is another fad or isfundamental to success. Shows it is not a panacea for the“ills” of a business and does not provide the “magicpill”…
Questions whether total quality management is another fad or is fundamental to success. Shows it is not a panacea for the “ills” of a business and does not provide the “magic pill” that will turn an ailing company into a market leader. Maintains that without free flow of information, co‐operation and co‐ordination effort, many obstacles will be encountered.
Greenwood Electronics Makers of the Oryx range of soldering tools and equipment, Greenwood Electronics have recently appointed John Polden as Managing Director. Formerly General…
Greenwood Electronics Makers of the Oryx range of soldering tools and equipment, Greenwood Electronics have recently appointed John Polden as Managing Director. Formerly General Manager of the Microelectronics Division of Welwyn Electronics, Mr Polden is a qualified electronics engineer and has worked in electronics design with the Ministry of Defence. Prior to his eight years with Welwyn, he obtained a Master's degree in business studies at the London Business School.