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Publication date: 28 August 2020

Suyen Alonso-Ubieta, Ronald Mora-Esquivel and Juan Carlos Leiva

Building on the resource-based view theory, this paper aims to evaluate the role of innovation on competitiveness and competitive efficiency among Costa Rican small and…



Building on the resource-based view theory, this paper aims to evaluate the role of innovation on competitiveness and competitive efficiency among Costa Rican small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).


The study uses a sample of 231 Costa Rican small and medium-size firms for 2019. The authors compute a competitiveness index that includes four pillars: innovation, strategy, markets and human capital. To estimate competitive efficiency, the authors use a non-parametric model, namely, data envelopment analysis, with a single constant input.


The results confirm that competitive and efficient SMEs present a more homogenous distribution of resources and capabilities. The innovation pillar is positively correlated with competitive efficiency. A positive correlation exists between market experience (business age) and innovation and between innovation and business size in terms of the number of employees.

Practical implications

The study contributes to the understanding on how SME managers’ decision-making processes affect resource allocation within the business, and on how SMEs can introduce strategic actions based on improvements of those resources that will likely have a greater impact on competitive efficiency.


This study contributes to better grasping how the configuration of resources and capabilities, in which innovation plays a decisive role, and contributes to shape the competitive efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses in a developing economy.


Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal , vol. 31 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1059-5422


Open Access
Publication date: 3 July 2017

Tomás Vargas-Halabí, Ronald Mora-Esquivel and Berman Siles

Few models have attempted to explain intrapreneurial behavior from the perspective of competencies. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to contribute along this line by…




Few models have attempted to explain intrapreneurial behavior from the perspective of competencies. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to contribute along this line by developing and validating a scale to measure intrapreneurial competencies for a Costa Rican organizational context.


A three stage process was followed. The first stage considered literature review, expert judgment, cognitive interviews, and back-translation. In the second stage, the questionnaire was administered to a sample of 543 university professionals who worked mainly in private organizations in Costa Rica. The third stage led to evaluate of the proposed scale’s psychometric properties, including, exploratory factor analysis procedure performing by SPSS 19; confirmatory factor analysis procedures by means of structural equation modeling using EQS 6.2 version and finally, a linear regression model to obtain evidence of external criterion-related validity, performed by SPSS 19.


This study provides evidence of five sub-dimensions of employee attributes, i.e., “opportunity promoter”, “proactivity”, “flexibility”, “drive”, and “risk taking” that constitute a higher-level construct called intrapreneurial competencies. The scale provided evidence of convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity – the latter, using an employee innovative behavior scale.


The model offers a first step to continue studies that aim at developing a robust model of intrapreneurial competencies. This potential predictive capacity of an instrument of this nature would be useful for the business sector, particularly as a diagnostic instrument to strengthen processes of staff development in areas that promote the development of innovation and the creation of new businesses for the company.


European Journal of Management and Business Economics, vol. 26 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2444-8451


Publication date: 25 May 2021

Juan Carlos Leiva, Ronald Mora-Esquivel, Catherine Krauss-Delorme, Adriana Bonomo-Odizzio and Martín Solís-Salazar

This paper analyses how contextual factors at universities (entrepreneurship education and program learning) and cognitive variables (perceived behavioral control, implementation…



This paper analyses how contextual factors at universities (entrepreneurship education and program learning) and cognitive variables (perceived behavioral control, implementation intentions, and attitude) influence entrepreneurial intentions among Latin American university students.


The empirical analysis employs a multilevel (hierarchical) linear model with a sample size of 9012 university students taken in 2018 from nine Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Panamá, and Uruguay.


Overall, the university context and cognitive variables contribute to explaining entrepreneurial intentions in university students. Whereas program learning constitutes a variable that directly and indirectly explains entrepreneurial intentions among university students, attending entrepreneurship courses negatively influences their entrepreneurial intentions.


A central premise of this study is that the entrepreneurial process in university students is a multilevel phenomenon, given that university context and cognitive variables are key factors in entrepreneurial intentions. The findings support this premise and contribute to the existing literature on entrepreneurship in emerging economies. Nevertheless, the results reveal a more nuanced picture regarding the role of university context on the entrepreneurial intentions of students.


Este artículo analiza cómo las variables del contexto universitario (educación emprendedora y aprendizaje adquirido) y las variables cognitivas (control de conducta percibido, intenciones de implementación y actitud) influyen en la intención emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios latinoamericanos.


El análisis empírico es por medio de un modelo lineal multinivel (jerárquico) con una muestra de 9012 estudiantes universitarios de nueve países latinoamericanos, a saber: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Panamá, y Uruguay.


En general, el contexto universitario y las variables cognitivas contribuyen a explicar la intención empresarial de los estudiantes universitarios. Mientras que el aprendizaje adquirido (program learning) constituye una variable que explica la intención emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios directa e indirectamente, matricular cursos de emprendimiento influye negativamente en su intención emprendedora.


Una premisa central en este estudio es que el proceso emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios es un fenómeno multinivel, resultando el contexto universitario y las variables cognitivas factores clave para explicar la intención emprendedora. Nuestros resultados apoyan esta premisa y contribuyen a la literatura sobre emprendimiento en países emergentes. No obstante, nuestros resultados revelan una imagen más matizada del papel del contexto universitario en la intención empresarial de los estudiantes universitarios.

Publication date: 7 December 2022

Ana Gabriela Víquez-Paniagua, Juan Carlos Leiva and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

The aim of this study is to examine the influence of locus of control, the university environment and the social environment on the entrepreneurial attitude of female Latin…



The aim of this study is to examine the influence of locus of control, the university environment and the social environment on the entrepreneurial attitude of female Latin American university students.


The study applies a quan–qual design. The quan section analyzes the data of 10,781 female university students from 11 Latin American countries included in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students Survey 2018. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was applied. The qual section applies in-depth interviews for sequential methodological triangulation analysis.


The evidence indicates that locus of control, the university environment and the social environment positively impact the entrepreneurial attitude of female Latin American university students. The most influential factor was locus of control.


This empirical study focuses on female university students and their propensity for business venturing and determines the main influences on their entrepreneurial attitudes.


Este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la influencia del locus de control, el entorno universitario y el entorno social en la actitud emprendedora de las estudiantes universitarias latinoamericanas.


El estudio aplica un diseño quan–qual. La sección quan analiza los datos de 10.781 estudiantes universitarias latinoamericanas de once países, incluidas en la Encuesta Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students Survey 2018. Se aplicó un análisis de regresión jerárquica múltiple. La sección cualitativa aplica entrevistas en profundidad para un análisis de triangulación metodológica secuencial.


La evidencia indica que el locus de control, el entorno universitario y el entorno social impactan positivamente en la actitud emprendedora de las estudiantes universitarias latinoamericanas. El factor más influyente fue el locus de control.


Este estudio empírico se centra en las estudiantes universitarias y su propensión a emprender y determina las principales influencias de su actitud emprendedora.


Este estudo tem como objetivo examinar a influência do locus de controle, ambiente universitário e ambiente social na atitude empreendedora de estudantes universitárias latino-americanas.


O estudo aplica um desenho Quan-qual. A seção Quan analisa os dados de 10.781 universitárias latino-americanas de onze países, incluídas na Pesquisa GUESSS, 2018. Foi aplicada uma análise de regressão múltipla hierárquica. A seção qual aplica entrevistas em profundidade para uma análise de triangulação metodológica sequencial.


As evidências indicam que o locus de controle, o ambiente universitário e o ambiente social impactam positivamente a atitude empreendedora das universitárias latino-americanas. O fator mais influente foi um locus de controle.


Este estudo empírico centra-se nas estudantes universitárias e na sua propensão para um empreendimento empresarial e determina as principais influências da sua atitude empreendedora.

Publication date: 18 November 2024

Germán Rojas-Cabezas, Ronald Mora-Esquivel, Nicolas Márquez, Susana Chacón-Espejo, Victor Nocetti-Núñez and Juan Carlos Leiva

This study examines the relationships between green management, perceived barriers to sustainability and innovation performance in Latin American SMEs and how formal and informal…




This study examines the relationships between green management, perceived barriers to sustainability and innovation performance in Latin American SMEs and how formal and informal institutional factors influence these relationships.


The study used a dataset collected by Iberoamerican small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Observatory in 2022 and included 15 country-specific indicators for Latin American countries published in international data sources to address the formal and informal institutional contexts. Accordingly, the final sample comprises 11,319 SME observations from 16 countries. The analysis involved three phases. First, an R-Type Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Second, a cluster analysis. Third, a testing of the mediation theoretical model between the groups identified in the second study. To this purpose, the analysis included a multigroup analysis for covariance structure by three-stage procedures conducting structural equation modeling (SEM).


The results revealed that both formal institutions (such as government policies and regulations) and informal institutions (such as social norms and cultural values) have a positive impact of green management practices on innovative outcomes in SMEs. However, the magnitude of this impact varies depending on the level of country-specific performance of the context. Additionally, the perceived barriers to sustainability do not play an intermediary role in this relationship within both institutional contexts. However, the effect of perceived barriers to sustainability on SMEs' innovation performance is diminished in the informal institutional context.


These conclusions provide valuable insights for policymakers seeking to promote sustainable development in Latin America, highlighting the importance of institutional support in fostering SMEs' adoption of ecological practices.


Este estudio examina la relación entre la gestión verde, las barreras percibidas a la sostenibilidad y el rendimiento de la innovación en las PYME latinoamericanas y cómo los factores institucionales formales e informales influyen en esta relación.


El estudio utilizó un conjunto de datos recogidos por el Observatorio Iberoamericano de la PYME y se incluyó 15 indicadores de desempeño de países de América Latina publicados en fuentes de datos internacionales para abordar los contextos institucionales formales e informales. Por consiguiente, la muestra de datos final del estudio lo conforman 11,319 observaciones de Pymes de 16 países. El análisis incluyó tres fases. En primer lugar, un análisis factorial exploratorio. Segundo un análisis de conglomerados o clústeres. En tercer lugar, una prueba del modelo teórico de mediación entre los grupos identificados en el segundo estudio. Para ello, el análisis incluyó un análisis multigrupo para la estructura de covarianza mediante un procedimiento de tres etapas por medio de un modelado de ecuaciones estructurales.


Los resultados revelaron que tanto en las instituciones formales (como las políticas y normativas gubernamentales) como en las informales (como las normas sociales y los valores culturales) las prácticas de gestión verde influyen positivamente en desempeño innovador. Sin embargo, la magnitud de este impacto varía según el nivel de desempeño del contexto de estos países. Además, el estudio mostró que las barreras percibidas a la sostenibilidad no tienen un papel de mediación en esta relación, en ambos contextos institucionales. Finalmente, se observó que el efecto de las barreras percibidas a la sostenibilidad sobre el desempeño innovador disminuye en el contexto institucional informal.


El trabajo aporta valiosas ideas para los responsables políticos que buscan promover el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina, destacando la importancia del apoyo institucional para fomentar la adopción de prácticas verdes por parte de las pymes.

Publication date: 6 September 2024

Juan Carlos Carlos Leiva, Diana Escandón-Barbosa, Jorge Moreno-Gómez and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

This study aims to explore the impact of different contextual factors and their interactions on university students' entrepreneurship, specifically start-up activities.



This study aims to explore the impact of different contextual factors and their interactions on university students' entrepreneurship, specifically start-up activities.


The paper used a multilevel hierarchical model with four contextual factors: i) industry and technological, ii) institutional and policy, iii) organizational-university; and iv) cultural. Each of these factors might influence university students’ start-up activities differently. To address this exploratory direction, the study used a sample of 34,200 nascent entrepreneurs from 34 countries included in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit students’ Survey, along with data from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index, Global Entrepreneurship Index and Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Index.


The results show that, in general terms, contextual elements impact university students’ start-up activities. Nevertheless, when these factors are combined, their effect increases strongly with the performance-based culture but decreases with a high level of a socially supportive culture.


Regarding the study of university students’ start-up activities, most scientific evidence has an individual-level approach without considering the influence of the context. The paper adopts a multilevel approach for such analysis to reflect the multilevel and context-dependent nature of the topic under study.


Este estudio explora el impacto de diferentes factores contextuales y sus interacciones en el espíritu empresarial de los estudiantes universitarios, concretamente en las actividades de puesta en marcha.


El trabajo emplea un modelo jerárquico multinivel con cuatro factores contextuales: i) industriales y tecnológicos, ii) institucionales y políticos, iii) organizativos-universitarios; y iv) culturales. Cada uno de estos factores podría influir de forma diferente en las actividades de puesta en marcha de los estudiantes universitarios. Bajo un enfoque exploratorio, el estudio utilizó una muestra de 34.200 emprendedores nacientes de 34 países incluidos en la Encuesta Global de Estudiantes Universitarios con Espíritu Emprendedor (GUESSS por sus siglas en inglés), junto con datos del Índice de Competitividad Global (GCI), el Índice de Espíritu Emprendedor Global (GEI) y el Índice Global de Liderazgo y Eficacia del Comportamiento Organizacional (GLOBE).


Los resultados muestran que, en términos generales, los elementos contextuales influyen en las actividades de creación de empresas de los estudiantes universitarios. Sin embargo, cuando se combinan estos factores, su efecto aumenta considerablemente en países con una cultura basada en el rendimiento, pero disminuye en las de un alto nivel de apoyo social.


En lo que respecta al estudio de las actividades de creación de empresas de los estudiantes universitarios, la mayoría de las pruebas científicas tienen un enfoque a nivel individual sin tener en cuenta la influencia del contexto. Nuestro trabajo adopta un enfoque multinivel para dicho análisis con el fin de reflejar la naturaleza multinivel y dependiente del contexto del tema estudiado.


Este estudo explora o impacto de diferentes fatores contextuais e suas interações no empreendedorismo dos estudantes universitários, especificamente nas atividades de start-up.


O artigo utilizou um modelo hierárquico multinível com quatro fatores contextuais: i) industrial e tecnológico, ii) institucional e político, iii) organizacional-universitário, e iv) cultural. Cada um desses fatores pode influenciar de maneira diferente as atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários. Para abordar essa direção exploratória, o estudo utilizou uma amostra de 34.200 empreendedores de 34 países incluídos na Pesquisa Global sobre o Espírito Empreendedor dos Estudantes Universitários (GUESSS), juntamente com dados do Índice de Competitividade Global (GCI) do Fórum Econômico Mundial, do Índice Global de Empreendedorismo (GEI) e do Índice de Liderança Global e Eficácia Organizacional (GLOBE).


Os resultados mostraram que, em termos gerais, elementos contextuais impactam as atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários. No entanto, quando esses fatores são combinados, seu efeito aumenta fortemente com a cultura baseada em desempenho, mas diminui com um alto nível de cultura socialmente solidária.


No que diz respeito ao estudo das atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários, a maioria das evidências científicas tem uma abordagem em nível individual sem considerar a influência do contexto. Nosso artigo adota uma abordagem multinível para tal análise, a fim de refletir a natureza multinível e dependente do contexto do tema em estudo.

Open Access
Publication date: 5 April 2024

Allan Pérez-Orozco, Juan Carlos Leiva and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

This study explores the mediating role of marketing management in the relationship between online presence and product innovation among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).




This study explores the mediating role of marketing management in the relationship between online presence and product innovation among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).


The sample comprises 205 Costa Rican SMEs collected by the Global Competitiveness Project during the first half of 2019. The data were analyzed using a two-stage modeling strategy for ordinary regression models to analyze mediation effects.


Marketing management as a strategic resource or capability accounts for the relationship between online presence and product innovation performance in SMEs, meaning that online presence resources require complementary organizational capabilities in marketing management to enhance product innovation.


This study, grounded in the resource-based view theory, contributes to the innovation field by identifying marketing management capabilities as an intermediate strategic interaction between online presence and product innovation performance in SMEs. Thus, managers should recognize the advantages of integrating marketing management principles and tactics into online presence tools to realize the value of their products by tailoring them to their client’s needs.


Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, vol. 29 no. 58
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2077-1886


Publication date: 23 May 2019

Esteban Lafuente, Angela Solano, Juan Carlos Leiva and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between organisational learning capabilities (OLCs) and innovation performance (IP) in organisational contexts where…



The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between organisational learning capabilities (OLCs) and innovation performance (IP) in organisational contexts where knowledge creation and exploitation are the business’ main source of competitive advantage.


The study hypotheses are tested on a unique sample of 74 high-performance businesses operating in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) industries and non-knowledge intensive sectors in 2016. The study employs a sequential deductive triangulation analysis (QUAN → qual) based on linear regression models and qualitative interviews.


The results indicate that OLCs positively impact IP. Additionally, the findings reveal that this relationship is stronger in organisations where knowledge creation and exploitation constitute the main source of competitive advantage, namely, KIBS firms.

Research limitations/implications

This paper offers insights into how the innovation outcomes of OLCs are heterogeneous across industries. This study contributes to a better understanding of the conditions under which the effects of developing learning-enhancing strategies occur in businesses operating in different industries.

Practical implications

Both knowledge generation and exploitation processes are critical for business success, and OLCs play a decisive role in this process. In this sense, the results suggest that managers need to turn their attention to the characteristics of business operations when considering the development of strategies aimed at enhancing OLCs.


The paper further explores the influence of OLCs on IP by analysing how organisational learning strategies interact with relevant organisational characteristics – that are linked here to the exploitation of knowledge-based resources – to yield superior IP.


Este trabajo analiza la relación entre capacidades de aprendizaje organizativo y desempeño innovador en contextos organizacionales donde tanto la creación como la explotación de conocimiento constituyen la principal fuente de ventaja competitiva de las empresas.


Para la verificación empírica de las hipótesis planteadas en este trabajo se emplea una base de datos del 2016 que incluye información de 74 empresas ‘gacela’ que operan en sectores de servicios intensivos en conocimiento (KIBS) y en industrias no intensivas en conocimiento. El estudio utiliza un análisis de triangulación secuencial deductiva (QUAN → qual) basado en modelos de regresión lineal y entrevistas en profundidad de corte cualitativo.


Los resultados indican que las capacidades de aprendizaje organizativo impactan positivamente el desempeño innovador. Además, los resultados revelan que esta relación es más pronunciada en empresas – empresas KIBS – donde la creación y la explotación de conocimiento son la principal fuente de ventaja competitiva.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

Este trabajo ofrece resultados sobre la heterogeneidad de los rendimientos de las capacidades de aprendizaje organizativo, en términos de innovación. Además, este estudio contribuye a un mejor entendimiento de las condiciones bajo las cuales la implantación de estrategias orientadas a mejorar el aprendizaje organizacional se materializa en un mayor desempeño innovador en empresas que operan en distintos sectores económicos.

Implicaciones prácticas

Tanto la creación como la explotación de conocimiento son procesos clave para el éxito empresarial, y las capacidades de aprendizaje organizativo juegan un papel fundamental en este proceso. En este sentido, los resultados del estudio sugieren que los directores y gestores de empresas deben tener en consideración las características de los procesos operativos de sus empresas a la hora de diseñar e implementar estrategias que buscan mejorar las capacidades de aprendizaje organizativo al interior de la empresa.


Este trabajo investiga en profundidad el efecto de las capacidades de aprendizaje organizativo sobre el desempeño innovador mediante un análisis que busca explicar cómo las estrategias de aprendizaje organizativo interactúan con importantes características de la empresa – las cuales asociamos a la explotación de recursos basados en conocimiento – para generar mayores niveles de desempeño innovador dentro de la empresa.

Publication date: 5 May 2021

Esteban Lafuente, Suyen Alonso-Ubieta, Juan Carlos Leiva and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

This study evaluates the relationship between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and business competitiveness in four different contexts (i.e. France, Spain, Hungary and Costa Rica).



This study evaluates the relationship between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and business competitiveness in four different contexts (i.e. France, Spain, Hungary and Costa Rica).


The study uses a sample of 348 manufacturing and knowledge-intensive business service firms operating in four countries with different entrepreneurial ecosystems (France, Spain, Costa Rica and Hungary) for 2019. Firm competitiveness is computed via the “benefit-of-the-doubt” (BOD) method, and a multilevel model is employed to assess the connection between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and firm competitiveness.


The results of the multilevel model indicate that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is related to firm competitiveness, while the BOD results suggest that firms operating in settings with a more consolidated entrepreneurial ecosystem are better able to realize the outcomes of strategic choices linked to the exploitation of key resources and capabilities. Country-specific results suggest that “human capital” is the most relevant competitive pillar prioritized by all sampled businesses.


The proposed analysis of the connection between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and business competitiveness in different contexts contributes to the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem frame by offering insights into how the properties of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (i.e. interactions among individuals, organizations and institutions) can produce economically meaningful effects on business performance.


International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 27 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-2554


Publication date: 15 April 2019

Martín Solís and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

This study aims to develop and validate a scale to measure innovative culture in work teams of the public sector (ICT).



This study aims to develop and validate a scale to measure innovative culture in work teams of the public sector (ICT).


A mixed research design was followed. An initial literature review and a qualitative study identify the possible dimensions that give content to the construct of the innovative culture. Subsequently, two quantitative studies are carried out to explore the measurement scale and provide evidence of its reliability and validity.


The results show that the ICT construct is composed of ten dimensions and likewise, exhibit internal consistency and evidence of validity.


This study attempts to provide an additional contribution to the conceptualization and measurement of innovative culture, through the development of a scale that consolidates the different dimensions proposed by the authors. Besides, the scale developed is the only one, as far as we know, that has been created to evaluate innovative culture in work teams.


International Journal of Innovation Science, vol. 11 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-2223


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