Brian Griffin, Anthony Olden, Winifred D Abbott, Ronald K Cook, Norman Tomlinson and Don Revill
I RECKLESSLY ordered a brown ale, while my friend the Famous SF Author satisfied himself with an orange juice and his pipe: he's had to cut down on the drink, on doctor's orders…
I RECKLESSLY ordered a brown ale, while my friend the Famous SF Author satisfied himself with an orange juice and his pipe: he's had to cut down on the drink, on doctor's orders. What with holding down a ‘proper’ job and producing SF novels to a publisher's deadline, his constitution has been undergoing some harsh punishment recently. In the end he had to throw up the ‘proper’ job and become a full‐time author. (In any case, he can't afford to drink at current pub prices.)
Clive Bingley, Elaine Kempson and John Buchanan
K C HARRISON, City Librarian of Westminster, past‐President of the LA and present Chairman of the association's General Purposes Committee, has been invested a Knight (First…
K C HARRISON, City Librarian of Westminster, past‐President of the LA and present Chairman of the association's General Purposes Committee, has been invested a Knight (First Class) of the Order of the Lion of Finland for services to Finnish public libraries.
This is a comprehensive list of books, some pamphlets, and a few sound recordings about or by Ronald (and Nancy) Reagan. Collections of photographs and cartoons as well as…
This is a comprehensive list of books, some pamphlets, and a few sound recordings about or by Ronald (and Nancy) Reagan. Collections of photographs and cartoons as well as biographies, political commentary, speeches, quotations and even recipes are represented. Omitted are books in which there is only brief mention of him. The bibliography was compiled in connection with a major exhibit on Ronald Reagan at the Colorado State University Library. It is the author's intention to continue to collect Reagan materials.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.
Nobuhle Sharon Lungu, Anthony Jide Afolayan, Ronald Sylvester Thomas and Emrobowansan Monday Idamokoro
The objective of the study was to assess consumer exposure to warmed-over flavour, their eating habits with respect to pre-cooked stored meats, awareness of antioxidants and…
The objective of the study was to assess consumer exposure to warmed-over flavour, their eating habits with respect to pre-cooked stored meats, awareness of antioxidants and attitudes towards the use of natural antioxidants as preservatives in meat and meat products.
A total of 238 Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) design questionnaires were used to gather information from the University of Fort Hare community in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.
The majority of the respondents had been exposed to warmed-over flavour before. More than half of the respondents did not know about antioxidants. Respondents were in support of the use of natural antioxidants in meat and meat products.
Research limitations/implications
The study mainly captured consumer habits based on living arrangements. Age influence could not be extrapolated due to the nature of the population, which was being studied. The population was limited to the University community, which is mainly made up of not so widely spread age groups and more or less similar levels of education. As a result, the findings and conclusions may not be a true reflection of the general public consumers in terms of age, level of education and employment status.
This research presents an original insight into consumer habits concerning the purchasing and storage of pre-cooked meat and meat products. The study revealed that most consumers nowadays prefer ready-to-eat or pre-cooked meat and meat products due to convenience. The warmed-over flavour is common in pre-cooked meats. The findings suggests that the meat industry has to improve the shelf-life of pre-cooked foods such that warmed-over flavour development is delayed to fit into the current consumer habits. In recent years there has been a growing interest in the use of natural antioxidants to improve shelf-life of muscle foods. However, there is a dearth of information on consumer attitudes towards the use of natural antioxidants as preservatives. This study reveals that consumers are willing to try products formulated using natural antioxidants.
Kristin L. Cullen-Lester, Caitlin M. Porter, Hayley M. Trainer, Pol Solanelles and Dorothy R. Carter
The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) has long recognized the importance of interpersonal influence for employee and organizational effectiveness. HRM research and practice…
The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) has long recognized the importance of interpersonal influence for employee and organizational effectiveness. HRM research and practice have focused primarily on individuals’ characteristics and behaviors as a means to understand “who” is influential in organizations, with substantially less attention paid to social networks. To reinvigorate a focus on network structures to explain interpersonal influence, the authors present a comprehensive account of how network structures enable and constrain influence within organizations. The authors begin by describing how power and status, two key determinants of individual influence in organizations, operate through different mechanisms, and delineate a range of network positions that yield power, reflect status, and/or capture realized influence. Then, the authors extend initial structural views of influence beyond the positions of individuals to consider how network structures within and between groups – capturing group social capital and/or shared leadership – enable and constrain groups’ ability to influence group members, other groups, and the broader organizational system. The authors also discuss how HRM may leverage these insights to facilitate interpersonal influence in ways that support individual, group, and organizational effectiveness.
Martin Götz and Ernest H. O’Boyle
The overall goal of science is to build a valid and reliable body of knowledge about the functioning of the world and how applying that knowledge can change it. As personnel and…
The overall goal of science is to build a valid and reliable body of knowledge about the functioning of the world and how applying that knowledge can change it. As personnel and human resources management researchers, we aim to contribute to the respective bodies of knowledge to provide both employers and employees with a workable foundation to help with those problems they are confronted with. However, what research on research has consistently demonstrated is that the scientific endeavor possesses existential issues including a substantial lack of (a) solid theory, (b) replicability, (c) reproducibility, (d) proper and generalizable samples, (e) sufficient quality control (i.e., peer review), (f) robust and trustworthy statistical results, (g) availability of research, and (h) sufficient practical implications. In this chapter, we first sing a song of sorrow regarding the current state of the social sciences in general and personnel and human resources management specifically. Then, we investigate potential grievances that might have led to it (i.e., questionable research practices, misplaced incentives), only to end with a verse of hope by outlining an avenue for betterment (i.e., open science and policy changes at multiple levels).
Feng Yang, Zhen Bi, Fangqing Wei and Zhimin Huang
In China, more than 80,000 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and more than 3,000 people have lost their lives. It seems that there will be more deaths since the epidemic…
In China, more than 80,000 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and more than 3,000 people have lost their lives. It seems that there will be more deaths since the epidemic is not over. All the Chinese provinces have reported the COVID-19 cases. This chapter aims to explore the trend of COVID-19 treatment efficiency in Chinese provinces using the data released daily by China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Since China Center for Disease Control and Prevention began to release data daily from January 24 to March 12, we have more than 40 groups of daily data for 31 provinces in China mainland. In the calculation, we take the daily data of each province as a sample and then we have more than 1,200 samples in this study.
We use additive two-stage data envelopment analysis as an efficiency evaluation tool to calculate the COVID-19 treatment efficiency. In our framework, the first stage is to understand the infection rate and the second stage is to evaluate the treatment efficiency. In the first stage for the tth day, we use total population (p) and number of people infected in the previous day (inft−1) as the inputs and cumulative number of people infected in the current day (inft) as the output. In the second stage for the tth day, we use cumulative number of people infected in the current day (inft) as the input and cumulative death in the current day (deatht) and cumulative recovery in the current day (recovt) as the outputs. Some techniques on how to deal with undesirable outputs such as inft and deatht are employed in this study.
After we have the infection rate and treatment efficiency for the samples more than 1,200, we analyze the COVID-19 treatment efficiency and its development trend from January 24 to March 12 in 34 regions of China from static and dynamic aspects. The results show that, on the whole, the overall efficiency and phased efficiency of COVID-19 treatment efficiency in all regions of China are relatively high, which reflects the key factor for the Chinese government to quickly control the epidemic in the short term. Relatively speaking, the average efficiency value in the infection stage (first stage) is lower than the average efficiency value in the healing stage (second stage), which shows that the focus of anti-epidemic in China should be early detection and prevention rather than treatment process. In terms of trend, the total efficiency of COVID-19 treatment in each region shows a trend of “increasing first and then decreasing.” Our analysis indicates that in the initial stage, the continuous increase of various resources leads to the rise of the total efficiency, while in the later stage, the rapid decline of the number of infected people leads to the decrease of the total efficiency. Based on the results of the efficiency analysis, this study provides corresponding management implications and policy suggestions, hoping to provide some enlightenment and suggestions for the anti-epidemic work of other countries in the severe environment where the epidemic is spreading rapidly.
Ronald S. Burt and Jennifer Merluzzi
The structural holes to which a person is connected are embedded in a broader organization or market. High status in the broader context signals a reputation that can make a…
The structural holes to which a person is connected are embedded in a broader organization or market. High status in the broader context signals a reputation that can make a would-be broker more attractive, more likely to engage opportunities to broker, and allay audience concerns about proposed brokerage. The implications are correlation and contingency. We offer illustrative evidence of both implications and conclude that status and structural holes are so closely related in concept and fact that advantage is more clearly revealed when the two network forms are analyzed together as complements defining the hubs in a network.
Elizabeth K. Wilson and Tammy Cook
Ecology and population studies are among the most important curriculum standards of the NCSS. Population Connection has aligned its various lessons with NCSS national standards…
Ecology and population studies are among the most important curriculum standards of the NCSS. Population Connection has aligned its various lessons with NCSS national standards. The NCSS standard “People, Places, and Environments” aligns with the state standards of history and geography. Both the state and NCSS provide K-12 grade alignment. Social studies teachers nationwide are able to use the NCSS standards that Population Connection has provided to align the many lessons with NCSS national standards and state standards. Each of the following three lessons is designed for the elementary classroom teachers to integrate social studies with other elementary content. All three lessons have been field-tested and provide an overview, procedures, objectives, standards, skills and materials, discussion questions, and extension activities.