George S. Rousseau and Roger A. Hambridge
DAVID HERBERT (1830–99), classical tutor, journalist and aficionado of eighteenth‐century literature and history, was born on 15 April 1830 in Glasgow, at the home of his parents…
DAVID HERBERT (1830–99), classical tutor, journalist and aficionado of eighteenth‐century literature and history, was born on 15 April 1830 in Glasgow, at the home of his parents on Castle Street. He spent his early life in Glasgow where his father, James Herbert, worked in a shop.
ALL THE WHILE that the Carnegie Free Public Library brought culture and information and just plain entertainment to the residents of my home town, The Other Library there also…
ALL THE WHILE that the Carnegie Free Public Library brought culture and information and just plain entertainment to the residents of my home town, The Other Library there also provided the inhabitants with information and entertainment. This latter institution was far more powerful, all‐knowing, and, if the truth be told, more popular with its patrons, for all its sometimes shoddiness, than ‘Mister Carnegie's Lib'ary’. It never shut down, not even on holidays or Sundays, and its operations were as busy before 9 a.m. and after 9 p.m. as the Public Library was during that twelve‐hour stretch of community service. It had no librarian to keep it in order and cost no money at all to maintain, nor did folk have to mind their p's and q's to reap its benefits. The Other Library was Smalltown Gossip.
M & T Chemicals have announced the appointment of Mr David Smith as Director of PCB Systems and as a member of the company's Board of Management. Mr Smith, who was formerly Sales…
M & T Chemicals have announced the appointment of Mr David Smith as Director of PCB Systems and as a member of the company's Board of Management. Mr Smith, who was formerly Sales and Marketing Director of Lea Ronal (UK) Ltd, has had more than seventeen years experience in the printed circuit industry.
WE MAKE NO apologies for taking Thomas Paine's classic title for our leader this month. Written all but 200 years ago, it was brought vividly to mind when we read letters in a…
WE MAKE NO apologies for taking Thomas Paine's classic title for our leader this month. Written all but 200 years ago, it was brought vividly to mind when we read letters in a contemporary journal. From two well‐qualified men in their early fifties, they regretted they could obtain no replies to many applications for employment. They were, all too evidently, considered “too old at 50'.
NEXT TO banking, we are informed, Business Consultancy is the most favoured profession for graduates in the United States and it is likely, as in so much else, that here in…
NEXT TO banking, we are informed, Business Consultancy is the most favoured profession for graduates in the United States and it is likely, as in so much else, that here in Britain the same trend will be followed. It follows, as the famous query in a one‐time quiz member put it, that ‘it all depends on what you mean by Business Consultancy’.
TDS Circuits plc, the Blackburn based high‐technology manufacturer of multilayer printed circuit boards, has made two new senior management appointments. John W. Whybrow has been…
TDS Circuits plc, the Blackburn based high‐technology manufacturer of multilayer printed circuit boards, has made two new senior management appointments. John W. Whybrow has been appointed Managing Director, and David Dickson becomes the new Sales and Marketing Manager.