Robyn McLaughlin and Assem Safieddine
This paper seeks to examine the potential for regulation to reduce information asymmetries between firm insiders and outside investors.
This paper seeks to examine the potential for regulation to reduce information asymmetries between firm insiders and outside investors.
Extensive prior research has established that there are substantial effects of information asymmetry in seasoned equity offers (SEOs). The paper tests for a mitigating effect of regulation on such information asymmetries by examining differences in long‐run operating performance, changes in that performance, and announcement‐period stock returns between unregulated industrial firms and regulated utilities that issue seasoned equity. The authors also segment the samples by firm size, since smaller firms are likely to have greater asymmetries.
Consistent with regulated utility firms having lower levels of information asymmetry, they have superior changes in abnormal operating performance than industrial firms pre‐ to post‐issue and their announcement period returns are significantly less negative. These findings are most pronounced for the smallest firms, firms likely to have the greatest information asymmetries and where regulation could have its greatest effect.
Research limitations/implications
The paper does not examine costs of regulation. Thus, future research could seek to measure the cost/benefit trade‐off of regulation in reducing information asymmetry. Also, future research could examine cross‐sectional differences between different industries and regulated utilities.
Practical implications
Regulation reduces information asymmetry. Thus, regulation or mandated disclosure may be appropriate in industries/markets where information asymmetry is severe.
This paper is the first to compare the operating performance of regulated and unregulated SEO firms.
Judith Tröndle, Lisa Pfahl and Boris Traue
The role of caregivers and issues of parenting are controversial in research on disability. While appreciating the historical and political reasons to critique power relations in…
The role of caregivers and issues of parenting are controversial in research on disability. While appreciating the historical and political reasons to critique power relations in care systems and care relations, we argue that it is important to consider parents' and other caregivers' positions. A reconsideration provides insights into pervasive effects of ableism defining not only the individual child but parents and other relatives as well. We draw from extensive research on couples parenting a child with disability in Germany (Tröndle, 2022a). This study seeks to understand how parents of a child with disability cannot avoid understanding themselves as “special parents.” Through analyzing shared life stories of couples and individual biographies, the study reconstructs how identities evolve differently depending on their work-sharing arrangements. Based on our findings, the couples experience difficulties in maintaining dual employment arrangements. They become “unable” to step outside of the logic of welfare and health provision and structures of the labor market. Couples begin to explain their situation and the discrimination they experience by reflecting themselves as “special parents.” Heteronormative and ableist expectations hinder them in articulating resistance and gaining agency as allies of their children, facilitating positions of complicity. We argue that the approach suggested by this study – namely including the ambiguous situation of caregivers in Disability Studies – can encourage other researchers to consider othering and ableism of and by caregivers.
Robyn Lee, Annette McKeown, Jessica Graham, Yussra Hajaji and Patrick J. Kennedy
The current study aimed to examine the population of girls in two secure children’s homes (SCHs) in the North East of England to consider the impact of menstruation on girls’…
The current study aimed to examine the population of girls in two secure children’s homes (SCHs) in the North East of England to consider the impact of menstruation on girls’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing within secure settings. Gender-responsive approaches and understanding gender differences are central to trauma-informed provision within the Children and Young People Secure Estate (CYPSE). Whilst trauma-informed approaches are central, it could be argued that basic gender differences, such as the menstrual cycle, are currently being overlooked within research and practice.
A case file audit examined documentation of 24 girls who were admitted across both sites between January 2022 and January 2023.
Of the sample (n = 24), 50% had information recorded regarding their menstrual cycle during admission assessments. Six girls (25%) disclosed experiencing irregular menstruation. Painful cramping was noted by two girls (8%). One girl (4%) disclosed heavy bleeding, and menorrhagia (abnormal heavy bleeding) was reported for one further girl (4%). One girl (4%) disclosed early onset menarche. Case formulations tended to focus less on girls’ menstrual cycles or the potential impact of this on wellbeing. However, 100% of case formulations considered the potential impact of trauma and/or disrupted attachment on girls’ presentations.
The results indicate the impact of menstrual cycles on girls’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing may benefit from much further consideration. Implications are presented alongside directions for future research.
Robyn Keast, Myrna Mandell and Kerry Brown
The three governance modes of state, market and network have long been recognized as key forms of social organization. However, the failure of these modes to solve complex public…
The three governance modes of state, market and network have long been recognized as key forms of social organization. However, the failure of these modes to solve complex public problems has meant that new hybrid arrangements drawing on and mixing the strengths of each mode have come to the fore. This situation results in what is contended to be a “crowded” policy domain which may erode the potential for positive service delivery and programme outcomes. This paper argues that policy and decision-makers need to recognize the difference between these modes and select optimal mixes. The paper proceeds by tracing the evolution of the expanded mix. It sets out a coherent framework to aid decision-making and explores the challenges faced by governments in balancing the structural and operational mechanisms necessary to sustain the engagement of such a diverse set of players
This chapter explores how the intersection of disability and family has evolved in the US medical field over the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Through an analysis of the…
This chapter explores how the intersection of disability and family has evolved in the US medical field over the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Through an analysis of the Proceedings of the American Medical Association, this work demonstrates how physicians describe and view the connections between disability and family in bureaucratic activities. The exploration of the Proceedings documents elucidates the changing process around how physicians define the relationship of disability and family in the US through bureaucratic and policy discussions. A qualitative approach of content analysis is employed to evaluate the American Medical Association Proceedings of the House of Delegates from 1846 to 2022. Data collection applies deductive coding focusing on various terms related to the conceptualization of families with analysis exploring themes around disability within the searched terms. Results demonstrate how US physicians describe the relationship between disability and family over time in the US context. The findings highlight cases in which the medical establishment recognizes itself as a potential source of burden, families choosing burdens of supporting or not supporting family members with disabilities, and the medicalization of social phenomena related to disability. Additional findings include discussions of support systems that families with disabled family members can leverage for assistance. This first-of-its-kind longitudinal content analysis study provides insights on the meaning-making processes of physicians in relation to how conceptualizations of disability and family are described in medical proceeding documents. The value of this work lies in both the findings of how physicians describe the intersection of disability and family as well as the viability of medical proceeding documents for analyzing cultural-social phenomena. Additional value is added with the notion that physicians view disability in a familial context as being caught between problems and support.
Eun-Jeong Lee, Sang Qin, Arshiya A. Baig, Jeniffer Dongha Lee and Patrick W. Corrigan
The purpose of this study is to investigate Koreans' preferences for FCDM versus SDM and explored the influence of Asian cultural values on decision-making in the context of…
The purpose of this study is to investigate Koreans' preferences for FCDM versus SDM and explored the influence of Asian cultural values on decision-making in the context of managing chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Shared decision-making (SDM) emphasizes collaboration between providers and service recipients to decide on the best treatment options. However, it may not fully account for the role of families in managing chronic illness, particularly for people from Eastern cultural backgrounds who value active participation from their families in decisions. In response, family-centered decision-making (FCDM) has been proposed as an alternative approach. Using a vignette experiment design, data (n = 316) were collected from Koreans in the US and in Korea who were randomly presented with either SDM or FCDM processes for reaching T2DM treatment decisions. In addition to demographic information, participants reported on three dimensions of their decision-making experience: satisfaction, perceived effectiveness, and perspective-taking. They also rated their Asian cultural values and familiarity with T2DM. Results show better satisfaction, perceived effectiveness, and perspective taking for FCDM compared to SDM when examined in context of treatment types and perceived illness severity. Moderation effects were found for familiarity of illness, with familiarity effects varying by perceived severity. Study findings provided some evidence in favor of FCDM in Asian communities addressing the disabilities and chronic illness of a family member. Although the current study investigated treatment decisions for T2DM during doctor's visits, FCDM has shown potential to be applied in other service settings.
Martin Jones, David Thompson, Chantal Ski, Robyn Clark, Richard Gray, Kari Vallury and Ferdous Alam
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of psychosocial treatments to support families living with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and depression. The paper highlights that…
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of psychosocial treatments to support families living with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and depression. The paper highlights that depression in people with CVD is a predictor of non-adherence to both medicines and cardiovascular rehabilitation programmes. The authors believe there is a clinical need to develop a programme of care to support the whole family to adhere to cardiovascular rehabilitation programmes.
A team of expert cardiovascular nurses, mental health nurses (MHN) and cardiologist clinical opinions and experiences. These opinions and experiences were supplemented by literature using MEDLINE as the primary database for papers published between December 2000 and December 2013.
People with CVD who become depressed are more likely to stop taking their medicine and stop working with their health care worker. Most people with heart and mood problems live with their families. Health workers could have a role in supporting families living with heart and mood problems to their care and treatment. The paper has highlighted the importance of working with families living with heart and mood problems to help them to stick with care and treatment.
Most people with heart and mood problems live with their families. The paper has highlighted the importance of working with families living with heart and mood problems to help them to persevere with care and treatment. MHN may have a role, though consideration should also be given to exploring the role of other health care workers and members of the community. As the population ages, clinicians and communities will need to consider the impact of depression on adherence when working with families living with CVD and depression.
Richard Niesche and Robyn Jorgensen
The purpose of this paper is to report on research into the challenges for leadership in implementation of a new curriculum in a remote region of Queensland, Australia.
The purpose of this paper is to report on research into the challenges for leadership in implementation of a new curriculum in a remote region of Queensland, Australia.
Data for the research were gathered through an online survey and semi‐structured interviews with teachers and principals involved in the reforms.
Results show that there were substantial differences in the views of teachers and principals in their perceptions of the implementation process. The vast differences in the implementation strategies and leadership approaches between the schools suggested that the effect of the reform on leadership practices was more positive in schools in which elements of productive leadership were present.
This research highlights the importance of leadership throughout reform processes, particularly in terms of the different experiences and perceptions teachers and principals have during the policy implementation process. As a result, this paper offers an important perspective on the complex dynamics of leadership processes and how curriculum reform is enacted at the local level.
Jalleh Sharafizad, Janice Redmond and Robyn Morris
There is strong and growing evidence of the importance of leadership and management factors influence on employee engagement and discretionary effort. However, the problem is that…
There is strong and growing evidence of the importance of leadership and management factors influence on employee engagement and discretionary effort. However, the problem is that there has been limited recent effort to review where research gaps exit and provide a direction to guide future research. The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated perspective on the influence of leadership and management factors on employee engagement and discretionary effort.
The review of the literature includes empirical research and case studies related to employee engagement and discretionary effort from various databases such as Business Premier, Cambridge University Press, JSTOR, Springer, Emerald, Wiley, ProQuest and ISI Web of Science. Supporting material was also accessed from reference books regarding similar concepts and theories.
The review provides a current view of the key topics, identifies three key research gaps, suggests a refined, up-to-date definition of both employee engagement and discretionary effort, and proposes a conceptual framework to inform future research. In doing so, it offers new directions for progressing studies on these critical workplace practices and behaviours particularly the inclusion of national culture as a moderating variable when investigating or implementing employee engagement and discretionary effort strategies.
Research limitations/implications
Findings are based on existing literature and require empirical testing. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.
Undertaking a review of the literature is an important part of any research and this review aims to organise, describe and appraise the current literature with a view to gaining a critical perspective for the benefit of researchers.