The international business researcher in the United States faces considerable barriers to obtaining and understanding firm‐level data about foreign companies. Although the…
The international business researcher in the United States faces considerable barriers to obtaining and understanding firm‐level data about foreign companies. Although the Internal Revenue Service, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of the Census, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other government agencies collect detailed data on foreign companies doing business in the U.S., most of these data are readily obtainable only as aggregate figures. The SEC alone releases company‐specific reports for public companies trading on U.S. stock exchanges. International bodies like the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (UNCTC), the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank follow the practice of individual governments in suppressing and protecting any firm‐level data, publishing only aggregate figures where those figures will not reveal the workings of individual firms. Therefore, most of the sources of data on the company level truly available to U.S. researchers are published by private information companies.
The American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) divestiture and the resulting changes in telephone company regulation in the United States have allowed telephone companies to…
The American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) divestiture and the resulting changes in telephone company regulation in the United States have allowed telephone companies to diversify into non‐regulated businesses including the online information services industry. How and when US telephone companies enter potential information markets is determined in large part by the changes in regulation that have occurred and will occur over the next few years.
Roberta L. Tipton and Patricia Bender
To present a successful collaboration between an instruction librarian and the director of a campus‐writing center for the benefit of some under prepared transfer students in an…
To present a successful collaboration between an instruction librarian and the director of a campus‐writing center for the benefit of some under prepared transfer students in an urban setting at a research university.
Qualitative. Librarian and writing instructor reflect on the pedagogy used and their collaboration.
Intensive librarian‐faculty collaboration using theoretical concepts and models from general education, writing pedagogy, and librarianship can create a successful learning space for under prepared students.
The actual voice of the teaching faculty is rarely heard in the library literature, but it is an integral part of this article.
The heady system of high‐pressure Continental air that drifted across the Atlantic and collided with the traditional cyclonic patterns of U.S. literary academe in the mid‐1960s…
The heady system of high‐pressure Continental air that drifted across the Atlantic and collided with the traditional cyclonic patterns of U.S. literary academe in the mid‐1960s precipitated a “Theory Revolution” that has brought a couple of decades of stormy and stimulating weather to the campus. The collision has produced occasionally furious debate and resulted for higher education in the kind of public attention customarily reserved for athletic scandals; it has kept tenuring processes in turmoil and publish‐or‐perish mills working round the clock.
A visit last July to the American Library Association's annual conference in New York City proved both rewarding and frustrating. There was not enough time for the editor of this…
A visit last July to the American Library Association's annual conference in New York City proved both rewarding and frustrating. There was not enough time for the editor of this column to thoroughly inspect all the reference serials which were displayed—a mind‐numbing assortment of new and changing titles. In booth after booth, there were abstracts, indexes and bibliographic books and services worthy of consideration: Encyclopedia of Governmental Advisory Organizations (Gale Research), Principal International Businesses: 1974 (Dun & Bradstreet), Artbibliographies Modern (ABC‐Clio), Media Review Digest: 1973/74 (Pierian Press), Bulletin of Reprints (Verlag Dokumentation), International African Bibliography (Mansell), OTC Industrial Manual (Moody's), and International Bibliography, Information, Documentation (Bowker). H. W. Wilson distributed a brochure, “The Cataloging and Indexing Services of H. W. Wilson,” which had not been revised to reflect the creation of two services—Social Science Index and Humanities Index—form the Social Sciences & Humanities Index; but the first issue of each (June 1974) was displayed.
As CD‐ROM becomes more and more a standard reference and technicalsupport tool in all types of libraries, the annual review of thistechnology published in Computers in Libraries…
As CD‐ROM becomes more and more a standard reference and technical support tool in all types of libraries, the annual review of this technology published in Computers in Libraries magazine increases in size and scope. This year, author Susan L. Adkins has prepared this exceptionally useful bibliography which she has cross‐referenced with a subject index.