The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between personality disorder (PD) treatment readiness and dropout from three community-based offending behaviour group…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between personality disorder (PD) treatment readiness and dropout from three community-based offending behaviour group programmes.
At the pre-programme stage, measures of PD and treatment readiness were administered to 186 offenders participating in either a cognitive skills programme, a general violence programme or a programme for domestically abusive men. Demographic and risk data were also obtained from the offender assessment system. At a one-year follow-up, comparisons were made between the risk, personality and treatment readiness profiles of programme completers and non-completers.
It was hypothesised that PD would be associated with low levels of treatment readiness at the pre-group stage and that both low levels of treatment readiness and PD would predict subsequent programme non-completion. Only antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) was associated with low overall treatment readiness, although antisocial, paranoid, schizoid, negativistic and borderline traits were associated with the facet of low self-efficacy. Non-completion was not predicted by younger age or recidivism risk scores and was most strongly predicted by the presence of a cluster A PD, as well as ASPD, low pre-group motivation and mixed race and white ethnicity.
Research limitations/implications
Paranoid and antisocial personality pathology present important obstacles to effective offending behaviour group work in the community. This illustrates that further consideration needs to be given to these important responsivity factors in future delivery and evaluation of these programmes.
The study provides a detailed analysis of factors associated with non-completion of three community-based offending behaviour programmes in the UK.
Deniz Aslan, Robert Edelmann, Diane Bray and Marcia Worrell
The relationship between accessing indecent images online and the perpetration of contact child sex offences remains unclear. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better…
The relationship between accessing indecent images online and the perpetration of contact child sex offences remains unclear. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the offence process of offenders who have both such convictions.
A total of eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with older adult males who had downloaded indecent images and also had a history of contact sex offences against children. Data analysis involved thematic coding based on guidelines suggested by Braun and Clarke (2006).
Themes which emerged suggest some similarities (offence process behaviours), but also some differences (developmental factors) between the eight offenders. Data relevant to developmental factors formed two primary themes: childhood attachment difficulties and experiences of childhood abuse, both of which appeared to influence the offence process. Escalating factors generated a further three themes: adult relationships, personality problems and substance use. Five main categories also emerged with regard to offence behaviours: sexually deviant interests, lack of self-control, opportunity, the role of the internet (availability, easy access and anonymity), and cognitive distortions (justifications: interest in challenge and sexual frustration; denial: accidental access and denial of a victim, normalisation; blame: blame on the victim, new technologies and authorities and blame on other factors; and minimisation).
Practical implications
A better understanding of the offence process would inform clinical practice with such offenders and aid in the process of prevention.
This is the first research to date which explores the rationale provided for their behaviour by those convicted of both internet and contact child sex offences.
Gives reports and surveys of selected current research and developments in systems and cybernetics. They include: Scientific research and warfare; Cybernetics and psychology;…
Gives reports and surveys of selected current research and developments in systems and cybernetics. They include: Scientific research and warfare; Cybernetics and psychology; Combating computer rage; Communication systems; Cybernetics and automation; Management cybernetics – human resources development; Innovative systems.
Die derzeitige Bedeutung des Auslandstourismus für Entwicklungsländer In einer Reihe von Staaten, die allgemein als Entwicklungsländer angesehen werden, ist der Auslandstourismus…
Die derzeitige Bedeutung des Auslandstourismus für Entwicklungsländer In einer Reihe von Staaten, die allgemein als Entwicklungsländer angesehen werden, ist der Auslandstourismus zu einem gewichtigen Exportsektor geworden, wenn nicht sogar zu einer dominierenden Exportindustrie. Der Tourismus aus den Industriestaaten in die fernen Entwicklungsländer wirft dabei anscheinend kaum mehr ökonomische Fragen auf.
C'est avec une certaine joie et une satisfaction toute particulière que je vous souhaite la bienvenue à ce 36e Congrès qui se tient dans mon pays natal, pays qui est en même temps…
C'est avec une certaine joie et une satisfaction toute particulière que je vous souhaite la bienvenue à ce 36e Congrès qui se tient dans mon pays natal, pays qui est en même temps le siège de notre association. Ce dernier fait n'est pas un hasard puisque c'est précisément à Lugano qu'en 1959, à l'invitation des prof. Hunziker et Krapf, différents scientifiques du tourisme se sont retrouvés afin de promouvoir la recherche touristique d'après‐guerre. Depuis que notre association existe — et l'indication “36e Congrès” précise également l'âge de l'AIEST — nous nous sommes déjà rencontrés en Suisse, en 1958 et en 1960 et je me souviens qu'en 1960 déjà nous avons eu l'occasion d'apprécier la gastronomie du Château de Chillon, ou aura lieu notre banquet de clôture.
Le choix du thème général de ce 35e congrès de l'AIEST n'a pas été laissé au hasard. En analysant les tendances évolutives de la demande touristique, il s'agissait, comme le…
Le choix du thème général de ce 35e congrès de l'AIEST n'a pas été laissé au hasard. En analysant les tendances évolutives de la demande touristique, il s'agissait, comme le soulignait le président Kaspar dans son introduction, de prolonger, en une période de crise et de bouleversement de nos sociétés, non seulement la discussion sur l'évolution du tourisme en général, mais d'ajouter un volet spécial celui de la demande touristique, du comportement du touriste vu sous ses aspects socioculturels et économiques.
This chapter examines early childhood pedagogy in Germany. It developed in the wake of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) education debate, and the…
This chapter examines early childhood pedagogy in Germany. It developed in the wake of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) education debate, and the expansion of higher education led to new types of application-oriented courses. For a long time, child day care in Germany was not seen as a subject of theoretical worth. Vocational training for kindergarten teachers, overwhelmingly employed in day care centers, has not yet been academized. The academic study of childhood pedagogy is a thereof separate project, taught especially at universities of applied science. Nevertheless, constructions of new disciplines are directed toward professional fields, for which they claim relevance with their academic training. With its focus on “Bildung” childhood pedagogy in Germany claims to offer a scientifically based solution to the practical problems of action in child day care. This chapter discusses the specific content of the curricula statistical figures of graduates at universities and in the fields of practice. It provides first empirical clarification on observable phenomena of a scientific “penetration” of cognitive rationality in kindergartens. It fosters an academic habitus that induces a distancing from direct interaction with children, leads to a diversification of tasks in day care centers, and promotes hierarchical processes of professional role differentiation in the field of childcare.
I. Rapport de synthèse de André Guignand, Paris Après les souhaits de bienvenue par les représentants des Autorités autrichiennes nationales, régionales et locales qui nous ont si…
I. Rapport de synthèse de André Guignand, Paris Après les souhaits de bienvenue par les représentants des Autorités autrichiennes nationales, régionales et locales qui nous ont si aimablement accueillis, le Président W. Hunziker lance le Congrès en appelant à une concentration des esprits sur ce sujet d'actualité qu'on appelle le Marketing.
Sreejith Alathur, P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan and M.P. Gupta
The purpose of the present paper is to attempt to examine the determinants of citizens’ electronic participation with respect to the communication aspects. To accomplish this…
The purpose of the present paper is to attempt to examine the determinants of citizens’ electronic participation with respect to the communication aspects. To accomplish this objective, using the extant literature, the paper delineated factors that determine and the theories that can explain citizens’ e-participation. An analysis of citizens’ democratic communication through multiple e-participation forums is carried out, and the determinants of electronic participation are described in the paper.
In light of the literature, e-participation services were classified on the basis of characteristics of democratic communications. The factors that determine citizens’ online democratic participation were also identified and validated. Indian citizens who often e-participate were surveyed through online and offline questionnaires. A regression analysis of the 407 responses was carried out to predict the influence of individual, governance and technology components on various e-participation initiatives.
Citizens’ participation efficacy, value system and participation freedom were found to determine different e-participation initiatives. Further, e-participation is also found to be varyingly determined by the governance and technology components.
Research limitations/implications
The theoretical contribution of this study includes the classification of determining factors and the illustrative labeling (I, G and T) for an e-participation framework. The delineation of e-participation from democratic communication aspects also contributes to the e-participation literature. However, this research had considered only one set of e-participation services and had incorporated only select forms of e-participation that are in coherence with the services selected.
Past studies often consider separate e-participation forums and infrequently report a simultaneous analysis of multiple e-participation forums. The factors that determine citizens’ e-participation from a democratic communication aspect are also inadequately discussed. The significant contribution of this study includes policy recommendations to improve e-participation in different information and communication technologies initiatives.
Sahin Namli, Hilal Samut and Yesim Soyer
This study aimed to investigate how enteric pathogens and their biofilm populations on fresh produce survive according to time that contamination has occurred on leaves and…
This study aimed to investigate how enteric pathogens and their biofilm populations on fresh produce survive according to time that contamination has occurred on leaves and contamination route: seed irrigation water.
Cress was contaminated in two different ways: contamination of seeds and irrigation water with 8-log MPN/mL bacterial load, Salmonella Newport, Escherichia coli O157:H7, O104:H4 or O78:H2. While contaminated seeds were cultivated for seed contamination, contaminated irrigation was applied at the end of each week to separate groups of samples obtained from cultivated surface-sterile seeds to understand how long these pathogens could survive until harvest.
The results indicated these pathogens survived until harvest, and formed biofilms on cress leaves grown using both contaminated seeds and irrigation water. No significant difference was observed among populations of Salmonella and E. coli groups in terms of survival (∼4.5–6.0 log MPN/g) and biofilm formation (∼4.4–5.7 log MPN/g) for contamination by seed. Also, SEM images revealed biofilm-like structures, the proofs of the attachment of these pathogens on leaf surfaces.
From our knowledge this is the first study focusing on the survival and biofilm formation of one Salmonella serotype (Newport) and three E. coli serotypes (O157:H7, O104:H4, and O78:H2), representing enterohemorrhagic and enteroaggregative E. coli pathogenic subgroups, under the same irrigation and growth schemes. Furthermore, this study mimics the contamination of seeds and irrigation water with sewage or wastewater and may shed light on contamination of fresh produce grown using poor wastewater treatment.