The deadhead subculture – centered around the band Grateful Dead – has been active for 50+ years. Despite its longevity, academic work is sparse compared to other music…
The deadhead subculture – centered around the band Grateful Dead – has been active for 50+ years. Despite its longevity, academic work is sparse compared to other music subcultures. Given its durability and resilience, this subculture offers an opportunity to explore subcultural development and maintenance. I employ a contemporary, symbolic interactionist approach to trace the development of deadhead subculture and subcultural identity. Although identity is a basic concept in subculture research, it is not well defined: I suggest that the co-creation and maintenance of subcultural identity can be seen as a dialectic between collective identity and symbolic interactionist conceptions of individual role-identity.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on undergraduate student education, consider how campuses can address student needs as reported by the Lumina Foundation project, and…
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on undergraduate student education, consider how campuses can address student needs as reported by the Lumina Foundation project, and provide suggestions to campus leaders for ways in which they can place higher priority on meeting student needs.
This paper takes the form of a reflective essay.
The campus president should be the chief education officer as well as the chief executive officer.
Research limitations/implications
While this essay is based on a single president’s experiences, it provides new dimensions for assessing leadership.
Practical implications
This essay provides a way of setting criteria for presidential searches and for assessing presidential performance.
Social implications
This essay provides examples of how a president can add value to the campus setting and local community.
This is an original approach and an original piece of work that draws on my experience and talks on campus.
This paper aims to review a book of insights from a highly successful campus president.
This paper aims to review a book of insights from a highly successful campus president.
The paper takes the form of an essay review.
The paper provides key insights into presidential leadership, roles and responsibilities, and fundraising.
This paper is an original essay review.
In a time of ethical lapses and moral ambiguity, it is essential for the university, the source of preparation for managers, scientists, journalists, teachers, and other…
In a time of ethical lapses and moral ambiguity, it is essential for the university, the source of preparation for managers, scientists, journalists, teachers, and other professionals, to understand its role as a force in preparing graduates for decision‐making. The university is a “moral force” because it constantly extends the boundaries of what is known, and therefore challenges societal rules describing desirable and undesirable states and behavior. By focusing on the decision‐making competence of those it educates, it also makes choices about the values it will express, exhibit, and eschew. In this way, the university has a unique opportunity to help create a culture of conscience not only for the professions and professionals, but for all citizens, through its teaching, scholarship, actions, and service to and with others. With this as its stance, the university would strengthen its place at the center of society and solidify its place at the margins – as curator, creator, and critic.
The purpose of this article is to survey areas of admiration, anguish, and anticipation in higher education.
The purpose of this article is to survey areas of admiration, anguish, and anticipation in higher education.
The article takes the form of a reflective essay.
There is much to admire about higher education; much that causes anguish; and much to anticipate in the years ahead.
This is an original approach and an original piece of work.
This paper aims to illustrate one method of using the “State of the University Address” to inform and motivate faculty and staff.
This paper aims to illustrate one method of using the “State of the University Address” to inform and motivate faculty and staff.
The paper draws on a variety of sources and the author's experience.
The State of the University Address is an opportunity to provide an assessment of an institution's condition relative to higher education at large; a proposal for an institution's priorities, with rationale; and the expression of a philosophical framework for considering the future.
This paper expresses one institution's approach to the State of the University Address as an element of strategic planning.
The purpose of this essay is to comment on the philosophy of liberal education and its structure; the goal of general education and how it fulfills the goals of liberal education;…
The purpose of this essay is to comment on the philosophy of liberal education and its structure; the goal of general education and how it fulfills the goals of liberal education; and the four key elements of liberal education, including the “liberating” aspects of general education, the need for an emphasis on questions more than on answers, the meaning of a global perspective, and the connections of each of the above to extracurricular experiences and engaged citizenship.
This essay is a review of the topics of liberal and general education, their components, and their importance.
Using the design and methodology mentioned above as a way to explore the purpose, the essay reveals selected universal truths about a liberal or “liberating” undergraduate education.
Research limitations/implications
The approach that is detailed can be assessed in comparison to other formulations of liberal and general education.
Practical implications
The framework described above suggests possibilities for redesigning liberal and general education programs so as to have a greater impact on undergraduate student learning and to foster experiential and interdisciplinary learning.
While this is a personal perspective based on many decades of senior positions in higher education, it is based not only on the author's own analysis and thinking, but also on a broad understanding of the literature about these topics.
This study examines the consequences of stigmatization that occurred during a tuberculosis outbreak concentrated among Puerto Rican clients enrolled in a Chicago drug treatment…
This study examines the consequences of stigmatization that occurred during a tuberculosis outbreak concentrated among Puerto Rican clients enrolled in a Chicago drug treatment center. Using ethnographic methods, I examine three factors that contributed to the stigmatization of those with TB. One factor concerns the fear elicited by the deadly disease that aroused reactions among Puerto Rican community members that were derived from earlier experiences. A second factor involves traditional public health measures enacted in response to the outbreak that facilitating labeling of those with TB, further fueling stigmatization. A third factor concerns the re‐articulation of group boundaries occurring among drug program inhabitants, whereby TB‐impacted persons were marginalized in order to reaffirmed the status of others whose identity had been compromised by the epidemic. The study’s implications for public health are discussed and suggestions are offered for developing innovative intervention approaches.