Betty Onyura, Sara Crann, Risa Freeman, Mary-Kay Whittaker and David Tannenbaum
This paper aims to review a decade of evidence on physician participation in health system leadership with the view to better understand the current state of scholarship on…
This paper aims to review a decade of evidence on physician participation in health system leadership with the view to better understand the current state of scholarship on physician leadership activity in health systems. This includes examining the available evidence on both physicians’ experiences of health systems leadership (HSL) and the impact of physician leadership on health system reform.
A state-of-the-art review of studies (between 2007 and 2017); 51 papers were identified, analyzed thematically and synthesized narratively.
Six main themes were identified in the literature as follows: (De)motivation for leadership, leadership readiness and career development, work demands and rewards, identity matters: acceptance of self (and other) as leader, leadership processes and relationships across health systems and leadership in relation to health system outcomes. There were seemingly contradictory findings across some studies, pointing to the influence of regional and cultural contextual variation on leadership practices as well entrenched paradoxical tensions in health system organizations.
Research limitations/implications
Future research should examine the influence of varying structural and psychological empowerment on physician leadership practices. Empirical attention to paradoxical tensions (e.g. between empowerment and control) in HSL is needed, with specific attention to questions on how such tensions influence leaders’ decision-making about system reform.
This review provides a broad synthesis of diverse papers about physician participation in health system leadership. Thus, it offers a comprehensive empirical synthesis of contemporary concerns and identifies important avenues for future research.
Yvonne S. Freeman and Alma D. Rodríguez
The authors explain their approach to teaching literatura infantil (children’s literature) in Spanish to bilingual teachers pursuing their master’s degree in bilingual education…
The authors explain their approach to teaching literatura infantil (children’s literature) in Spanish to bilingual teachers pursuing their master’s degree in bilingual education at a university in South Texas. In this Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice (S-STEP) research, the authors investigated how teachers can transform their practice and come to value their students’ abilities to interpret literature. They engaged the teachers in projects using quality children’s literature. The projects were carried out by graduate inservice teachers teaching Spanish/English bilingual students studying at different grade levels. Some teachers taught along the Texas/Mexico border and others taught in a large metropolitan school district in central Texas. The authors used their analysis of the inservice teachers’ projects as data to inform their own practice as teacher educators. In the first project, the bilingual teachers engaged their students in exploratory talk that allowed them to bring their backgrounds and experiences into discussions of what they read. The second project challenged the teachers to consider the importance of the images in high-quality illustrated children’s books. The teachers asked their students to read the images and expand their understanding of the books by considering more than the words in the texts. In the final project, the teachers guided their students through Ada’s stages of creative dialogue using children’s literature. The authors describe the projects in detail and give examples from four different teachers showing what they learned about teaching children’s literature and how they changed their perspectives about what their emergent bilingual students could do. Although only four teachers are highlighted, they are representative of students taking the course and engaging in the projects over three different semesters.
Kardi Nurhadi, Abd. Rahman, Meita Lesmiaty Khasyar and Suharwanto Suharwanto
Drawing from emotional geography framework promoted by Hargreaves (2000), our research sought to depict the emotional geography of two faculty members who engaged in a virtual…
Drawing from emotional geography framework promoted by Hargreaves (2000), our research sought to depict the emotional geography of two faculty members who engaged in a virtual teacher professional development (VTPD) sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to focus on capturing participants’ emotional closeness or distance while they were engaging in VTPD.
This study employed narrative inquiry by exploring three-dimensional narrative inquiry space: temporality, personal-social interaction and place (Clandinin and Connelly, 2000). Following this step, the participants were interviewed online through Zoom meetings and WhatsApp to capture critical incidents of their emotional experience. All collected data were transcribed, and some data from Bahasa Indonesia were translated into English. Member checking was also done several times to ensure the accuracy of the data as well as to avoid misinterpretation. The data were analysed inductively to generate coding categories using systemic functional linguistics (SFL) language appraisal (Martin and White, 2007) and emotional geography parameter (Hargreaves, 2001b).
The findings of the study revealed that both participants experienced greater positive feeling than negative ones. The participants experienced positive feelings such as seriousness, happiness, successfulness and satisfaction. They also experienced negative feelings such as insecurity, unhappiness, dissatisfaction and impatience. Such positive and negative feelings create closeness and distance among participants, mentor and workshop organiser. This study indicates that maintaining positive feelings is a passport to succeed in VTPD.
Research limitations/implications
The study has two limitations. First, its findings cannot be overgeneralised since the analysis was restricted to data gathered from a small number of participants. Second, the scope of investigation was limited in virtual situations.
Practical implications
The present study empirically showed that faculty members need to engage in constructing or maintaining positive emotional bond with the mentor and other participants and create conducive situations to understand their own and others’ emotions (Mayer, 2011). Practically, a mentor in VTPD may ask faculty members to voice and share their emotional experience as an evaluation tool to make VTPD programmes more successful. Future participants can benefit from these findings by engaging in emotional understanding and building a conducive situation during VTPD to develop their academic competence, agency and identity.
While previous research into VTPD in the context of higher education mainly focused on designs, attention to pedagogy of online teacher learning environments, trends toward innovation in teacher collaboration and communities of practice in online settings, the present study specifically looked into how participants emotionally engaged in VTPD, which is inevitably linked to physical, moral, sociocultural, professional and political geographies.
The 2030 United Nations Agenda has framed Sustainable Development Goal 9 around eight targets outlined in Resolution A/RES/71/313 (U.N. General Assembly, 2017). The purpose of…
The 2030 United Nations Agenda has framed Sustainable Development Goal 9 around eight targets outlined in Resolution A/RES/71/313 (U.N. General Assembly, 2017). The purpose of this chapter is that the lectors, without much previous knowledge on SDG9, understand the fundamental concepts involved in each of the eight targets. Multiple discussion points emerge when reflecting on the nature of these concepts and others emerge when reflecting on them in the industry settings. The first section of this chapter covers issues concerning resilient infrastructure. Resilient infrastructure is related to targets 9.1, 9.4, and 9.a. This concept needs to cope with extreme natural events potentially associated with global warming and climate change. The second section focusses on the importance of technological innovation in the context of targets 9.5 and 9.b. In a business domain, innovation allows to strengthen industrial competitiveness and increases corporate sustainability. The third concept covered in this chapter is the Information and Communication Technology that is a key to understand target 9.c. Last but not the least, two essential ideas are discussed: Inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and financial services, which are fundamental elements in target 9.2 and target 9.3. In a certain way, it is possible to conclude that both concepts integrate all previous conceptions.
Provides a chronological account of the evolution of the concept of product warranty and its development over the four millennia to its present state at the dawn of twenty‐first…
Provides a chronological account of the evolution of the concept of product warranty and its development over the four millennia to its present state at the dawn of twenty‐first century. This study examines how the concept of product warranty originated and illustrates how this concept was an integral element of accepted business practices in commerce and trade over the ages in almost all civilizations spanning the globe. The civilizations include the Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations twenty‐first century bc, the Roman era of the fifth century bc, Bavarian rule at the start of the Christian era, earlier Jewish period of the second century ad, Hindu period of the fifth, Islamic era of the eighth, Russian period of the early tenth, church rule of the medieval times, customs of the English boroughs, and ultimately the post‐industrial era of consumerism and today’s times of warranty legislation.
Clair Reynolds Kueny, Alex Price and Casey Canfield
Barriers to adequate healthcare in rural areas remain a grand challenge for local healthcare systems. In addition to patients' travel burdens, lack of health insurance, and lower…
Barriers to adequate healthcare in rural areas remain a grand challenge for local healthcare systems. In addition to patients' travel burdens, lack of health insurance, and lower health literacy, rural healthcare systems also experience significant resource shortages, as well as issues with recruitment and retention of healthcare providers, particularly specialists. These factors combined result in complex change management-focused challenges for rural healthcare systems. Change management initiatives are often resource intensive, and in rural health organizations already strapped for resources, it may be particularly risky to embark on change initiatives. One way to address these change management concerns is by leveraging socio-technical simulation models to estimate techno-economic feasibility (e.g., is it technologically feasible, and is it economical?) as well as socio-utility feasibility (e.g., how will the changes be utilized?). We present a framework for how healthcare systems can integrate modeling and simulation techniques from systems engineering into a change management process. Modeling and simulation are particularly useful for investigating the amount of uncertainty about potential outcomes, guiding decision-making that considers different scenarios, and validating theories to determine if they accurately reflect real-life processes. The results of these simulations can be integrated into critical change management recommendations related to developing readiness for change and addressing resistance to change. As part of our integration, we present a case study showcasing how simulation modeling has been used to determine feasibility and potential resistance to change considerations for implementing a mobile radiation oncology unit. Recommendations and implications are discussed.
Pilar Giráldez-Puig, Ignacio Moreno, Leticia Perez-Calero and Jaime Guerrero Villegas
This study investigates the relationships between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) controversies and insolvency risk in the insurance sector. Drawing from legitimacy…
This study investigates the relationships between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) controversies and insolvency risk in the insurance sector. Drawing from legitimacy and stakeholder theories, the authors explore the impact of ESG controversies on insurers’ insolvency risk and the moderating effect of ESG practices on this relationship.
This study utilises a dataset comprising 120 stock insurance firms spanning from 2011 to 2022. The authors employed system-GMM estimations to control for potential endogeneity and conducted several robustness checks.
ESG controversy positively influences insurers’ insolvency risk, with ESG practices mitigating these positive effects. The Governance (G) component of ESG practices plays a key role in counteracting the effects of ESG controversies on insurance companies’ insolvency risk.
This is the first study to investigate the direct relationship between ESG controversies and insolvency risk in the insurance industry. It underscores the critical influence of stakeholders’ perceptions of the company’s legitimacy, which is determined by the number of ESG controversies undertaken by the insurer company, on its insolvency risk. Additionally, by examining the three components of ESG practices individually, the authors offer insights into how managers can gain a competitive edge, particularly by utilising governance practices as safeguards against the adverse effects of ESG controversies on their financial risk.
Yuanyuan Wu, Eric W.T. Ngai and Pengkun Wu
This study aims to investigate the impact of news quality on users’ risk perceptions toward online news and its subsequent influence on perceived believability and user engagement…
This study aims to investigate the impact of news quality on users’ risk perceptions toward online news and its subsequent influence on perceived believability and user engagement in sharing news. Additionally, we explore the moderating effects of fake news awareness and social tie variety.
Drawing upon the social amplification of risk framework, this study investigates the relationship between news quality and users’ news-sharing behaviors, along with its underlying mechanism. An online questionnaire involving 399 eligible participants was employed for hypotheses testing, and the structural equation model served as the main analytical method.
The influence of news quality on users’ news-sharing behavior is sequentially mediated by risk perception and perceived believability. Individuals with a heightened awareness of fake news or a diverse social tie are more inclined to perceive greater risks associated with news-sharing behavior and question news authenticity.
This study contributes to the existing literature on users’ news-sharing behaviors by examining the influence of risk perception on the relationship between news quality, perceived believability and users’ news-sharing behavior. Additionally, it explores the moderating effects of fake news awareness and social tie variety. Our findings offer valuable insights into comprehending user inclinations towards news sharing and mitigating the dissemination of fake news.