OCLC offers its online users access to documents and full text in a variety of formats. This article focuses on the document delivery options offered by OCLC within FirstSearch…
OCLC offers its online users access to documents and full text in a variety of formats. This article focuses on the document delivery options offered by OCLC within FirstSearch, its end‐user online service. It also features NetFirst, a database from OCLC designed to direct users to quality resources on the Internet, as well as Electronic Journals Online. OCLC's Electronic Journals Online programme offers users access to the full text of a variety of STM journals, complete with full colour images, math‐sci notation, tables, charts, figures and hypertext links to references in bibliographic databases. A sidebar discusses the highlights of some recent OCLC market research on document delivery in academic, public and special libraries in the United States.
In our first Forum, where information, producers users and distributors internationally discuss a topical issue, Richard Poynder approaches key figures in the industry to solicit…
In our first Forum, where information, producers users and distributors internationally discuss a topical issue, Richard Poynder approaches key figures in the industry to solicit views on site licensing.
The Technology Collaboration Agreement signed by SilverPlatter and CARL Corporation is symptomatic of the way boundaries between electronic delivery technologies are eroding…
The Technology Collaboration Agreement signed by SilverPlatter and CARL Corporation is symptomatic of the way boundaries between electronic delivery technologies are eroding. CDROM specialist SilverPlatter and CARL, a provider of integrated library systems and document delivery services, made the agreement to work together long term with the aim of cutting out duplication and complementing each other's strengths.
The sale of Data‐Star. This month's news roundup is dominated by the 1 March announcement that Dialog's parent, Knight‐Ridder, has acquired the SWISS host Data‐Star. Earlier in…
The sale of Data‐Star. This month's news roundup is dominated by the 1 March announcement that Dialog's parent, Knight‐Ridder, has acquired the SWISS host Data‐Star. Earlier in this issue of Online & CDROM Review, you can read my interview with Dialog's President and other senior personnel involved.
Reports on the OCLC Users’ Council meeting of February 5‐7, 1996. Issues discussed included nominations for the board of trustees, the OCLC president’s report, the Users’ Council…
Reports on the OCLC Users’ Council meeting of February 5‐7, 1996. Issues discussed included nominations for the board of trustees, the OCLC president’s report, the Users’ Council executive committee report and reports on users of electronic information. Also under discussion were a number of strategies for the future.
Personal Bibliographic Software (PBS) is no more, its assets having been acquired by Research Information Systems (RIS), a subsidiary of ISI. RIS has assumed full responsibility…
Personal Bibliographic Software (PBS) is no more, its assets having been acquired by Research Information Systems (RIS), a subsidiary of ISI. RIS has assumed full responsibility for managing the PBS product line.
Details the last OCLC Users′ Council meeting which had the theme“Cooperation and competition: OCLC and libraries′ strategies forthe next generation”. Reports include: the delegate…
Details the last OCLC Users′ Council meeting which had the theme “Cooperation and competition: OCLC and libraries′ strategies for the next generation”. Reports include: the delegate algorithm task force report; OCLC reference services; OCLC cataloging and resource sharing; the Users′ Council executive committee report on telecommunications; access to OCLC services – trends pricing and the future. Concludes with a summary of the question/answer and old business sessions.
Users of electronic information came under the spotlight at the OCLC Users Council meeting in February. The council comprises librarians from networks and other partners who…
Users of electronic information came under the spotlight at the OCLC Users Council meeting in February. The council comprises librarians from networks and other partners who contribute to the OCLC Online Union Catalog, and as well as representing the interests of OCLC member libraries it advises OCLC on strategic direction. One of its resolutions was to encourage OCLC's continued contributions in support of the North American Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Project, the goals of which are to maximise access to research resources while minimising the costs associated with that access.
How did gays in the military go from being characterized as dangerous perverts threatening to the state, to victims being persecuted by the state, to potential heroes fighting on…
How did gays in the military go from being characterized as dangerous perverts threatening to the state, to victims being persecuted by the state, to potential heroes fighting on behalf of the state? What implications does this shift have for understanding the means by which the liberal state uses law to include the previously excluded? Offering a critical account of the inclusion of gays in the military, I argue that while the lifting of the ban can be seen as an important step in a classic civil rights narrative in which the liberal state gradually accommodates the excluded, pop culture allows us also to see state and minority group interest convergence as well as divergence, revealing the costs of inclusion.