Richard Speed and Gareth Smith
A true marketing orientation is associated with superiorperformance in the UK retail financial services industry. This findingruns counter to some recent criticism of marketing…
A true marketing orientation is associated with superior performance in the UK retail financial services industry. This finding runs counter to some recent criticism of marketing influence on the banking sector. Empirical research in the UK retail financial service industry found that successful companies appear to balance a profit orientation with an orientation towards the most difficult market to satisfy, the wealthy. Successful companies focused on a distinct group of customers, and did not rely on traditional methods such as existing family links to attract business. They also maintained tighter control over profitability and costs. Utilizes expert assessment as the basis of performance measurement, and compares this technique with an alternative, peer assessment. Uses the Delphi technique to develop a performance measure, and both performance ratings and findings suggest that the performance of expert assessment and peer assessment as performance measurement methods is similar.
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Notes of the United States National…
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Notes of the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and publications of other similar Research Bodies as issued
Richard Speed and Gareth Smith
A report on the empirical findings of a research project examiningthe marketing practices, strategies and organisational characteristicsof a sample of 23 banks and other companies…
A report on the empirical findings of a research project examining the marketing practices, strategies and organisational characteristics of a sample of 23 banks and other companies in the UK retail financial services market. The better performing companies, which were identified by peer admiration, could be distinguished from the less successful companies by wealthier customers and greater skill at controlling the costs of supplying their services. The implications of these findings for banks and other financial companies are discussed.
Michael Jay Polonsky and Richard Speed
Sponsorship activities have become a mainstream component of the marketing mix. As such, there are attempts to make these activities more effective by leveraging them using…
Sponsorship activities have become a mainstream component of the marketing mix. As such, there are attempts to make these activities more effective by leveraging them using advertising, sales promotions, or in an increasing number of cases, through cause related marketing (CRM). This paper explores the relationship between sponsorship and CRM and identifies the potential opportunities that arise from leveraging sponsorships using CRM. The paper also examines the limitations of CRM as a leveraging strategy, puts forward a typology for categorising CRM and identifies some future research issues related to CRM‐leveraging of sponsorship.
Michael Porter′s work, has since it first appeared in 1980, beenwidely read by academics and students. Perhaps more significantly,Porter has become an academic whose ideas are…
Michael Porter′s work, has since it first appeared in 1980, been widely read by academics and students. Perhaps more significantly, Porter has become an academic whose ideas are read and used by executives. Recently Porter′s work has been criticised. This article reviews and discusses these criticisms and attempts to define the status of Porter′s model as a result. The article offers in conclusion a view of Porter′s model that is thought to be realistic.
Health of humans made pharmaceutical products essential in efforts either to cure or alleviate pain, or to remove disfiguring blemishes. It is doubtful if the public was sceptical…
Health of humans made pharmaceutical products essential in efforts either to cure or alleviate pain, or to remove disfiguring blemishes. It is doubtful if the public was sceptical — it was certainly eager to buy! The claims made for preparations and the ways of reaching the consumers necessitated various forms of advertising which reveal some of the attitudes and ideas current in British society in the 17th and 18th centuries. Much surviving evidence has come from the press and other publications, although other media were used too.
The state of the art in business education and management training in the UK has come a long way since the birth of American‐style business schools on our shores in the early…
The state of the art in business education and management training in the UK has come a long way since the birth of American‐style business schools on our shores in the early 1960s and, with the completion of more than 100 management training courses by Britain's oldest business school this year, business education in Britain can be said to have come of age.
Contends that, although strategic management and marketing techniques have been widely recognized as useful outside the profit‐making sector, strategic planning is one technique…
Contends that, although strategic management and marketing techniques have been widely recognized as useful outside the profit‐making sector, strategic planning is one technique which does not appear to have been widely adopted. Reports the development of strategic plans in an educational service for the hearing‐impaired. Discusses the poor applicability of conventional (formalized, comprehensive, linear) planning techniques to the situation of the service and outlines the development of an alternative model, based on a more informal, holistic approach.
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States…
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and publications of other similar Research Bodies as issued