This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/eb020566. When citing the article, please…
This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/eb020566. When citing the article, please cite: Dr Richard J Higgins, (1987), “Powder coating steel building lintels at Catnic Components Ltd”, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 34 Iss: 7, pp. 4 - 1.
Rosalind Pan and Richard Higgins
This paper provides a brief overview of some of the digitisation projects currently or recently undertaken at Durham University Library. The projects cover the range of the…
This paper provides a brief overview of some of the digitisation projects currently or recently undertaken at Durham University Library. The projects cover the range of the collection and include: digitising past examination papers, an electronic reserve pilot project, digitising photographs and digitisation of pre‐Ordnance Survey maps and topographical prints. The funding, technical base, standards used, progress and deliverables from the projects are described. A number of broader issues which have arisen are described.
Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) powder coated rebar has at last come of age in the Gulf region. The prestigious new Diwan complex, currently under construction in Dubai for His Highness…
Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) powder coated rebar has at last come of age in the Gulf region. The prestigious new Diwan complex, currently under construction in Dubai for His Highness Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al‐Maktoum, Vice‐President & Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has specified FBE coated rebar.
Richard B. Higgins and John Diffenbach
Does a company's long‐term corporate strategy influence how security analysts rate its stock? The authors found that it does—but only when the strategy is communicated to analysts…
Does a company's long‐term corporate strategy influence how security analysts rate its stock? The authors found that it does—but only when the strategy is communicated to analysts through corporate advertising, executive presentations, annual reports, and similar means.
The building sector represents one of the most important and technically demanding areas for the application of powder coating technology. In response to this challenge, the…
The building sector represents one of the most important and technically demanding areas for the application of powder coating technology. In response to this challenge, the powder manufacturing industry is consistently developing new products and constantly researching both application techniques and potential uses for its customer industries.
Leslie T. Szamosi, Linda Duxbury and Chris Higgins
The focus of this paper is on developing an understanding, and benchmarking, human resource management (HRM) issues in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South‐Eastern Europe…
The focus of this paper is on developing an understanding, and benchmarking, human resource management (HRM) issues in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South‐Eastern Europe. The importance of SME's in helping transition‐based economies develop is critical, but at the same time the research indicates that the movement toward westernized business systems has a dramatic impact on the human resources within such businesses. Toward addressing this linkage, critical HRM issues related to work outcomes, measures of satisfaction, and managerial support were studied with a sample of nearly 300 employees from 21 SMEs in a country in South‐Eastern Europe (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). The data suggest that SMEs are not currently giving their employees what they want from their job (e.g. career development, participation in decision making) and that women are treated differently than men creating an imbalance within the workforce. From these data recommendations are drawn for SMEs on how to move forward as transition unfolds.
David W. Conrath, Christopher A. Higgins, Richard H. Irving and Cherian S. Thachenkary
Many organizations are introducing computer‐based communication and information systems to improve the efficiency and productivity of their personnel. Unfortunately, there exist…
Many organizations are introducing computer‐based communication and information systems to improve the efficiency and productivity of their personnel. Unfortunately, there exist no suitable schemes which these organizations can use to specify who needs what products or services. Neither is there any standardized methodology for evaluating the appropriateness of the new systems and their impact on the individual users and organizations. The Centre for the Evaluation of Communication—Information Technologies (CECIT) at the University of Waterloo is engaged in research on office automation. Its objectives are to develop suitable methodologies for the specification and evaluation of office automation services. This paper reports on an initial study of the communication—information requirements of white collar workers. The study took place in the summer and fall of 1980. One hundred and fourteen managers and fifty secretarial and clerical workers from four different organizations were involved in the study. Perceived use of various office support services, preliminary and subsequent detailed descriptions of individuals' tasks, and actual communication behaviour were the main focus of our data gathering. Preliminary findings suggest that cognition‐oriented tasks like human relations, planning, decision making and evaluating predominate the work of managers. Significant opportunities exist at the management level for the application of integrated decision‐support and communication systems. However, given the complexity and the lack of routine in the tasks performed by most managers, the development and introduction of office automation services geared for such a target are going to be slow in coming.
Paul A. Johnson, James Levinsohn and Richard S. Higgins
We propose a method for analyzing mergers that uses product characteristics to identify products that compete with each other. Products that compete with one another are termed…
We propose a method for analyzing mergers that uses product characteristics to identify products that compete with each other. Products that compete with one another are termed competitive-neighbors. This method does not require aggregation or complicated econometric modeling and is based on sound economic theory. The treatment emphasizes the difference between characteristics that are differentiated by their level of quality (vertical differentiation) and characteristics for which tastes differ across consumers (horizontal differentiation).
States that the Stackelberg leadership model is rarely used to describe market price determination perhaps because of the lack of a theoretical basis for selecting the minimum…
States that the Stackelberg leadership model is rarely used to describe market price determination perhaps because of the lack of a theoretical basis for selecting the minimum size necessary for leadership. Provides structural sufficiency conditions for selecting a unique Stackelberg leader based on the concept of Pareto dominance, in which the structural criterion involves the relative capacity shares of the first and second largest market rivals. Suggests that the Stackelberg price game is a viable static equilibrium construct even though the fringe firms are not atomistic. Applies the Stackelberg model to antitrust merger analysis.