This study aims to determine the effect of mediation on quality of work life (QWL) and job satisfaction in the relationship between spiritual leadership and employee performance…
This study aims to determine the effect of mediation on quality of work life (QWL) and job satisfaction in the relationship between spiritual leadership and employee performance conducted on nursing staff of private hospitals in North Sulawesi.
This study focuses on a private hospital in North Sulawesi. The population in this study is all nurses working in three hospitals which became the object of study totaling 292 people. Analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the hypotheses. In this study, the data used are primary data collected by distributing questionnaires. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods and, the researcher presented data by describing sorted or organized data and documents obtained and scientifically stated.
First, spiritual leadership does not directly affect employee performance. Second, quality of worklife as a mediating variable in the relationship between spiritual leadership to employee performance. Given the marked positive coefficient indicates that the higher the spiritual leadership will cause the higher the employee performance if mediated quality of worklife is also higher. Because the direct effect of spiritual leadership to employee performance is insignificant (with positive coefficient), indicate that quality of Worklife as pure moderator, means that spiritual leadership has a relationship to employee performance, only if the employee has the quality of worklife. Third, quality of Worklife as a mediating variable in the relationship between spiritual leadership to employee performance. Given the marked positive coefficient indicates that the higher the spiritual leadership will cause the higher the employee performance if mediated job satisfaction is also higher. Because the direct effect of spiritual leadership to employee performance is insignificant (with positive coefficient), indicate that quality of worklife as pure moderator means that the spiritual leadership has a relationship to employee performance, only if the employee has the quality of worklife.
Research limitations/implications
The data in this study is still limited to nurses who work in hospitals based on religious foundations and is limited to one city only Manado City North Sulawesi province in Indonesia.
Practical implications
The implications of the results of this study for the development of science are significant by contributing to the discipline of organizational behavior, human resource management and leadership. For people in particular who need health services, the results of this study provide references in choosing organizations engaged in health services whose standards of service have spiritual leadership values. And the implications of the results of this study have consistency with the findings in this study, that the performance of nurses can be influenced by spiritual leadership from the quality of work-life that includes: opportunities to grow, participate in decision-making, have a sense of pride in work, and conditions of work environment Perceived and experienced by nurses getting better and more positive. Likewise, if the nurse's job satisfaction increases because of the well-paying salary, promotion, work team, supervisor and job it will contribute to the improved performance of the nurse.
Originality for this paper shows mediation effect of quality of worklife and job satisfaction in relationship between spiritual leadership toward employee performance; no previous study has studied comprehensively the mediation effect of quality of worklife and job satisfaction in relationship between spiritual leadership toward employee performance. This research is a case study on nursing staff of private hospital in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Riane Johnly Pio and Florence Daisy Jetty Lengkong
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between spiritual leadership, quality of work life (QWL), ethical behavior, and its implication to organizational…
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between spiritual leadership, quality of work life (QWL), ethical behavior, and its implication to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).
The study design is the quantitative method as an explanatory research with the purpose to explain the phenomena or pattern of correlation between the concepts (Solimun et al., 2017). Focus on this study is the employees in three private hospitals managed by foundations or religious-based institutions as research areas, namely (1) Adventist Hospital; (2) Pancaran Kasih Hospital; (3) Siti Maryam Hospital, Manado, Indonesia. The population in this study was all the employees, and the sample size is 150 respondents (using Slovin’s Formula), by simple random sampling. The analytical method used to test the hypothesis of the research was structural equation modeling (SEM) covariance based called partial least square (PLS).
The spiritual leadership has the direct effect QWL. The spiritual leadership has the direct effect on ethical behavior. The spiritual leadership does not have the direct effect on OCB. QWL has the direct effect on OCB. The ethical behavior has the direct effect on OCB. The spiritual leadership has the indirect effect on OCB, with QWL and ethical behavior as mediation variables.
This is one of few research studies comprehensively investigating the relationship between spiritual leadership (as exogenous variable), with QWL and ethical behavior (as intervening variable) and OCB (as endogenous variable). Based on the views and opinions of some of the mentioned writers, we assume that spiritual leadership has a relationship with OCB mediated by QWL or ethical behavior.
Riane Johnly Pio and Johny Revo Elia Tampi
This paper is about the development of research by the author in the past with the topic of the influence of spiritual leadership on ethical behavior, quality of work life (QWL)…
This paper is about the development of research by the author in the past with the topic of the influence of spiritual leadership on ethical behavior, quality of work life (QWL), job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee performance.
This research is categorized as an explanation (explanatory) research that intends to explain the position of the variables that were analyzed, the relationship and influence of one variable with another variable and the data analysis methods used, such as structural equation modeling (SEM). The population under consideration for this study is all nurses working in three hospitals, totaling 292 people.
The results showed There were significant direct influences of spiritual leadership on quality of work life, spiritual leadership on job satisfaction, quality of work life on job satisfaction, quality of work life on organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior.
Originality for this paper shows an explanation (explanatory) research and the method used is SEM to find out the influence of spiritual leadership on ethical behavior, QWL, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee performance. This is a research case study on nursing staff of a private hospital in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.