Samina Qasim, Waqar Ahmed and Reema Frooghi
Environmental performance (EnPerf) needs to be critically studied so organizations can understand enhancing it. The purpose of this study is mainly to examine and explain the…
Environmental performance (EnPerf) needs to be critically studied so organizations can understand enhancing it. The purpose of this study is mainly to examine and explain the influence of beliefs and values of the human resources regarding religiosity (REL) and workplace spirituality (WS) on shaping an environmentally friendly work culture comprising environmental ethics (EE) and environmental passion (EP), to enhance EnPerf.
A survey methodology was used, and 316 responses were collected from the employees working in industries on the top list of polluting the environment using purposive sampling. Structural equation modeling was deployed to test the hypotheses.
This research is conducted to identify specific relationships of variables with the environment. It was discovered that WS affected EP and EE, positively affecting EnPerf.
Research limitations/implications
This study guides organizations and their management to adopt WS, EE and EP, as these all increase EnPerf in the organization.
Not much work has been conducted on the environmental culture based on REL and WS, using the ability-motivation-opportunity theory. This research analyzes employees’ intrinsic factors, such as REL and WS, to develop EP and EE. Thus helping to comprehend how they can use to enhance EnPerf, which is the current priority for the organizations.
Nauman Adil, Zaki Rashidi and Reema Frooghi
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing mechanism of school management committees (SMCs) and to propose an improved framework for strengthening its process and…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing mechanism of school management committees (SMCs) and to propose an improved framework for strengthening its process and outcomes. In 2005, the Education and Literacy department, Government of Sindh decentralizes the administrative and operational authorities to school level in the form of SMCs. These committees have been vested with several roles and responsibilities in accordance with the objective of SMCs set in by government in assistance with different international donor agencies.
The purposively selected respondent that includes 35 stakeholders among which 25 stakeholders has been interviewed individually while other ten has been interviewed in the form of two focused groups consisting of five members each. The findings based on the interviews are analyzed using the thematic analysis. This study analyzes the formation of SMCs, roles and responsibilities of members, Allocation SMC funds and its utilization methods. The study includes the challenges faced by these committees in school administration and operations with their recommendations for overcoming such challenges. Some common challenges include limited financial resources, interference of landlords and potential people of the community, limited administrative authorities and lack of interest of government toward government schools.
The recommendations have been categorized into three broad themes: strengthening of mechanism, strengthening through functions, roles and responsibilities and revising SMC fund allocation and its utilization.
The study proposed an improved framework for strengthening the process and outcomes of SMC.