Anantha Kumar K., Sugunamma V., Sandeep N. and Ramana Reddy J.V.
The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the heat and mass transfer attributes of three-dimensional bio convective flow of nanofluid across a slendering surface with slip…
The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the heat and mass transfer attributes of three-dimensional bio convective flow of nanofluid across a slendering surface with slip effects. The analysis is carried out subject to irregular heat sink/source, thermophoresis and Brownian motion of nanoparticles.
At first, proper transmutations are pondered to metamorphose the basic flow equations as ODEs. The solution of these ODEs is procured by the consecutive application of Shooting and Runge-Kutta fourth order numerical procedures.
The usual flow fields along with density of motile microorganisms for sundry physical parameters are divulged via plots and scrutinized. Further, the authors analyzed the impact of same parameters on skin friction, heat and mass transfer coefficients and presented in tables. It is discovered that the variable heat sink/source parameters play a decisive role in nature of the heat and mass transfer rates. The density of motile microorganisms will improve if we add Al-Cu alloy particles in regular fluids instead of Al particles solely. A change in thermophoresis and Brownian motion parameters dominates heat and mass transfer performance.
To the best of the knowledge, no author made an attempt to investigate the flow of nanofluids over a variable thickness surface with bio-convection, Brownian motion and slip effects.
Ramadevi B., Sugunamma V., Anantha Kumar K. and Ramana Reddy J.V.
The purpose of this paper is to focus on MHD unsteady flow of Carreau fluid over a variable thickness melting surface in the presence of chemical reaction and non-uniform heat…
The purpose of this paper is to focus on MHD unsteady flow of Carreau fluid over a variable thickness melting surface in the presence of chemical reaction and non-uniform heat sink/source.
The flow governing partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary ones with the help of similarity transformations. The set of ODEs are solved by a shooting technique together with the R.K.–Fehlberg method. Further, the graphs are depicted to scrutinize the velocity, concentration and temperature fields of the Carreau fluid flow. The numerical values of friction factor, heat and mass transfer rates are tabulated.
The results are presented for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flow cases. The authors conclude that the nature of three typical fields and the physical quantities are alike in both cases. An increase in melting parameter slows down the velocity field and enhances the temperature and concentration fields. But an opposite outcome is noticed with thermal relaxation parameter. Also the elevating values of thermal relaxation parameter/ wall thickness parameter/Prandtl number inflate the mass and heat transfer rates.
This is a new research article in the field of heat and mass transfer in fluid flows. Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model is used. The surface of the flow is assumed to be melting.
Anantha Kumar K., Ramana Reddy J.V., Sugunamma V. and N. Sandeep
The purpose of this paper is to propose the knowledge of thermal transport of magneto hydrodynamic non-Newtonian fluid flow over a melting sheet in the presence of exponential…
The purpose of this paper is to propose the knowledge of thermal transport of magneto hydrodynamic non-Newtonian fluid flow over a melting sheet in the presence of exponential heat source.
The group of PDE is mutated as dimension free with the assistance of similarity transformations and these are highly nonlinear and coupled. The authors solved the coupled ODE’s with the help of fourth-order Runge–Kutta based shooting technique. The impact of dimensionless sundry parameters on three usual distributions of the flow was analyzed and bestowed graphically. Along with them friction factor, heat and mass transfer rates have been assessed and represented with the aid of table.
Results exhibited that all the flow fields (velocity, concentration and temperature) are decreasing functions of melting parameter. Also the presence of cross-diffusion highly affects the heat and mass transfer performance.
Present paper deals with the heat and mass transfer characteristics of magnetohydrodynamics flow of non-Newtonian fluids past a melting surface. The effect of exponential heat source is also considered. Moreover this is a new work in the field of heat transfer in non-Newtonian fluid flows.
Jawad Raza, Fateh Mebarek-Oudina and B. Mahanthesh
The purpose of this paper is to present an exploration of multiple slips and temperature dependent thermal conductivity effects on the flow of nano Williamson fluid over a…
The purpose of this paper is to present an exploration of multiple slips and temperature dependent thermal conductivity effects on the flow of nano Williamson fluid over a slendering stretching plate in the presence of Joule and viscous heating aspects. The effectiveness of nanoparticles is deliberated by considering Brownian moment and thermophoresis slip mechanisms. The effects of magnetism and radiative heat are also deployed.
The governing partial differential equations are non-dimensionalized and reduced to multi-degree ordinary differential equations via suitable similarity variables. The subsequent non-linear problem treated for numerical results. To measure the amount of increase/decrease in skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number, the slope of linear regression line through the data points are calculated. Statistical approach is implemented to analyze the heat transfer rate.
The results show that temperature distribution across the flow decreases with thermal conductivity parameter. The maximum friction factor is ascertained at stronger magnetic field.
In the current paper, the magneto-nano Williamson fluid flow inspired by a stretching sheet of variable thickness is examined numerically. The rationale of the present study is to generalize the studies of Mebarek-Oudina and Makinde (2018) and Williamson (1929).
Mahantesh M. Nandeppanavar, Kemparaju M.C. and N. Raveendra
This paper aims to report the investigation of over heat and mass transfer of convective Casson fluid flow over a moving vertical plate with nonlinear thermal radiation and…
This paper aims to report the investigation of over heat and mass transfer of convective Casson fluid flow over a moving vertical plate with nonlinear thermal radiation and convective boundary conditions.
The main partial differential equations of the flow, heat and concentration profiles were rehabilitated to nonlinear ordinary differential equations by using an appropriate similarity transformation. The resultant nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are solved numerically applying fourth-order Runge–Kutta shooting technique and functions of ODE45 from MATLAB.
The effect of convective heat transfer, buoyancy ratio parameter, nonlinear thermal radiation, Prandtl number, Rayleigh number and Schmidt number over velocity, temperature and concentration profiles, equivalent to abundant somatic parameters were graphically scrutinized.
All the results are very promising and further there is got good agreement of results when compared with earlier published results at limiting conditions.
Saeed Dinarvand, Mohammadreza Nademi Rostami, Rassoul Dinarvand and Ioan Pop
This paper aims to simulate the steady laminar mixed convection incompressible viscous and electrically conducting hybrid nanofluid (CuO-Cu/blood) flow near the plane…
This paper aims to simulate the steady laminar mixed convection incompressible viscous and electrically conducting hybrid nanofluid (CuO-Cu/blood) flow near the plane stagnation-point over a horizontal porous stretching sheet along with an external magnetic field and induced magnetic field effects that can be applicable in the biomedical fields like the flow dynamics of the micro-circulatory system and especially in drug delivery.
The basic partial differential equations (PDEs) are altered to a set of dimensionless ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with the help of suitable similarity variables which are then solved numerically using bvp4c scheme from MATLAB. Inasmuch as validation results have shown a good agreement with previous reports, the present novel mass-based algorithm can be used in this problem with great confidence. Governing parameters are both nanoparticle masses, base fluid mass, empirical shape factor of both nanoparticles, suction/injection parameter, magnetic parameter, reciprocal magnetic Prandtl number, Prandtl number, heat source parameter, mixed convection parameter, permeability parameter and frequency ratio. The effect of these parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of the problem is discussed in detail.
It is shown that the use of CuO and Cu hybrid nanoparticles can reduce the hemodynamics effect of the capillary relative to pure blood case. Moreover, as the imposed magnetic field enhances, the velocity of the blood decreases. Besides, when the blade shapes for both nanoparticles are taken into account, the local heat transfer rate is maximum that is also compatible with experimental observations.
An innovative mass-based model of CuO-Cu/blood hybrid nanofluid has been applied. The novel attitude to one-phase hybrid nanofluid model corresponds to considering nanoparticles mass as well as base fluid mass to computing the solid equivalent volume fraction, the solid equivalent density and also solid equivalent specific heat.
Mahantesh M. Nandeppanavar, Kemparaju M.C. and Raveendra N.
This paper aims to find the influence of convective heat transfer, buoyancy proportions, nonlinear thermal radiation, Prandtl number, Rayleigh number and Schmidt number on…
This paper aims to find the influence of convective heat transfer, buoyancy proportions, nonlinear thermal radiation, Prandtl number, Rayleigh number and Schmidt number on velocity, temperature and concentration profiles.
This paper explores the heat and mass transfer of a stagnation point stream of free convective Casson fluid over a moving vertical plate with nonlinear thermal radiation and convective boundary restrictions. The governing PDEs of stream, heat and concentration profiles were reformed into an arrangement of nonlinear ODEs by using similarity transformation. This framework was then tackled numerically by applying forth-order RK shooting strategy.
Distribution of flow, velocity and temperature profiles for different values of governing parameters are analyzed.
The original results are depicted in terms of plots.
Olumide Falodun Bidemi and M.S. Sami Ahamed
The purpose of this paper is to consider a two-dimensional unsteady Casson magneto-nanfluid flow over an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium. The novelty of the present…
The purpose of this paper is to consider a two-dimensional unsteady Casson magneto-nanfluid flow over an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium. The novelty of the present study is to investigate the effects of Soret–Dufour on unsteady magneto-nanofluid flow.
Appropriate similarity transformations are used to convert the governing non-linear partial differential equations into coupled non-linear dimensionless partial differential equations. The transformed equations are then solved using spectral relaxation method.
The effects of controlling parameters on flow profiles is discussed and depicted with the aid of graphs. Results show that as the non-Newtonian Casson nanofluid parameter increases, the fluid velocity decreases. It is found that the Soret parameter enhance the temperature profile, while Dufour parameter decreases the concentration profile close to the wall.
The novelty of this paper is to consider the combined effects of both Soret and Dufour on unsteady Casson magneto-nanofluid flow. The present model is in an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium which to the best of our knowledge has not been considered in the past. The applied magnetic field gives rise to an opposing force which slows the motion of the fluid. A newly developed spectral method known as spectral relaxation method (SRM) is used in solving the modeled equations. SRM is an iterative method that employ the Gauss–Seidel approach in solving both linear and non-linear differential equations. SRM is found to be effective and accurate.
Gladys Tharapatla, Glory Tharapatla and Jaladi Rajendra Kumar
This paper aims to explore the numerical simulation of MHD flow of Williamson hybrid nanofluid over a porous stretched sheet. Cattaneo–Christov thermal and specie fluxes were used…
This paper aims to explore the numerical simulation of MHD flow of Williamson hybrid nanofluid over a porous stretched sheet. Cattaneo–Christov thermal and specie fluxes were used in the model. Partial differential equations are exploit to model the underlying physics of the situation (PDEs).
Using an acceptable similarity functions, these equations were changed into total differential equations (ODEs). The spectral relaxation method (SRM) was used to solve the linked and nonlinear altered ODEs. The Gauss–Seidel procedure is used to figure out how to use Chebyshev pseudospectral techniques in SRM. This is an iterative process.
Increasing the heat relaxation flow increases temperature distributions; increasing the mass relaxation flux increases concentration distributions. A higher value of thermal radiation heat generation and Eckert number was noticed to improve temperature and velocity distributions. Due to the imposed electromagnetic force, a higher magnetic field is detected to cause an elevation in the velocity distribution. Also, a higher thermal radiation is observed to upsurge the velocity in company with temperature distributions.
This research benefits from biomedical engineering, biological sciences, astrophysics and geophysics. The rheological applications of Williamson fluid finds usefulness in biological sciences. The nanoparticles as considered in this study finds applications in the field of biomedical engineering. Also, the application of the imposed electromagnetic field and magnetic field strength is very useful in the area of astrophysics. A good agreement may be found in the literature on this study’s findings.
Moses Sunday Dada and Cletus Onwubuoya
The purpose of this paper is to consider heat and mass transfer on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Williamson fluid flow over a slendering stretching sheet with variable thickness in…
The purpose of this paper is to consider heat and mass transfer on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Williamson fluid flow over a slendering stretching sheet with variable thickness in the presence of radiation and chemical reaction. All pertinent flow parameters are discussed and their influence on the hydrodynamics, thermal and concentration boundary layer are presented with the aid of the diagram.
The governing partial differential equations are reduced into a system of ordinary differential equations with the help of suitable similarity variables. A discrete version of the homotopy analysis method (HAM) called the spectral homotopy analysis method (SHAM) was used to solve the transformed equations. SHAM is efficient, and it converges faster than the HAM. The SHAM provides flexibility when solving linear ordinary differential equations with the use of the Chebyshev spectral collocation method.
The findings revealed that an increase in the variable thermal conductivity hike the temperature and the thermal boundary layer thickness, whereas the reverse is the case for velocity close to the wall.
The uniqueness of this paper is the exploration of combined effects of heat and mass transfer on MHD Williamson fluid flow over a slendering stretching sheet. The Williamson fluid term in the momentum equation is expressed as a linear function and the viscosity and thermal conductivity are considered to vary in the boundary layer.