Paul Hansen, Alison Hendry, Ray Naden, Franz Ombler and Ralph Stewart
This paper aims to describe a new process for creating points systems – i.e. decision criteria and their point values – for prioritising patients for access to elective health…
This paper aims to describe a new process for creating points systems – i.e. decision criteria and their point values – for prioritising patients for access to elective health services.
The process was developed in New Zealand from a project the authors were closely involved in, beginning in 2004, to create new points systems, initially for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and then successively for other elective services. The objective was to overcome the limitations of earlier methodologies for creating points systems.
The process, supported by internet‐based software, consists of seven steps performed by a working group of clinical leaders for the elective service concerned, in consultation with patient groups and other clinicians. The authors' experience reveals it is acceptable to clinicians and their professional organisations as well as to patient groups.
The process creates points systems that are valid and reproducible and based on a consensus of clinical judgements. The process is explained in a step‐by‐step manner so that it is possible for readers to apply it themselves to create points systems for their own patient‐prioritisation applications.
Deborah Fowler and Richard Clodfelter
Past research has shown that consumers believe there is a strong relationship between price and quality; they also believe there is a strong relationship between brand and…
Past research has shown that consumers believe there is a strong relationship between price and quality; they also believe there is a strong relationship between brand and quality. Therefore, when comparing similar pieces of apparel, items with a designer brand or a higher price are perceived, by most customers, to be of higher quality. The purpose of this study was to compare the pricing and quality of identical designer merchandise sold in department stores and manufacturers’ outlet stores. The researchers found no significant differences in the quality of apparel sold in the two retail formats; however, there was a significant difference in the price. The department store merchandise was 31 per cent higher in price than the outlet store merchandise.
The case opens with Martha Stewart's 2005 release from prison following her conviction for obstructing an insider-trading investigation of her 2001 sale of personal stock. The…
The case opens with Martha Stewart's 2005 release from prison following her conviction for obstructing an insider-trading investigation of her 2001 sale of personal stock. The scandal dealt a crippling blow to the powerful Martha Stewart brand and drove results at her namesake company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSO), deep into the red. But as owner of more than 90 percent of MSO's voting shares, Stewart continued to control the company throughout the scandal.
The company faced significant external challenges, including changing consumer preferences and mounting competition in all of its markets. Ad rates were under pressure as advertisers began fragmenting spending across multiple platforms, including the Internet and social media, where MSO was weak. New competitors were luring readers from MSO's flagship publication, Martha Stewart Living. And in its second biggest business, merchandising, retailing juggernauts such as Walmart and Target were crushing MSO's most important sales channel, Kmart. Internal challenges loomed even larger, with numerous failures of governance while the company attempted a turnaround.
This case can be used to teach either corporate governance or turnarounds.
Students will learn:
How control of shareholder voting rights by a founding executive can undermine corporate governance
The importance of independent directors and board committees
How company bylaws affect corporate governance
How to recognize and respond to early signs of stagnation
How to avoid management actions that can make a crisis worse
How weaknesses in executive leadership can push a company into crisis and foster a culture that actively prevents strategic revitalization
How control of shareholder voting rights by a founding executive can undermine corporate governance
The importance of independent directors and board committees
How company bylaws affect corporate governance
How to recognize and respond to early signs of stagnation
How to avoid management actions that can make a crisis worse
How weaknesses in executive leadership can push a company into crisis and foster a culture that actively prevents strategic revitalization

Christopher M. Moore and John Fernie
This paper examines the growth strategies adopted by fashion design houses which have undergone significant transformation in the past decade from being privately owned, niche…
This paper examines the growth strategies adopted by fashion design houses which have undergone significant transformation in the past decade from being privately owned, niche market companies to stock‐market‐listed businesses selling fashion and other lifestyle products to a lucrative and international middle retailing market. In order to illustrate this transition, the paper will focus upon the entry of American fashion design houses into central London. The expansion activities of these firms are identified and the resultant impact of their strategies upon central London fashion retailing is considered, providing invaluable insights to the impact of fashion retailer internationalisation and strategic growth at the micro environmental level.
Ralph Tench, Johanna Fawkes and Dayan Palihawadana
This paper describes a research project that involved an in‐depth investigation into freelancing in the public relations industry with data collected from both freelancers and…
This paper describes a research project that involved an in‐depth investigation into freelancing in the public relations industry with data collected from both freelancers and their employers. The analysis of these data highlighted the complexity of issues for those working in and employing people in this sector of public relations practice. The research project produced data on themes relating to freelance practitioners’ status, skills and experience, but this paper aims to focus specifically on trends and issues for the future. The key findings under this theme are that the freelance sector has grown. A majority of clients claim an increased use of freelancers in the last year and this was linked to a “need for flexibility” and “new business development”. Also the majority of freelancers are happy and do not want to change their employment status and some respondents stated “nothing” would make them return to permanent employment. Freelance public relations appears to be meeting a trend since the early 1990s for companies to “downsize” and “outsource” workers and for employees to seek a work/lifestyle balance. Regarding patterns of work almost half of freelancers claimed to be more productive when freelancing with the key factors being that they have “fewer interruptions” and fewer “unnecessary meetings”. Of relevance to national institutes and debates about professionalisation and reputation, it was interesting that the majority of the sample were not members of a professional body. The research and its findings have implications for human resources managers employing public relations staff, public relations managers and directors who commission freelance practitioners and the freelancers themselves.
Brent D. Ruben and Ralph A. Gigliotti
Leadership scholars, practitioners and educators find themselves at a very opportune time, when their subject matter-expertise is of increasing interest across sectors, settings…
Leadership scholars, practitioners and educators find themselves at a very opportune time, when their subject matter-expertise is of increasing interest across sectors, settings and levels of analysis, as leadership is hailed as both a pressing problem and a promising solution. It is also a challenging time for leadership study—a point in time when incongruities between leadership theories and the observed dynamics and outcomes of leadership in practice have been difficult to ignore. In this article we identify and discuss several problematic incongruities, explore possible reasons for these gaps and outline an integrated view of theories of resonance, communication and systems to address these discontinuities and advance our understanding of leadership theory and practice.
Building upon the intersection of theories of resonance, communication and systems in this conceptual article, we advance a line of renewed macro-level thinking on the topic of leadership as social influence, resulting in what we describe as leadership resonance theory.
This article advances an explanation of leadership as a phenomenon that is co-constructed through the communicative connections established between leaders and followers. These connections are mutually-defining, mutually-reinforcing and mutually-causal. Resonance, activation and cultivation are central concepts in the proposed framework, introduced to help explain dynamics and outcomes that seem unpredictable or unexplainable when focusing attention solely on a leader or followers in isolation of one another at a single moment in time.
This framework offers an original, nuanced and integrated way of thinking about leadership in terms of communication, social influence and systems theory, and it helps to explain gaps between the guidance provided by leadership theory and observed leadership outcomes in practice. The proposed framework can help to explain observed leader–follower behaviors, dynamics and outcomes, irrespective of whether they are seen as desirable or comfortable, whether they are necessarily aligned with extant theories or guidance on preferred practices and whether or not they align with traditional values in a personal, organizational or societal context.
Apparel brands are heavily reliant on emotional appeal and creation of imagery to achieve consumer recognition and interest. This study examines how US female consumers compare…
Apparel brands are heavily reliant on emotional appeal and creation of imagery to achieve consumer recognition and interest. This study examines how US female consumers compare and form impressions of competing national apparel brands. More specifically, this study examines consumer perceptions of five brand personality traits for various apparel brands and the relationship between brand personality and brand preference. Findings from this study show that although personality expectations for apparel brands differ, brands with favourable brand attitude have favourable competent ratings. Also, for brands with similar personality patterns, similarities could be found for such characteristics as product lines offered, brand image, retailing format, etc.
Francine Schlosser, Deborah M. McPhee, Jody L. Ralph and Hanna Salminen