Rajinder Koul, Melinda Corwin, Ravi Nigam and Susanne Oetzel
Individuals with severe speech and language impairment as a result of chronic severe Broca's aphasia may rely on non‐speech communication aids to augment or replace speech. These…
Individuals with severe speech and language impairment as a result of chronic severe Broca's aphasia may rely on non‐speech communication aids to augment or replace speech. These aids include speech‐generating devices and graphic symbol software programs that produce synthetic speech upon activation. Previous research has indicated that individuals with chronic severe Broca's aphasia are able to identify, manipulate, and combine graphic symbols to produce simple phrases and sentences. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the ability of three individuals with chronic severe Broca's aphasia to produce graphic symbol sentences of varying levels of complexity using a speech generating device. A single‐subject multiple‐baseline design across behaviours replicated across three participants was used to assess the effect of AAC intervention on the production of sentences using graphic symbols. Findings indicated that individuals with chronic severe Broca's aphasia were able to combine graphic symbols to produce sentences of varying levels of complexity. The results of this study suggest that technologically‐based AAC intervention approaches can be effective in facilitating communication for individuals with chronic severe Broca's aphasia. The overall findings are discussed in terms of clinical and public policy implications.