A conceptual framework for structuring a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) environment called an open automation architecture (OAA) is proposed. The framework is based on the…
A conceptual framework for structuring a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) environment called an open automation architecture (OAA) is proposed. The framework is based on the open‐systems approach to information system development. OAA proposes partitioning of the manufacturing environment into autonomous manufacturing entities called logical manufacturing shops, that communicate and cooperate during the manufacturing of products. The partitioning in OAA is not based on the traditional structuring of machines on the shop floor. Each logical manufacturing shop is structured to provide for data and process integration within its processing domain, supported by a stable grouping of machines on the shop floor. The framework is illustrated with a manufacturing case and a discussion of information system support in the form of expert systems.
Decision support systems (DSS) like individual DSS, group DSS, ororganization DSS, have traditionally been developed separately. Attemptsto integrate their separate development…
Decision support systems (DSS) like individual DSS, group DSS, or organization DSS, have traditionally been developed separately. Attempts to integrate their separate development into a unified framework. Specifies the relationship between the decisions supported by different DSS in organization, thereby making it necessary to have an integrated approach; along with an outline of the problems in the existing DSS environment towards proper integration. The ANSI/X3/SPARC database framework is utilized to develop a three‐level integrated DSS framework, that enables the integration of different types of DSS in organization. Suggests a knowledge‐based approach for implementing the proposed framework.
Rajeev Kaula and Leslie C. Lander
Increasing utilization of expert systems in organizations hasnecessitated development of large‐scale expert systems that deal withcomplex problem domains requiring handling of…
Increasing utilization of expert systems in organizations has necessitated development of large‐scale expert systems that deal with complex problem domains requiring handling of large knowledge bases. Adapts the concepts and structures of open information systems to outline a conceptual framework for large‐scale expert system development called an open‐based expert system (OES) architecture. The framework proposes partitioning large‐scale expert systems development into smaller and autonomous expert system modules which communicate through a flexible interface. The expert system modules may be built small enough to achieve reliability, and the open structure of the architecture allows the modules to be incorporated into a larger information system. The OES architecture is implemented on vp‐expert shell, and a prototype is developed to demonstrate its working.