Imtiyaz Ali, Ram B. Bhagat, Geetika Shankar and Raj Kumar Verma
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the overall morbidity prevalence and their differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives in Kerala, India.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the overall morbidity prevalence and their differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives in Kerala, India.
The study is based on the third round of The Kerala Migration Survey-2007 data. The third round of KMS was perhaps the first survey which has collected data on Indian emigration and morbidity scenario during 2007 at the household and individual level. Descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression models, and Oaxaca decomposition models were used to examine the disease differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives.
The paper shows that household size is negatively associated with chronic disease and incidence of morbidity is much lower among emigrants’ wives. The result also shows that among women, those who stay with a husband or whose husbands are elsewhere in India show a higher incidence of morbidity than those whose husbands are abroad, owing to the limited scope of activity as well as freedom in lifestyle and for taking independent decisions. Thus, it can be concluded that for women, the scope of activity and the freedom to live are important factors contributing to the level of morbidity. Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition results show that non-poor households and non-Muslim religion are in a disadvantageous position in terms of chronic morbidity.
Research limitations/implications
This paper is based on the cross-sectional nature of data; this is an obvious limitation on the effect of emigration on morbidity differentials among emigrants’ and non-emigrants’ wives.
There are few or rare studies conducted so far to investigate the effect of migration on the health of the spouses or families left behind.
Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Nagendra Kumar Sharma and Pratima Verma
The purpose of this study is to examine how Industry 4.0 (I4.0) implementation might improve marketing performance (MP). Early adopters now have the chance to capitalize on the…
The purpose of this study is to examine how Industry 4.0 (I4.0) implementation might improve marketing performance (MP). Early adopters now have the chance to capitalize on the advantages of this successful implementation owing to the transition to I4.0. To improve MP, businesses must be able to identify and manage their effective implementation of I4.0 technologies, which are essential to improve industrial performance.
A survey was created and sent to 311 samples of manufacturing companies. To investigate the hypothesis created in this context, the study includes a survey-based analysis. To present the study’s findings, partial least squares-structural equation modeling has been used.
According to the findings, it can be concluded that an efficient implementation of Industry 4.0 (EII) can improve MP by positively impacting consumer loyalty and increasing customer loyalty (CL) positively enhancing by product customization (PC). The study’s key results, however, are how both PC and CL affect MP.
Research limitations/implications
The intensive production technologies that are at the center of I4.0 will be better understood by professionals thanks to this study. The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, sophisticated robots and many more are examples of these technologies. I4.0’s application strengthens efficiency and high-quality production. The I4.0 concept is gaining popularity in both developed and emerging countries due to its higher performance. Additionally, business people are actively working to implement I4.0 and make it a big success.
The study identifies the successful adoption of I4.0 that has a substantial impact on businesses’ MP. However, there is a lack of noteworthy studies that can concentrate on the marketing reach with I4.0 deployment. As a result, the goal of the current research is to comprehend how I4.0 will affect MP.
Raphaella Ferreira Cordeiro, Luciana Paula Reis and June Marques Fernandes
This research aims to evaluate the impact of barriers experienced by Brazilian companies in adopting Industry 4.0 (I4.0).
This research aims to evaluate the impact of barriers experienced by Brazilian companies in adopting Industry 4.0 (I4.0).
As a methodological approach, the survey method was used, adopting the use of the questionnaire for data collection. From the feedback of 99 companies (with an index of 80%), quantitative analyzes of the data were carried out with the aid of factor analysis and linear regression to validate the proposed structural model.
The barriers construct does not impact the I4.0 adoption construct. Directly evaluating the effect of the variables that make up the barriers construct in the I4.0 adoption construct, it was observed that three barriers affect effectively the adoption of I4.0: technological infrastructure; financial constraint and lack of understanding of the benefits of I4.0.
Research limitations/implications
As a limitation, the research was conducted only in the Brazilian context, requiring the development of future studies in other countries that can strengthen the findings of this research.
Practical implications
In addition, the results achieved provide relevant insights into public policymakers and business managers, helping them to deeply understand the barriers that impact the adoption of I4.0. This facilitates the propagation of I4.0 concepts in the context of Brazilian companies and in the formulation of public policies adapted to each sector, allowing a more assertive action in the face of the types of barriers experienced by organizations during the adoption of I4.0.
Social implications
The findings can help practitioners and policymakers to understand in detail this new industrial model and the difficulties that prevent its implementation.
From an extensive literature review, no studies were identified that statistically validate which barriers effectively affect the adoption of I4.0. This research is a pioneer in proposing a structural model to analyze the barriers experienced by workers during the adoption of I4.0, exploring Brazilian companies, from different economic sectors and sizes. It is noteworthy that the literature still focuses efforts on manufacturing companies.
Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Arpit Singh and Pratima Verma
This study aims to investigate the relationship between patient satisfaction (PS) and the parameters in healthcare and supply chain management (HLSCM).
This study aims to investigate the relationship between patient satisfaction (PS) and the parameters in healthcare and supply chain management (HLSCM).
The structural equation modeling (SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) method have been employed to identify correlation and possible configuration of causal factors that influence PS, including lack of resilience (LS), lack of visibility (LV), cost management (CM) and integration and interoperability (II).
The results from SEM confirmed that PS is highly correlated with lack of visibility, CM and II as critical parameters. Moreover, fsQCA findings state that the configuration of high levels of both resilience and lack of visibility, as well as high levels of II, are crucial for PS.
Research limitations/implications
The researchers also identified the configuration of factors that lead to low PS. The study’s results could assist healthcare providers in improving their supply chain operations, resulting in more effective and efficient healthcare service delivery and ultimately improving PS.
The fsQCA method used in the study provides a more nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between these factors. The inclusion of supply chain management characteristics as parameters in the evaluation of PS is a novel aspect of this research. Previous studies largely focused on more traditional factors such as physical care, waiting times and hospital amenities. By considering supply chain management factors, this study provides insights into an under-explored area of PS research, which has important implications for healthcare providers looking to improve their operations and PS.
Vimal Kumar, Priyanka Verma, Ankesh Mittal, Pradeep Gupta, Rohit Raj and Mahender Singh Kaswan
The aim of this study is to investigate and clarify how the triple helix actors can effectively implement the concepts of Kaizen to navigate and overcome the complex obstacles…
The aim of this study is to investigate and clarify how the triple helix actors can effectively implement the concepts of Kaizen to navigate and overcome the complex obstacles brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Through broad literature reviews, nine common parameters under triple helix actor have been recognized. A regression analysis has been done to study how the triple helix actors’ common parameters impact Kaizen implementation in business operations.
The results of this study revealed insightful patterns in the relationships between the common parameters of triple helix actor and the dependent variables. Notably, the results also showed that leadership commitment (LC) emerges as a very significant component, having a big impact on employee engagement as well as organizational performance.
Research limitations/implications
In addition to offering valuable insights, this study has limitations including the potential for response bias in survey data and the focus on a specific set of common parameters, which may not encompass the entirety of factors influencing Kaizen implementation within the triple helix framework during the pandemic.
The originality of this study lies in its comprehensive exploration of the interplay between triple helix actors and Kaizen principles in addressing COVID-19 challenges. By identifying and analyzing nine specific common parameters, the study provides a novel framework for understanding how triple helix actors collaboratively enhance organizational performance and employee engagement during challenging times.
Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Ankesh Mittal, Priyanka Verma, Kuei-Kuei Lai and Arpit Singh
This study aims to identify and prioritize the key practices and strategies for effective global sourcing and supply chain management (SCM).
This study aims to identify and prioritize the key practices and strategies for effective global sourcing and supply chain management (SCM).
The study uses a combination of Pareto analysis and multi-objective optimization based on ratio analysis research methodology to analyze and establish the relationships among the identified key practices and strategies. Pareto analysis enables organization to prioritize organizational efforts and resources by focusing on the most critical factors.
The study shows that the “eco-friendly sourcing strategy”, “lean manufacturing” and “tool cost analysis” are the top critical practices and strategy variables for global sourcing and SCM, whereas the “risk management”, “procurement strategy” and “leverage digital solutions” are the critical practices and strategy variables.
Research limitations/implications
The findings of this research can also assist organizations in making informed decisions to optimize their global sourcing and supply chain operations.
By using these methods, this research paper gives valuable insights into the critical practices and strategies that can enhance efficiency, mitigate risks and drive success in global sourcing and SCM. The subjects and elements this study identified will serve as a framework and suggestions for further theoretical investigation and real-world implementations.
Rohit Raj, Arpit Singh, Vimal Kumar and Pratima Verma
This study examined the factors impeding the implementation of micro-credentials and accepting it as a credible source of earning professional qualifications and certifications…
This study examined the factors impeding the implementation of micro-credentials and accepting it as a credible source of earning professional qualifications and certifications necessary for pursuing higher education or other career goals.
The factors were identified by reflecting on the recent literature and Internet resources coupled with in-depth brainstorming with experts in the field of micro-credentials including educators, learners and employers. Two ranking methods, namely Preference Ranking for Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) and multi-objective optimization based on ratio analysis (MOORA), are used together to rank the major challenges.
The results of this study present that lack of clear definitions, ambiguous course descriptions, lack of accreditation and quality assurance, unclear remuneration policies, lack of coordination between learning hours and learning outcomes, the inadequate volume of learning, and lack of acceptance by individuals and organizations are the top-ranked and the most significant barriers in the implementation of micro-credentials.
Research limitations/implications
The findings can be used by educational institutions, organizations and policymakers to better understand the issues and develop strategies to address them, making micro-credentials a more recognized form of education and qualifications.
The novelty of this study is to identify the primary factors influencing the implementation of micro-credentials from the educators', students' and employers' perspectives and to prioritize those using ranking methods such as PROMETHEE and MOORA.
Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Priyanka Verma and Suriya Klangrit
Though academic study on the subject is still in its early stages, there is growing interest in using blockchain technology for transforming the supply chain. The academic…
Though academic study on the subject is still in its early stages, there is growing interest in using blockchain technology for transforming the supply chain. The academic literature is divided and yet only includes studies evaluating how the supply chain has changed organizations. To comprehend the new phenomena, this study aims to investigate the factors of blockchain technology in driving supply chain transformation. To be more precise, the authors developed from the literature the most prevalent criteria for determining if supply chain transformations are ready to be scaled up.
This study followed a combination of two multi-criteria decision making methods evaluation based on distance from average solution and complex proportional assessment) methodology in this research: planning, investigating, executing out, establishing a rating of the criteria and evaluating it.
The study shows that the “organizational driver” and the “technology driver” are the factors most important to the transformation of the supply chain, whereas the “financial driver” and the “regulatory driver” are less important. This study also makes some managerial recommendations to address the factors impeding the supply chain’s transformation. Each factor’s significance was explored, and a proposed study agenda was also presented.
Research limitations/implications
Although the main forces behind the transformation of the supply chain have been recognized, further research into statistical correlation is required to confirm how the various elements interact.
Practical implications
This research aids decision-makers in comprehending the key forces behind supply chain transformation. Managers and decision-makers might better predict and allocate the necessary resources to start the road toward digitization and make well-informed choices once these aspects have been investigated and understood.
In light of the pandemic’s effects on the world and the increase in businesses embracing the digital economy, the supply chain transformation is more important than ever. Beyond blockchain deployment and the pilot studies on digital transformation, there is a gap. The topics and factors this study uncovered will operate as a framework and recommendations for more theoretical investigation and practical applications.
Rohit Raj, Arpit Singh, Vimal Kumar and Pratima Verma
Recent technological advancements, often linked to Industry 4.0, require organizations to be more agile and innovative. Blockchain technology (BT) holds immense potential in…
Recent technological advancements, often linked to Industry 4.0, require organizations to be more agile and innovative. Blockchain technology (BT) holds immense potential in driving organizations to achieve efficiency and transparency in supply chains. However, there exist some insurmountable challenges associated with the adoption of BT in organizational supply chains (SC). This paper attempts to categorically identify and systematize the most influential challenges in the implementation of BT in SC.
This study resorts to an extensive literature review and consultations with experts in the field of supply chain management (SCM), information technology and academia to identify, categorize and prioritize the major challenges using VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) and Combined Compromise Solution method (CoCoSo).
The top three classes of challenges revealed in this study are privacy challenges (PC), infrastructure challenges (IC) and transparency challenges (TC). Maintaining a balance between data openness and secrecy and rectification of incorrect/erroneous input are the top two challenges in the PC category, integration of BT with sustainable practices and ensuring legitimacy are the top two challenges in the IC category, and proper and correct information sharing in organizations was the top most challenge in the TC category.
Future scholars and industry professionals will be guided by the importance of the challenges identified in this study to develop an economical and logical approach for integrating BT to increase the efficiency and outcome of supply chains across several industrial sectors.
Shih-Hao Lu, Rohit Raj, Anupama Mahajan, Ajay Jha, Priyanka Verma, Hsia-Ping Lan and Sumanjeet Singh
The study aims to add to the existing literature on food supply chains by specifically taking into the redesigning of the alignment of storage, packaging and distribution…
The study aims to add to the existing literature on food supply chains by specifically taking into the redesigning of the alignment of storage, packaging and distribution practices in the modern complex supply chain. The redesign of the food supply chain’s storage, distribution and packaging is a transformative endeavor ultimately aimed at enhancing efficiency, sustainability and reliability.
In order to identify, classify and prioritize the main challenges, this study conducted an extensive analysis of the literature and experts’ opinions in the areas of academia, information technology and the food supply chain (FSC) using combined compromise solution method (CoCoSo) and complex proportional assessment (COPRAS).
The top three classes of key indicators revealed in this study are dynamic route optimization and on-demand delivery pods (RD4), implementation of active packaging with nanotechnology (RP3) and collaborative last-mile (RD2). The findings reveal that dynamic route optimization and on-demand delivery pods (RD4) and collaborative last-mile (RD2) are maintaining a balance between collaborative delivery networks through route optimization which is a very discussable theme in recent literature.
The research provides fresh insights into how perishable food shelf life parameters and the use of distribution networks within the short supply chain can be taken into consideration when redesigning the storage, packaging and distribution system for food supply chains.