Rahila Naz, Muhammad Sohail and T. Hayat
This paper addresses the three-dimensional flow of viscous nanofluid bounded by two plates. The lower plate stretches while the upper plate remains stationary. The fluid is…
This paper addresses the three-dimensional flow of viscous nanofluid bounded by two plates. The lower plate stretches while the upper plate remains stationary. The fluid is electrically conducting in the presence of an applied magnetic field. In addition, the Hall, ion slip and Joule heating effects are retained. Governing equations for the considered physical happening are modeled under the phenomenon of boundary layer analysis.
Both analytical and numerical solutions for the resulting nonlinear system are derived. Numerical solutions have been presented by using bvp4c and NDSolve techniques. The homotopy analysis method is utilized for the development of convergent analytical solutions. A comparative study for the presented solutions is made. An excellent agreement between analytical and numerical solutions is noticed.
The dimensionless velocities, temperature and concentration are examined physically by two-dimensional plots, stream plot and tabular values. It is observed that Hall and ion slip parameters reduce the velocity field and temperature profile increases for the mounting values of the Eckert number.
This manuscript contains the novel contents which comprise the Hall and ion slip effects for the transportation of heat and mass for the flow of viscous nanofluid.
Memoona Bibi, Muhammad Sohail and Rahila Naz
The purpose of this paper is to perform an analytical approximation for the flow of magnetohydrodynamic Carreau fluid with the association of nanoparticles over a rotating disk…
The purpose of this paper is to perform an analytical approximation for the flow of magnetohydrodynamic Carreau fluid with the association of nanoparticles over a rotating disk. The disk is moving with a constant uniform speed. Governing equations are obtained by using these assumptions in the form of partial differential equations with boundary conditions. These coupled, highly nonlinear equations are transformed into a coupled system of ordinary differential equations by engaging similarity transformation in the rotating frame of reference.
An efficient and reliable scheme, namely optimal homotopy asymptotic method, is used to obtain the solutions of the arising physical problem, which is further analyzed graphically. After computing the solutions of the arising problem, plots of velocities, temperature and concentration are discussed briefly.
It has been observed that dimensionless velocity reduced due to magnetic effect between the boundary layer and escalating values of the magnetic parameter upsurges the temperature and concentration profiles. Contour plots and numerical results are given for local numbers like skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number.
The work presented in this manuscript is neither published nor submitted anywhere for the consideration/publications. It is a novel work.
Muhammad Sohail, Rahila Naz and Rabeeah Raza
The purpose of this paper is to address the entropy analysis of the 3D flow of Maxwell nanofluid containing gyrotactic microorganism in the presence of homogeneous–heterogeneous…
The purpose of this paper is to address the entropy analysis of the 3D flow of Maxwell nanofluid containing gyrotactic microorganism in the presence of homogeneous–heterogeneous reactions with improved heat conduction and mass diffusion models over a stretched surface. Improved models are supported out by utilizing Cattaneo–Christov heat flux and generalized Fick’s law, respectively.
Governing equations which present the given flow phenomenon are modeled in the form of PDEs by applying boundary layer analysis and then suitable makeovers are engaged to transfigure prevailing partial differential equations into a set of ordinary differential equations. Transformed equations are handled via optimal homotopy analysis process in computational tool Mathematica and also a special case of already published work is substantiated and found to be in excellent settlement.
The bearing of innumerable convoluted physical parameters on velocity, temperature, concentration, reaction rate, the concentration of motile microorganism and entropy generation are presented and deliberated through graphs. Moreover, the convergence of the homotopic solution is presented in tabular form which confirms the reliability of the proposed scheme. It is perceived that mounting values of the magnetic parameter and Brinkman number boosts the irreversibility analysis and Bejan number diminishes for these parameters. Moreover, the growing values of Prandtl and Schmidt numbers reduce the temperature and concentration fields, respectively.
Practical implications
The work contained in this paper has applications in a different industry.
The work contained in this paper is original work and it is good for the researcher in the field of applied mathematics.
S. Bilal, Muhammad Sohail and Rahila Naz
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the studies of momentum and transmission of heat on mixed convection boundary layer Darcy‒Forchheimer flow of Casson liquid over a linear…
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the studies of momentum and transmission of heat on mixed convection boundary layer Darcy‒Forchheimer flow of Casson liquid over a linear extending surface in a porous medium. The belongings of homogeneous‒heterogeneous retorts are also affianced. The mechanism of heat transmission is braced out in the form of Cattaneo‒Christov heat flux. Appropriate restorations are smeared to revolutionize coupled nonlinear partial differential equations conforming to momentum, energy and concentration of homogeneous‒heterogeneous reaction equations into coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
Numerical elucidations of the transmogrified ODEs are accomplished via a dexterous and trustworthy scheme, namely optimal homotopy analysis method. The convergence of planned scheme is exposed with the support of error table.
The exploration of mixed convection Darcy‒Forchheimer MHD boundary layer flow of incompressible Casson fluid by the linear stretched surface with Cattaneo‒Christov heat flux model and homogeneous‒heterogeneous reactions is checked in this research. Imitations of the core subsidized flow parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration of homogeneous‒heterogeneous reactions solutions are conscripted. From the recent deliberation, remarkable annotations are as follows: non-dimensional velocities in xa− and xb− directions shrink, whereas the non-dimensional temperature upsurges when the Casson fluid parameter ameliorates. Similar impact of Casson fluid parameter, magnetic parameter, mixed convection parameter, inertia parameter, and porosity parameter is observed for both the components of velocity field. An escalation in magnetic parameter shows the opposite attitude of temperature field as compared with velocity profile. Similar bearing of Casson fluid parameter is observed for both temperature and velocity fields. Enhancement in concentration rate is observed for growing values of (Ns) and (Sc), and it reduces for (k1). Both temperature and concentration of homogeneous‒heterogeneous upturn by mounting the magnetic parameter. Demeanor of magnetic parameter, Casson fluid parameter, heat generation parameter is opposite to that of Prandtl number and thermal relaxation parameter on temperature profile.
Practical implications
In many industrial and engineering applications, the current exploration is utilized for the transport of heat and mass in any system.
As far as novelty of this work is concerned this is an innovative study and such analysis has not been considered so far.