The aim of this paper is to investigate the failure probability in an irregular area in pipeline (elbow) over its lifetime. The reliability analysis is performed by using of an…
The aim of this paper is to investigate the failure probability in an irregular area in pipeline (elbow) over its lifetime. The reliability analysis is performed by using of an enhanced first-order reliability method / second-order reliability method (FORM/SORM) and Monte Carlo simulation methods: a numerical model of a corroded pipeline elbow was developed by using finite element method; also, an empirical mechanical behavior model has been proposed. A numerical case with high, moderate and low corrosion rates was conducted to calculate the deferent reliability indexes. The found results can be used in an application case for managing an irregular area in pipeline lifetime. Hence, it is necessary to ensure a rigorous inspection for this part of a pipeline to avoid human and environmental disasters.
The present paper deals a methodology for estimating time-dependent reliability of a corroded pipeline elbow. Firstly, a numerical model of corroded elbow is proposed by using the finite element method. A mechanical behavior under the corrosion defect in time is studied, and an empirical model was also developed.
The result of this paper can be summarized as: a mechanical characterization of the material was carried out experimentally. A numerical model of a corroded pipeline elbow was developed by using the finite element method. An empirical mechanical behavior model has been developed. The reliability of a corroding pipe elbow can be significantly affected by corrosion and residual stress. A proportional relationship has been found between probability of failure and corrosion rate. The yield stress and pressure service have an important sensitivity factor.
Aiming to help Algerian gas and oil companies' decision makers, the present paper illustrates a methodology for estimating time-dependent reliability of a corroded pipeline elbow over its lifetime using numerical models by applying the finite element method. Firstly, a numerical model of a corroded pipe elbow was developed and coupled with an empirical mechanical behavior model, which is also proposed. A probabilistic is then developed to provide realistic corrosion parameters and time modeling, leading to the real impact on the lifetime of an elbow zone in pipeline. The reliability indexes and probability of failure for various corrosion rates with and without issued residual stress are computed using Monte Carlo simulation and FORM.
Asma Chakri, Rabia Khelif and Mohamed Benouaret
The first order reliability method requires optimization algorithms to find the minimum distance from the origin to the limit state surface in the normal space. The purpose of…
The first order reliability method requires optimization algorithms to find the minimum distance from the origin to the limit state surface in the normal space. The purpose of this paper is to develop an improved version of the new metaheuristic algorithm inspired from echolocation behaviour of bats, namely, the bat algorithm (BA) dedicated to perform structural reliability analysis.
Modifications have been embedded to the standard BA to enhance its efficiency, robustness and reliability. In addition, a new adaptive penalty equation dedicated to solve the problem of the determination of the reliability index and a proposition on the limit state formulation are presented.
The comparisons between the improved bat algorithm (iBA) presented in this paper and other standard algorithms on benchmark functions show that the iBA is highly efficient, and the application to structural reliability problems such as the reliability analysis of overhead crane girder proves that results obtained with iBA are highly reliable.
A new iBA and an adaptive penalty equation for handling equality constraint are developed to determine the reliability index. In addition, the low computing time and the ease implementation of this method present great advantages from the engineering viewpoint.