The effectiveness of an oil filter and of the method in which it is employed is judged by the level of lubricating quality it maintains in the bearings and other sliding parts of…
The effectiveness of an oil filter and of the method in which it is employed is judged by the level of lubricating quality it maintains in the bearings and other sliding parts of the engine. The word “quality” here includes freedom from dirt (particularly from those dirt particles which, by their size and composition, are likely to cause abrasive wear) and the presence in sufficient quantity of those additives which the modern refiner incorporates in Heavy Duty oils to reduce oxidation, piston‐ring sticking and other ills.
To obtain sizing systems a specialist knowledge is required to analyse statistically body measurements from surveys. Control measurements, size ranges, body proportions and size…
To obtain sizing systems a specialist knowledge is required to analyse statistically body measurements from surveys. Control measurements, size ranges, body proportions and size intervals have to be calculated. A survey of 100 young women was undertaken in 1993/93 at Manchester Metropolitan University and 10 body measurements were taken. This is used to illustrate the statistical analysis of body measurements, the formulation of sizing systems and body measurement tables. A review of previous surveys and their methods of analysis was undertaken. The main control measurements of height, bust, waist and hips denoting the size of the wearer were obtained by correlation. Size ranges and intervals were obtained by normalising the data and comparing the sizes young women bought and previous size charts. Sizing systems for five sizes 8 to 16 were suggested for three heights, short, medium and tall and bust fittings medium, small and very small. This retained the same proportion for the five sizes within each of the nine systems. A further system of changing proportion in girth measurements was developed from the survey of young women based on percentiles and bust fittings. The neck girth which did not correlate strongly with any measurement was analysed separately. Two examples of body measurement tables covering 30 measurements were formulated to illustrate the procedure. Analysing body measurements statistically is problematic especially in small surveys. It is hoped the suggested guidelines will clarify this area. The coding of sizes is still not uniform. A comparison was made with previous tables. It was concluded that the body proportion had changed and the young women were taller and broader in the waist and hips. Part 3 of this study will cover comparing the problems of taking accurate body measurements with different equipment, formulating size charts for different garments and fabrics and relating these to different systems of pattern construction, and finally, testing prototype garments for size and fit.
This paper (which is the first of three) explains how to undertake an anthropometric survey, first, by reviewing previous surveys and size charts to select which measurements to…
This paper (which is the first of three) explains how to undertake an anthropometric survey, first, by reviewing previous surveys and size charts to select which measurements to take and the appropriate equipment. The sample of persons to be measured had to be determined, the main constraint being the availability of time. The selection of measurements was made for the end use of constructing garment patterns by both direct and proportional measurement systems. ‘Check’ measurements for accuracy were also built into the procedure. Finally 10 measurements were selected and 100 young women between the ages of 18 and 28 years were measured. It is concluded that measuring the human body is not easy. Hopefully new technology will improve this task. Twenty more body measurements will be brought into use, which will be explained in Part 2.
Alaba Apesin and Tao Gong
Previous studies indicate that a college-student’s leader self–efficacy (LSE) enhances the ability to be an effective leader. However, there is limited empirical evidence on the…
Previous studies indicate that a college-student’s leader self–efficacy (LSE) enhances the ability to be an effective leader. However, there is limited empirical evidence on the college experiential factors that develop students’ LSE in Historically Black Institutions (HBIs). The purpose of this study is to adapt Astin’s input-environment- outcome (I-E-O) model to identify the effects of college experiential variables (environment) on student LSE development (output) while controlling for precollege variables (input). Pre- and post-data were collected from 200 freshmen studying at two Historically Black Institutions and analyzed using the hierarchical multiple regression (HMR). The findings suggested that precollege LSE and college co-curricular leadership experiences significantly influence students’ LSE development.
Alessandro Hinna, Ernesto De Nito, Gianluigi Mangia, Danila Scarozza and Andrea Tomo
In recent years, increasing scholarly attention has been directed towards the field of governing bodies research. However, little attention has been paid to the behavioural…
In recent years, increasing scholarly attention has been directed towards the field of governing bodies research. However, little attention has been paid to the behavioural perspective on studying public boards. Aiming to fulfil this gap this paper offers a review of the international literature addressing boards behaviour within the unique organizational setting of public sector.
Considering as behavioural studies those publications focusing on actors, processes, decision-making, relationships and interaction inside and outside the boardroom, 91 papers were analysed. Adopting the framework provided by Huse (2007), the papers are classified following four behavioural dimensions/blocks which are crucial to understand board dynamics: board members, interactions, structures and leadership, decision-making culture.
The literature review shows the increasing production – in the last years – on the theoretical issues related to the behavioural perspective in public governance literature. The most relevant part of these contributions addresses the theoretical dimensions of the board member’s characteristics and of structural leadership.
Originality/value of the chapter
The manuscript reveals the need to adopt a more organizational approach for studying the behavioural categories and levels of analysis proposed by public governance literature. Moreover, the article evidences some possible directions for future research that might further contribute to enrich the ‘behavioural governance perspective’ in public organizations.
Transportation infrastructure and destination accessibility are essential in developing the tourism industry. However, the situation is somewhat different in mountain peripheral…
Transportation infrastructure and destination accessibility are essential in developing the tourism industry. However, the situation is somewhat different in mountain peripheral areas, where poor accessibility is a kind of tourist attraction but also a driver of regional development. Thus, improving accessibility by “a bridge too far” can mean not just a lack of development but its regression and even the end of mountain tourism as we know it.
This exploratory ethnographic study aims to understand accessibility improvement and its impact on local communities. The data were collected in the Nepalese Khumbu region, which is the home of the Everest Base Camp Trek. Based on 18 in-depth interviews, this paper tested a proposed model of the evolution of a peripheral mountain area under the influence of transport development.
This study demonstrates the threats to local communities from the transport development (road and air) and improved tourist accessibility of a peripheral area that profits from its peripherality. Research shows unequivocally that transport development may result in the loss of business for many of them. Overall, in the opinion of the local communities, unplanned road and air transport development is destroying mountain tourism in this area.
To date, research on accessibility development in mountainous areas shows the main positive sides of change. This article contributes to understanding how accessibility improvements change people’s lives and how these changes can become “community killer”.
THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during January is extracted from the February issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette:—
A PUBLICATION which is an event of much importance is the list of books suitable for British Public Libraries which, under the title Interpreting the United States, has just been…
A PUBLICATION which is an event of much importance is the list of books suitable for British Public Libraries which, under the title Interpreting the United States, has just been issued from the National Central Library. Our readers will no doubt have received copies of it by this time, because the obvious intention of the Ministry of Information, which fathers it and the Carnegie Trustees who paid for it, is that it should have definite beneficial influence in all parts of these islands. The actual choice of books has been made for “the light their authors cast on the history, institutions and foibles that seem peculiarly American,” by the A.L.A. using a group of representative librarians whose choice has been submitted to some twenty literary critics and professors and to the comment of some European refugees now in the United States. A feature of the list is that arrangements have been made to overcome the great difficulty the shipping position imposes on the importing of American books. The books can actually be obtained, some from the National Central Library and the others from English booksellers. It therefore becomes possible for any library to acquire the reasonably authentic collection, long desired, of books that are really representative of the great other half of the English‐speaking family. Among the six hundred books are, fortunately, many which are already on the shelves of any well‐selected library. Books of all prices are included, among them some rather expensive ones, but the average cost per volume is about twelve shillings. Of the importance of bringing the truth about America to our people no librarian needs to be persuaded and we are sure that the welcome we extend to this list will be echoed everywhere.
The “greening” of preserved vegetables by addition of sulphate of copper can only be regarded as an abominable form of adulteration, and it is passing strange that in this year of…
The “greening” of preserved vegetables by addition of sulphate of copper can only be regarded as an abominable form of adulteration, and it is passing strange that in this year of grace 1904 it should still be necessary to endeavour to impress the fact, not only upon the public generally, but upon the Government authorities and upon those who are concerned in the administration of the Food Acts and in adjudicating under their provisions. It ought surely not to be necessary to insist upon the tolerably obvious fact that the admixture of poisons with food is a most reprehensible and dangerous practice, and that the deliberate preparation and sale of food thus treated should be visited with condign punishment. The salts of copper are highly poisonous, and articles of food to which sulphate of copper has been added are not only thereby rendered injurious to health, but may be extremely dangerous when swallowed by persons who happen to be specially susceptible to the effects of this poison. After a lengthy investigation, the Departmental Committee appointed by the Local Government Board to report on the treatment of food with preservatives and colouring matters condemned the practice of adding salts of copper to food and recommended that the use of these poisons for such purposes should be absolutely prohibited. Without any such investigation as that which was conducted by the Departmental Committee—and a most thorough and painstaking investigation it was—it should have been sufficiently plain that to allow or to excuse the practice in question are proceedings utterly at variance with common sense.