SO much good work has been done by the Airworthiness Authorities who, as a group, are the principal signatories to ICAO, that in certain transport category aircraft of recent…
SO much good work has been done by the Airworthiness Authorities who, as a group, are the principal signatories to ICAO, that in certain transport category aircraft of recent vintage the chances are now reasonably remote of a fire occurring in flight, while the prospects of extinguishing it are roughly in inverse ratio to the chance of it occurring. Unfortunately, owing to the fact that relevant regulations are not always retroactive and in agreement, there are still far too few of these low fire‐risk aircraft.
There are a variety of ways in which an aircraft can be safely landed and brought to rest. There are, however, two techniques of gliding‐in which are more or less straightforward…
There are a variety of ways in which an aircraft can be safely landed and brought to rest. There are, however, two techniques of gliding‐in which are more or less straightforward that do not resort to side‐slipping or doing S‐turns in order to lose height after crossing the aerodrome boundary.