Barrie O. Pettman and Richard Dobbins
This issue is a selected bibliography covering the subject of leadership.
This issue is a selected bibliography covering the subject of leadership.
TO THE SEAL manufacturer, the whole question of sealing is a complex and profound subject, but it is his aim to make it as simple as possible to the people who will actually…
TO THE SEAL manufacturer, the whole question of sealing is a complex and profound subject, but it is his aim to make it as simple as possible to the people who will actually depend upon the efficient functioning of his product. We have come a long way since the days when oiled lengths of leather and rope were wound into inadequate glands, for it became obvious, almost from the outset, that a more reliable means of sealing had to be discovered. Loss of system pressure, and loss of lubricant can bring machinery to a grinding halt.
Sadia Samar Ali, Rajbir Kaur and Jose Antonio Marmolejo Saucedo
Injustice is perceived, experienced and articulated. Social movements, and their constitutive parts, frame and re-frame these senses of injustice. Two often-overlapping accounts…
Injustice is perceived, experienced and articulated. Social movements, and their constitutive parts, frame and re-frame these senses of injustice. Two often-overlapping accounts of social movements are in focus in this chapter. Human geography has been flooded with movement-based analyses of environmental justice (EJ). Sociology (more appropriately political sociology) has provided insight into social movements in the form of ‘contentious politics’ (CP). Building on both sets of literature, this chapter seeks to advance thought in human geography through a detailed exploration of master and collective action framing. It argues, firstly, that framing analysis challenges activist researchers to retain ‘spatial constructs’ as their central focus, rather than discourse. It calls, secondly, for us to unbind injustice as much as justice in our analysis of framing. And lastly, it demands a multi-spatial perspective on framing beyond simply scalar accounts.
Jan van Helden and Christoph Reichard
An examination of the commonalities and differences between performance management practices in the public and private sector.
An examination of the commonalities and differences between performance management practices in the public and private sector.
A literature review of 100 publications in international academic journals over the last 20 years.
The chapter develops a framework which links the dimensions of the public/private-distinction (ownership, funding, control and type of goals) to the design and use of performance management systems (PMS). This framework subsequently informs a literature review, which can be summarised as follows: Multi-dimensionality of the PMS is core in both public and private sector organisations, but quite many private sector papers point to a financial focus at the top of the PMS, while public sector organisations show a broad variety of performance indicators, including those on societally relevant goals. In addition, a link between the PMS and strategies can be found in the public and the private sector, but the match between different strategies and PMS design is more elaborated in the private sector. These findings are largely in accordance with our expectations. The review also finds support for the assumption that performance information in public sector organisations is primarily used for external accountability reasons, while internal managerial control is the main purpose in private firms. The use of performance information is quite intensive and mostly functional in both sectors, which does not meet our expectations. Overall, the differences between performance management practices in the public and private sector are less stringent than expected.
Research limitations
Due to limited evidence about the importance of performance-related pay systems and no evidence about targeting in both sectors, a more focused literature review on these issues would be desirable.
Practical implications
Mutual learning between both sectors, for example the public sector can learn from the private sector on how to link strategy to the PMS and the private sector can learn from the public sector about serving a multitude of stakeholders in the PMS.
A comprehensive review of performance management practices in the public and private sector.
Alessandro Giosi, Silvia Testarmata, Sandro Brunelli and Bianca Staglianò
Recently many European countries have incurred crises in public finance despite the fact that EU institutions have pushed the national governments toward the sustainability of…
Recently many European countries have incurred crises in public finance despite the fact that EU institutions have pushed the national governments toward the sustainability of public finance with compulsory and voluntary rules regarding fiscal governance. This paper investigates the relations between the quality of fiscal governance and the financial virtuosity of national fiscal policy. We proposed a general framework for analyzing the fiscal governance issue and we empirically tested the correlation between the dimensions of fiscal governance and the budgetary performance of EU countries. The results showed a positive correlation between the quality of fiscal governance in the EU countries and financial surplus in the period concerned. However further investigations are needed and an effort should be made to collect uniform data on fiscal governance in the European Union.
Juliano Munik, Edson Pinheiro de Lima, Fernando Deschamps, Sergio E. Gouvea Da Costa, Eileen M. Van Aken, José Marcelo Almeida Prado Cestari, Louisi Francis Moura and Fernanda Treinta
This study aims to conduct a literature review on factors that influence the implementation and design of performance measurement systems in nonprofit organizations.
This study aims to conduct a literature review on factors that influence the implementation and design of performance measurement systems in nonprofit organizations.
The research strategy is conceived through a literature review focused on the analysis of authorship, supported by bibliometric techniques such as citation, co-citation and co-authorship social networks.
Models and theories proposed for measuring performance in non-profit organizations are being researched, starting to form an intellectual structure related to performance measurement systems and nonprofits. Three main research topics have been given more attention: strategic performance and public service performance, health-care performance and nonprofit operations strategy and performance measurement.
Research limitations/implications
The study is limited to scientific journal papers and could benefit from the addition of new sources of information such as conference papers, books and standards. The body of knowledge of this topic could also benefit from an in-depth investigation through a comprehensive review of models and theories, as a proposal for a future research agenda.
Practical implications
As practical applications are identified, groups of researchers in different countries and subjects that can generate research agendas, scientific communities used to investigate issues related to performance in nonprofit activities.
Performance measurement in nonprofit organizations is a topic of study that has been receiving considerable attention in recent years, to the point that the literature is revealing specific models for measuring performance in this type of organizations. Particular models and theories are being conceived, specializing existing models and theories related to performance measurement and management.