The first article in this series stressed that from the point of view of teachers of Engineering Drawing, drawing comprehension was the primary requirement of all students engaged…
The first article in this series stressed that from the point of view of teachers of Engineering Drawing, drawing comprehension was the primary requirement of all students engaged in engineering. The further point was made that the approach usually made to this vital requirement is usually too indirect. Important though design and draughting are in themselves, it must be clearly understood that they are only a means to an end. The end product that earns the money is not a beautifully executed set of engineering drawings of a faultless piece of design, but the actual hardware the drawings depict.
The Feilden Report on Engineering Design says of the technician:
Dana A. Forgione, Melony J. Goodhand and John A. Wrieden
We present a legislative background and assessment of approaches to financing the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare services, and focus on issues related to…
We present a legislative background and assessment of approaches to financing the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare services, and focus on issues related to beneficiaries eligible for both VA and Medicare benefits. We refer to a large, VA Medical Center (VAMC) hospital and healthcare complex as a case for comparison of financing approaches. Several legislative proposals had been made to grant the VA funding transfers from Medicare. To date, none has passed in the Congress. Our analysis shows that payments from Medicare would need to be adjusted for the specialized characteristics of VAMC patients, as well as for higher capital costs related to the federal VAMC mandate to maintain reserve capacity for national health emergencies, in order to appropriately apply Medicare payments.
Using the case of the Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, I argue that the catastrophe was less an example of a low probability-high catastrophe event than an…
Using the case of the Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, I argue that the catastrophe was less an example of a low probability-high catastrophe event than an instance of socially produced risks and insecurities associated with deepwater oil and gas production during the neoliberal period after 1980. The disaster exposes the deadly intersection of the aggressive enclosure of a new technologically risky resource frontier (the deepwater continental shelf) with what I call a frontier of neoliberalized risk, a lethal product of cut-throat corporate cost-cutting, the collapse of government oversight and regulatory authority and the deepening financialization and securitization of the oil market. These two local pockets of socially produced risk and wrecklessness have come to exceed the capabilities of what passes as risk management and energy security. In this sense, the Deepwater Horizon disaster was produced by a set of structural conditions, a sort of rogue capitalism, not unlike those which precipitated the financial meltdown of 2008. The forms of accumulation unleashed in the Gulf of Mexico over three decades rendered a high-risk enterprise yet more risky, all the while accumulating insecurities and radical uncertainties which made the likelihood of a Deepwater Horizon type disaster highly overdetermined.
This paper is based on a personal journey of starting a long-term sociological research project in a conflict zone: the research was to be carried out in Israel and the…
This paper is based on a personal journey of starting a long-term sociological research project in a conflict zone: the research was to be carried out in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The question posed is: what sort of problems and concerns arise for researchers and ethnographers who work with traditionally marginal communities in violently divided societies? In an attempt to provide an answer, I focus here on such issues as: the social constructions of fears and dangers in what are perceived to be dangerous places; difficulties of access to traditionally underrepresented and marginal social groups; useful methodological and ethical precepts for doing research in risky environments; as well as the advantages of working with, rather than on communities. Moreover, I suggest that conducting research in politically and socially unstable contexts puts into stark relief the advantages of conducting participatory and collaborative research. Such approaches provide researchers with networks of trusted local protagonists, offer more in-depth insights into traditionally marginalized and frequently misrepresented social groups, whilst also generating knowledge that may facilitate beneficial social changes for local communities.
Slowly, and driven by a growing recognition of the impact of organised crime on developing countries, as well as the allure developing countries represent to criminal groups…
Slowly, and driven by a growing recognition of the impact of organised crime on developing countries, as well as the allure developing countries represent to criminal groups, development agencies have begun to engage with the problem of criminality. As a new actor in this area though, the linkage between development actors and other stakeholders – particularly those at the security end of the spectrum – is mired by a series of tensions. The explicit connection between crime and development in the Sustainable Development Goals increases the incentive, and urgency, for development actors to work through these tensions. However, the response often replicates the focus of security actors, such as building the capacity of law enforcement agencies to arrest criminals and seize illicit goods. This approach neglects the specific value that development offers in the response to organised crime. This chapter will map out the tensions that exist between security and development actors, and their impact on the response to organised crime. It will then consider what development can contribute to the response, drawing on examples from Libya and Mexico.
The humanitarian principle of impartiality requires that assistance be based on need alone. In order to ascertain needs, and later to assess whether assistance has been effective…
The humanitarian principle of impartiality requires that assistance be based on need alone. In order to ascertain needs, and later to assess whether assistance has been effective in meeting those needs, we need to gather evidence. In humanitarian crises this is generally done through assessments, monitoring and evaluation, and it generally involves seeking information from those we seek to assist. In the fast-paced environment of humanitarian crises, the question of whether the collection of this information is ethical is frequently overlooked. For research participants, the consequences can be extremely severe.
This chapter examines the ethics of research, primarily in the form of assessments, monitoring and evaluation, in humanitarian crises. The chapter first considers the question of what constitutes research in humanitarian crises, and why it is needed. It then examines the general principles of ethical research (respect, beneficence, research merit and integrity, and justice), and highlights three key considerations that require particular attention in humanitarian crises: the justificatory threshold, the vulnerability of research participants, and safety and security. The chapter also examines key components of the research process that are particularly important (and frequently overlooked) in humanitarian crises, including the privacy and confidentiality of research participants, informed consent and feedback to research participants. It concludes with the suggestion that basic instruction in the principles of ethical research should be included in the orientation and training provided to humanitarian practitioners, including to emergency response teams who are commonly involved in carrying out assessments in the early stages of a humanitarian response.
Tianyuan Ji and Wuli Chu
The geometric parameters of the compressor blade have a noteworthy influence on compressor stability, which should be meticulously designed. However, machining inaccuracies cause…
The geometric parameters of the compressor blade have a noteworthy influence on compressor stability, which should be meticulously designed. However, machining inaccuracies cause the blade geometric parameters to deviate from the ideal design, and the geometric deviation exhibits high randomness. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to quantify the uncertainty and analyze the sensitivity of the impact of blade geometric deviation on compressor stability.
In this work, the influence of blade geometric deviation is analyzed based on a subsonic compressor rotor stage, and three-dimensional numerical simulations are used to compute samples with different geometric features. A method of combining Halton sequence and non-intrusive polynomial chaos is adopted to carry out uncertainty quantitative analysis. Sobol’ index and Spearman correlation coefficient are used to analysis the sensitivity and correlation between compressor stability and blade geometric deviation, respectively.
The results show that the compressor stability is most sensitive to the tip clearance deviation, whereas deviations in the leading edge radius, trailing edge radius and chord length have minimal impact on the compressor stability. And, the effects of various blade geometric deviations on the compressor stability are basically independent and linearly superimposed.
This work provided a new approach for uncertainty quantification in compressor stability analysis. The conclusions obtained in this work provide some reference value for the manufacturing and maintenance of rotor blades.
Capacity development in fragile environments in Africa has often proven to be a complex undertaking. This has largely been because of existing knowledge gaps on what exactly…
Capacity development in fragile environments in Africa has often proven to be a complex undertaking. This has largely been because of existing knowledge gaps on what exactly causes fragility of states, the economy and society. The liberal peace development model that generally informs post‐conflict reconstruction and capacity development has a limited conception of fragility by narrowly focusing on the national dimensions of the problem, promoting donor‐driven solutions, emphasizing minimal participation of beneficiary actors in the identification and prioritization of capacity development needs, and by subcontracting the design and management of projects and programs. The resulting capacity development impact has generally been disappointing. In the absence of homegrown strategic plans, stakeholder participation and ownership, international development partners have all too often addressed capacity gaps by financing training, supply of equipment and professional exchanges of parliamentarians and parliamentary staffers. These efforts usually achieved their presumed number targets but tended to ignore addressing the larger issues of political economy within which capacity development take place. However, the recent re‐conceptualization of parliamentary capacity development as a development of nationally owned, coordinated, harmonized, and aligned development activities seems to be gaining growing attention in Africa. As the experience of Rwanda eloquently demonstrates, capacity development is essentially about politics, economics and power, institutions and incentives, habits and attitudes – factors that are only partly susceptible to technical fixes and quantitative specifications. These structural factors have to be negotiated carefully and tactfully.
Mohamad Solehin Mohamed Sunar, Maria Abu Bakar, Atiqah A., Azman Jalar, Muhamed Abdul Fatah Muhamed Mukhtar and Fakhrozi Che Ani
This paper aims to investigate the effect of physical vapor deposition (PVD)-coated stencil wall aperture on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing.
This paper aims to investigate the effect of physical vapor deposition (PVD)-coated stencil wall aperture on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing.
The fine-pitch stencil used in this work is fabricated by electroform process and subsequently nano-coated using the PVD process. Stencil printing process was then performed to print the solder paste onto the printed circuit board (PCB) pad. The solder paste release was observed by solder paste inspection (SPI) and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The printing cycle of up to 80,000 cycles was used to investigate the life span of stencil printing.
The finding shows that the performance of stencil printing in terms of solder printing quality is highly dependent on the surface roughness of the stencil aperture. PVD-coated stencil aperture can prolong the life span of stencil printing with an acceptable performance rate of about 60%.
Stencil printing is one of the important processes in surface mount technology to apply solder paste on the PCB. The stencil’s life span greatly depends on the type of solder paste, stencil printing cycles involved and stencil conditions such as the shape of the aperture, size and thickness of the stencil. This study will provide valuable insight into the relationship between the coated stencil wall aperture via PVD process on the life span of fine-pitch stencil printing.