Prasenjit Dey, Aniruddha Bhattacharya and Priyanath Das
This paper reports a new technique for achieving optimized design for power system stabilizers. In any large scale interconnected systems, disturbances of small magnitudes are…
This paper reports a new technique for achieving optimized design for power system stabilizers. In any large scale interconnected systems, disturbances of small magnitudes are very common and low frequency oscillations pose a major problem. Hence small signal stability analysis is very important for analyzing system stability and performance. Power System Stabilizers (PSS) are used in these large interconnected systems for damping out low-frequency oscillations by providing auxiliary control signals to the generator excitation input. In this paper, collective decision optimization (CDO) algorithm, a meta-heuristic approach based on the decision making approach of human beings, has been applied for the optimal design of PSS. PSS parameters are tuned for the objective function, involving eigenvalues and damping ratios of the lightly damped electromechanical modes over a wide range of operating conditions. Also, optimal locations for PSS placement have been derived. Comparative study of the results obtained using CDO with those of grey wolf optimizer (GWO), differential Evolution (DE), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and crow search algorithm (CSA) methods, established the robustness of the algorithm in designing PSS under different operating conditions.
Debasree Saha, Asim Datta, Biman Kumar Saha Roy and Priyanath Das
Directional Overcurrent Relay (DOCR) coordination computation allowing for desired and high level accuracy in interconnected power systems is very difficult and is a highly…
Directional Overcurrent Relay (DOCR) coordination computation allowing for desired and high level accuracy in interconnected power systems is very difficult and is a highly constraint oriented optimization problem. This paper aims to study the effectiveness of a newly reported optimization technique, Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO), in protective relay coordination comparing with a widely used optimization technique, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).
DOCR coordination in electric power systems is considered as an optimization problem by formulating objective function and specifying problem constraints. Optimum values of the DOCR adjustment parameters (Time Dial Setting and Plug Setting) in terms of reliable coordination margin and operating times of relays are computed by both the algorithms, TLBO and PSO. Optimal coordination is verified in three test bus systems: IEEE 6-bus, WSCC 9-bus and IEEE 14-bus systems.
A comparison between the numerical results of using both the algorithms indicates that the TLBO gives better results in terms of the total operating times of relays and Coordination Time Interval (CTI).
This paper represents the performance of a newly reported optimization technique, TLBO which is till now unpopular to protection engineers to be applied in protective relay coordination applications. The technique provides better performance in comparison to the widely applied technique, PSO. It is expected that TLBO would facilitate protection engineers to decide the optimum and appropriate settings of the relays for leading exact relays coordination.
Wisdom Apedo Deku, Jiuhe Wang and Narain Das
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not need only traditional marketing strategies in the dynamic business environment of the manufacturing sector. Entrepreneurial marketing…
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not need only traditional marketing strategies in the dynamic business environment of the manufacturing sector. Entrepreneurial marketing dimension (EMD) is an alternative marketing approach for SMEs. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate whether EMD innovation has a positive and significant effect on SMEs performance on Ghanaian Halal food and beverages.
Correlative descriptive research method was used and 432 questionnaires with five-point Likert scale were distributed among owners-managers of manufacturing sectors of Ghanaian Halal food and beverages SMEs producers were chosen by a simple random sampling method. Structural equations modelling structural equations modelling techniques was used to analyse data.
The result of data analysis indicates a positive and significant effect of EMD on manufacturing SMEs performances of Halal food. Nevertheless, the effect of EMD on the production performance of the aforementioned companies is confirmed positive. The findings also show that production performances of Halal food SMEs result in their financial performance.
Research limitations/implications
The study’s sample is limited to Halal food SMEs manufacturing in Ghana. More research can be done investigating this relationship from different sectors and in Islamic and non-Islamic countries.
Practical implications
This research implies that Halal food SMEs manufacturing producers in a country is imperative in Muslim-minority countries. This study gives a benchmark for the non-Muslim-majority countries which endeavour to embark on the Halal SMEs manufacturing food. Muslim-minority countries that envision to succeed in the global Halal market could emulate Ghana’s approach in branding itself as a recognised non-Muslim-majority country in producing Halal foods. This can be done by implementing innovative, proactive, opportunist, risk-taking and customer-oriented initiatives to achieve better market and innovative performances and higher profits.
This paper fills a knowledge gap by presenting the first comprehensive overview of Halal food SMEs manufacturing performance research that enhances the ongoing discussion in hospitality, entrepreneurship and marketing fields in Islamic and non-Islamic contexts.