Priscila L.S. Miguel and Maria José Tonelli
Based on a critical lens, this paper aims to empirically evaluate the adoption of programs to buy from minority suppliers (MS) and their outcomes in Brazil, considering a…
Based on a critical lens, this paper aims to empirically evaluate the adoption of programs to buy from minority suppliers (MS) and their outcomes in Brazil, considering a multi-stakeholder approach (buying companies, suppliers and third parties).
The data were collected via an exploratory survey involving 109 buying companies and two case studies with 21 in-depth interviews.
It was revealed that supplier diversity (SD) in Brazil is still developing, and is more rhetoric than a practice promoting real change. The current traditional procurement mindset, the role of third parties, and the focus on supplier selection, rather than on supplier development prevents a social impact that could reduce inequality between MS and their counterparts.
Previous studies were focused on buying companies' perspective in advanced countries that have clear regulation for SD. By exploring the phenomenon in a country with great economic disparities and no regulation, and using a critical lens, this study highlights the difference between desired and effective implementation of social initiatives that promote inclusiveness.
Priscila L.S. Miguel, Luiz A.L. Brito, Aline R. Fernandes, Fábio V.C.S. Tescari and Guiherme S. Martins
Interfirm relationships create value, but buyers and suppliers can appropriate this value in different amounts. Using the relational-view of strategy, the purpose of this paper is…
Interfirm relationships create value, but buyers and suppliers can appropriate this value in different amounts. Using the relational-view of strategy, the purpose of this paper is to explain value creation and determine the portion of that value appropriated by each organization.
The data source was a survey with 166 respondents covering two industries. The authors used confirmatory factor analysis to validate construct measurement and structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. A parallel qualitative investigation composed of 31 interviews assisted in interpreting the findings.
Based on the relational view of strategy, the authors found support for only two of the four hypotheses that sought to explain value creation. This result calls into question the applicability of this theory to contexts other than the automotive industry, in which it was developed. Only a joint construct combining Relational Governance and Resource Complementarity had a significant effect on relational value creation. With respect to value appropriation, although both buyers and suppliers captured part of the relational value created, the buyers tended to receive the great majority of this value.
Research limitations/implications
The focussed context of this study (Brazilian companies in the personal care/cosmetics and food/beverage industries) limits its generalizability but provides deeper insight into the interpretation of its results.
Practical implications
Both buyers and suppliers can benefit from collaborative relationships, but buyers appear to capture a larger share, forcing suppliers to continuously seek new sources of value.
This paper bridges the gap between the buyer-supplier literature and the definition of competitive advantage as value creation found in the strategic management literature. This study proposes and tests an integrative definition of the relational value that is created and appropriated in a dyad.
Buyer-supplier, Relational-view of strategy, Value creation and appropriation
Paper type
Research paper
Las relaciones entre empresas generan valor, pero los compradores y proveedores puede apropiarse de este valor en cantidades diferentes. Usando una perspectiva relacional (relational-view) de la estrategia, este articulo explica la creación de valor y determina la proporción de ese valor asignado por cada organización.
Nuestra fuente de datos fue una encuesta con 166 respuestas abarcando dos industrias. Usamos el Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio para validar los factores construidos y modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para evaluar las hipótesis. Una investigación cualitativa paralela compuesta por 31 entrevistas ayudó a interpretar los hallazgos.
Basados en la perspectiva relacional de la estrategia, encontramos respaldo sólo para dos de las cuatros hipótesis que buscaban explicar la creación del valor. Este resultado invita a preguntar la aplicabilidad de esta teoría a contextos más allá de la industria automotriz, en donde se desarrolló. Solo un factor conjunto que combina la Gobernanza Relacional y Complementariedad de Recursos tuvo un efecto significativo en la Creación De Valor Relacional. En cuanto a la apropiación de valor, aunque ambos compradores y proveedores capturan parte del valor relacional creado, los vendedores tendieron a recibir la gran mayoría de este valor.
Limitaciones/implicaciones del estudio
El contexto en el cual se focalizó este estudio (Empresas Brasileñas de cosméticos y cuidado personal e industrias de comidas/bebidas) limita su generalización pero provee un conocimiento más profundos a la interpretación de sus resultados.
Implicaciones practices
Ambos, compradores y proveedores pueden beneficiarse de una relacion de colaboración, pero los compradores parecen capturar una mayor proporción, forzando a los proveedores a continuamente buscar nuevas fuentes de valor.
Este articulo acerca la brecha entre la literatura del comprador y proveedor y la definición de la ventaja competitiva como creación de valor hallada en la literatura de estrategia de administración. Este estudio propone y prueba una definición integradora del valor relacional que es creado y apropiado en la díada.
Tipo de papel
Trabajo de investigación
As relações entre empresas criam valor, mas os compradores e fornecedores podem apropriar-se deste valor em quantidades diferentes. Usando a Visão Relacional da Estratégia, este artigo explica a criação de valor e determina a proporção deste valor apropriado por cada organização.
A base de dados foi uma survey respondida por 166 empresas de dois setores industriais. Foi utilizada uma Análise Fatorial Confirmatória para avaliação dos constructos e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais para teste de hipóteses. Uma pesquisa qualitativa paralela composta de 31 entrevistas ajudou a interpretar os resultados.
Baseado na Visão Relacional da Estratégia, foram confirmadas apenas duas das quatro hipóteses que buscavam explicar a criação de valor. Este resultado questiona assim a aplicabilidade desta teoria a outros setores que não a indústria automobilística, no qual esta abordagem originalmente foi desenvolvida. Somente um construto resultante da combinação dos construtos de Governança Relacional e de Complementaridade de Recursos teve um efeito significativo na criação de Valor Relacional. Quanto à apropriação de valor, embora compradores e fornecedores capturam parte do valor relacional criado, os compradores tendem a ficar com maior parte deste valor.
Limitações/implicações da pesquisa
O foco desta pesquisa (empresas brasileiras dos setores de alimentos, bebidas e higiene pessoal) limita a sua generalização, embora forneça um conhecimento mais profundo à interpretação dos resultados.
Implicações práticas
Tanto compradores e fornecedores podem se beneficiar de uma relação de colaboração, mas os compradores parecem capturar uma maior proporção forçando os fornecedores a continuamente buscar novas fontes de valor.
Este artigo preenche uma lacuna na literatura de comprador-fornecedor e a definição da vantagem competitiva como resultado do valor. Esta pesquisa se propõe a testar uma definição integrada do valor relacional criado e apropriado dentro de uma díade.
Tipo de papel
Trabalhos de pesquisa
Renata Peregrino de Brito, Priscila Laczynski de Souza Miguel and Susana Carla Farias Pereira
This study aims to analyze the media coverage of the impact of extreme weather events (EWE) and related risk management activities in Brazil.
This study aims to analyze the media coverage of the impact of extreme weather events (EWE) and related risk management activities in Brazil.
Using a documentary analysis, the authors examined the media coverage of droughts and floods from 2003 to 2013 with concomitant official reports.
The results indicate that although media coverage conveys the direct impact of floods and droughts on society, it underemphasizes the importance of risk management activities. Moreover, the private sector rarely engages in risk management and mitigation activities, despite the documented supply chain disruptions.
Research limitations/implications
This study focuses solely on media coverage as provided by wide-circulation newspaper in Brazil and would benefit by being extended to all media platforms.
Practical implications
The results highlight the need for private sector involvement in risk management activities to facilitate the adaptation to climate change.
Social implications
The study reveals the deficiency of existing reports and lack of awareness regarding EWE.
The study contributes by focusing on climate awareness and how society can adapt to climate change, as well as how businesses can improve supply chain operations to facilitate smoother risk management.
Luciana Marques Vieira, Priscila Laczynski de Souza Miguel and Camila Colombo de Moraes
The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic raised global alarms about hunger and food insecurity worldwide and the corresponding need for public policies, particularly in…
The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic raised global alarms about hunger and food insecurity worldwide and the corresponding need for public policies, particularly in emerging countries. One possible solution for addressing this important topic is a food donation supply chain, which comprises food banks and involves their relationships with suppliers (donors), customers (people in need) and other potential stakeholders. The aim of this research is to understand how different agents in a food donation supply chain use different but interrelated capital dimensions (human, structural and relational) to leverage their resources and build knowledge in their relationships with other stakeholders.
We conducted an abductive single case study with the food bank as a focal organisation in a direct supply chain. Data were collected by way of 15 semi-structured interviews with representatives from each tier in the chain (food bank, donor, social impact company and social movement), non-participant observation and secondary data (e.g. codes of practice, websites and media). All data sources were analysed individually and then cross-checked.
Our findings show that tangible dimensions, such as those that are structural, are present upstream while intangible dimensions – those that are relational and human, for example – are prevalent downstream. The political dimension was identified as an important mechanism that allows stakeholder engagement and access to resources, funding and government incentives.
By applying a multi-tier approach, the present research explores how different stages in this supply chain use intellectual capital (IC) to better manage relationships. The heterogeneity of agents within the food donation supply chain (public, private and third sector), each of which has distinct levels of IC dimensions, can share their knowledge to improve efficiency and social protection mechanism policies. Since the focal organisation is a non-profit organisation, this study also contributes to IC theory.
Priscila Laczynski de Souza Miguel and Andrea Lago da Silva
This paper aims to investigate how purchasing organizations implement supplier diversity (SD) initiatives over time.
This paper aims to investigate how purchasing organizations implement supplier diversity (SD) initiatives over time.
A multiple case study approach was conducted. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with participants from purchasing organizations, intermediary organizations and diverse suppliers.
The research suggests that the SD journey encompasses three different, but interrelated stages before full implementation is achieved: structuring, operation and adaptation. The findings also provide evidence that SD implementation in Brazil is highly influenced by the lack of a consistent knowledge base and the lack of legitimized intermediary organizations.
Research limitations/implications
Using a temporal approach to understand how different practices suggested by the literature have been managed by practitioners over time, this study contributes to the understanding of the path to effective SD implementation and how intra- and interorganizational context influences this journey.
Practical implications
By identifying which practices should be adopted during different phases of SD implementation and proposing ways to overcome some of the inherent challenges, managers can better plan and allocate resources for the adoption of a successful SD initiative.
Social implications
This research demonstrates how organizations can promote diversity and reduce social and economic inequalities by buying from diverse suppliers.
Using a temporal approach, the research empirically investigates how different purchasing organizations have implemented and managed the known practices and dealt with the challenges faced when trying to adopt SD.
Marcelo Martins de Sá, Priscila Laczynski de Souza Miguel, Renata Peregrino de Brito and Susana Carla Farias Pereira
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how resilience at different nodes in the supply chain influences overall supply chain resilience (SCRES) during an extreme weather…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how resilience at different nodes in the supply chain influences overall supply chain resilience (SCRES) during an extreme weather event.
Based on 41 in-depth interviews, this qualitative study examines two Brazilian agri-food supply chains (AFSC). The interviews explored the impacts, preparedness, response and adaptation strategies adopted by farmers, processors and manufacturers during Brazil’s extreme drought of 2014–2015.
SCRES does not depend on all organizations in the supply chain but rather on the company able to reconfigure the resources to control for the disruption. In a supply chain with low interdependence among players, individual firm resilience elements might be preferable to interorganizational ones.
Research limitations/implications
This study is based on the context of AFSCs with low interdependence among players and during the experience of a climatic event. The results might not be generalizable to other sectors and phenomena.
Practical implications
Firms must evaluate their positions in supply chains and their interfirm relationships to determine which resilience strategy to invest in and rely on. Moreover, to leverage resilience at the supply chain level, firms must intensify information sharing and improve proactive resilience strategies upstream as well as downstream in the supply chain.
This study presents a broader perspective of resilience by comparing resilience elements at both the node and supply chain levels and by discussing their interactions and trade-offs.
Thamiris Evangelista Silva, Priscila Alonso dos Santos, Thamara Evangelista Silva, Kamilla Soares Silva, André Luiz Borges Machado and Lismaíra Gonçalves Caixeta Garcia
The purpose of this study is to characterize and compare the results of the inspection mark of handmade and industrially processed Minas frescal cheese. It is one of the most…
The purpose of this study is to characterize and compare the results of the inspection mark of handmade and industrially processed Minas frescal cheese. It is one of the most commonly made and consumed cheeses in Brazil, and its production processes range from handmade cheeses produced in small household production sites to cheeses manufactured in large dairy factories subject to federal inspection.
The samples were stored for 10 days at 4°C in a biochemical oxygen demand chamber. Cheeses were analyzed using physicochemical analyzes, yield and syneresis indices and microbiological analyses.
The cheese A met the criterion of regulatory classification for very high humidity (65.32 g/100 g), while cheese B did not meet the criterion (54.38 g/100 g). Cheeses A (19.01 g/100 g) and B (24 g/100 g) showed average fat contents that did not comply with current legislation. The most probable number per g of thermotolerant coliforms was outside the acceptable range (>24 × 102 MPN/g), and Salmonella spp. were present in the tested samples. The highest yield was observed for handmade cheese (an average of 5.35 L of milk to produce 1 kg of cheese), which had the highest syneresis during the storage period (p = 0.004), reaching 14.26% on the 10th day of storage.
Municipal and state inspection certificates do not ensure the microbiological quality of Minas frescal cheese, indicating flaws in the good manufacturing practices and/or in the milk pasteurisation stage.
Priscila Cembranel, Luiza Gewehr, Leila Dal Moro, Paulo Guilherme Fuchs, Robert Samuel Birch and José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Andrade Guerra
This study aims to investigate the contribution of higher education institutions (HEIs) to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and propose strategies to cultivate a culture…
This study aims to investigate the contribution of higher education institutions (HEIs) to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and propose strategies to cultivate a culture centred on the SDGs in HEIs.
The methodology used encompassed an integrative literature review, combining bibliographic analysis on how HEIs incorporate the SDGs into their practices, adopting a qualitative approach for the analysis and categorization of the results.
The multifaceted contributions of HEIs in promoting the SDGs stand out, through their roles in teaching, research, management and integration and communication between university and society.
Research limitations/implications
While influencing policies at various levels, HEIs encounter challenges in the effective integration of SDGs into their strategies. This underscores the need for contextualized governance, understanding students’ perspectives on sustainability and active external collaboration in policy formulation.
Practical implications
There is an urgent need to integrate SDGs into academic programmes, emphasizing the importance of redesigning curricula, actively involving teachers, researchers and students, establishing partnerships and promoting research applied to SDGs.
Social implications
The social relevance of the study lies in the emphasis on an SDG-centred culture, involving teaching, research, outreach, community engagement and governance practices.
The study’s uniqueness lies in identifying persistent challenges during the transition to an SDG-centred culture, necessitating multisectoral collaboration and educational programmes that integrate sustainability principles into the strategy of HEIs.
Suzana Rodrigues Resende, Kamilla Soares Silva, André Luiz Borges Machado, Daiane Sousa Peres, Nayana Ribeiro Soares, Lismaíra Gonçalves Caixeta Garcia, Letícia Fleury Viana and Priscila Alonso dos Santos
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the yield, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters during the shelf life of the Minas Frescal cheese hand-manufactured by family…
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the yield, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters during the shelf life of the Minas Frescal cheese hand-manufactured by family farms.
In the milk, analyses of total bacterial counts, somatic cell counts and centesimal composition were performed. The milk coagulation was analyzed, with different curd times (40, 80 and 120 min), with respect to the proximate composition, pH, titratable acidity, yield and microbiological counts. The means were compared using the Tukey test with a significance level of 5 per cent. The most probable number of microorganisms were also determined in water.
The results for milk quality were within the requirements established in Normative Instruction 62, except for total dry extract. It was found that curd time did not influence the protein and fat in dry matter contents; however, the ash content in cheese of 40 min of curd time (2.8 g/100g) is significantly higher (p = 0.02) than the values found for the other curd times. The same behavior was observed for moisture content (p = 0.04). The parameters determining the cheese quality were outside the standards for human consumption, but this result is directly related to the water conditions, which were outside of potability levels. To meet the requirements established in the legislation, dairy products must follow strict standards of quality hygiene, both the raw material (water, milk) and their employees who act directly in the process.
For the preparation of the Minas Frescal cheese, it takes several steps, from obtaining the milk to the product ready to be consumed, so the importance of doing this monitoring and evaluating its quality.
Marina Dias de Faria and Leticia Moreira Casotti
Consumers with Down syndrome are present in all countries, but there has been little marketing research examining their consumption experiences. The purpose of this exploratory…
Consumers with Down syndrome are present in all countries, but there has been little marketing research examining their consumption experiences. The purpose of this exploratory investigation is the analysis of the consumption meanings and practices of Down syndrome adults from their own point of view and from their families’ perspectives.
Data was drawn from 44 narratives interviews that included families'stories, description of album photos and projective techniques.
The research shows from the families’ perspectives how barriers to consumption prevent Down syndrome adults from becoming agentic consumers. The findings reveal the “labels” associated with the vulnerability of people with Down syndrome and their families in their market experiences.
Research limitations/implications
Research is limited to a single country and location and is focused on a specific group of overlooked consumers. We encourage the expansion of the research to a wider group and different locations.
Practical implications
The research identifies barriers to social inclusion that can support public policy and marketing manangement that contribute to a more humanistic marketing.
The research presents narratives of adults with Down syndrome, their mothers and siblings. The findings contribute to a comprehension about the welfare of this traditionally neglected, vulnerable group of consumers, which is useful for consumers, Down syndrome people and their families, marketing managers and public policymakers.