Based on considerable experience, looks at the relationship betweenchange and power, the role of change structures, and examines theimportance of change signals, symbols and…
Based on considerable experience, looks at the relationship between change and power, the role of change structures, and examines the importance of change signals, symbols and culture including “culture generators”; suggests that there are only four basic questions which need to be examined, and suggests tools for embedding change.
Recent publications and resources concerning the dramatic changesin European politics, and future business prospects following theintroduction of the Single Market in 1992 are…
Recent publications and resources concerning the dramatic changes in European politics, and future business prospects following the introduction of the Single Market in 1992 are discussed.
Environmental and social responsibility issues as in all of thework reviewed here reflects the need for marketing research; frombusiness ethics to the International Business…
Environmental and social responsibility issues as in all of the work reviewed here reflects the need for marketing research; from business ethics to the International Business Handbook, on the practicalities of doing business globally.
The growing focus on learning as being key to organisational success has raised the level of debate amongst practitioners and academics alike as to just what learning is…
The growing focus on learning as being key to organisational success has raised the level of debate amongst practitioners and academics alike as to just what learning is. Consideration of spiritual ideologies offers the opportunity to reflect upon such areas as: complexity and connectivity, the meaning and purpose of work, individual identity and sensemaking, community and collaborative behaviour, dialogue, moral leadership and wisdom. Our spiritual capacity provides a deep foundation from which to explore and question our ontological assumptions. This paper locates the position of spirituality in the learning debate; examines the relationship between who we are, our being, with what we do, our doing; and implies that organisational performance can be improved by attendance to the spiritual richness of humanity.
The current need for language training is discussed and, perhapsmore importantly, with a view to 1992, cross‐cultural awareness.Language training is geared to cultural…
The current need for language training is discussed and, perhaps more importantly, with a view to 1992, cross‐cultural awareness. Language training is geared to cultural understanding rather than total fluency.