As an artist working with sound and the moving image, an in-between space is revealed, a flux between two distinct mediums that intersect as temporal experience and sensory…
As an artist working with sound and the moving image, an in-between space is revealed, a flux between two distinct mediums that intersect as temporal experience and sensory synchronisation. The audio–visual relationship is a pattern of constantly shifting moments of connection and discordance, an ephemeral dance of timing and rhythm that binds together to create a cinematic expression of time and event. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
In this paper, the author will consider the audio-visual event and the space that exists between the visual and the sonic via the frame of my own art practice. Through this context, the author will examine audio–visual relations from practice through to presentation, challenging the belief that sound is merely a support for the moving image and propose that it is an equal if not driving force in the audio-visual contract. The author will also investigate sound-based disciplines that the author utilize in my own work, all of which highlight the materiality of sound and how it can be engaged to directly affect the production and installation of moving image works in a gallery context.
Utilizing listening in this way has revealed surprising or overlooked connections that visually the author would otherwise have not acknowledged. It has helped link together interests across geography and cartography by expanding on what is not seen and can only be heard, and therefore revealing a new space of information. And it has emboldened the author to investigate the geographies of sound by supplying a way to follow associative connections across a range of environments.
This paper is an original work that is related to the author’s current doctoral research that considers how listening expands visual comprehension.
Neil Gredecki and Polly Turner
Traditionally, the focus in psychology has been to relieve suffering in matters such as mental illness. In forensic interventions, the focus has been similar, with an emphasis on…
Traditionally, the focus in psychology has been to relieve suffering in matters such as mental illness. In forensic interventions, the focus has been similar, with an emphasis on the removal of offence‐related behaviours and thinking. That is, therapy has focused on ‘fixing’ what appears to be broken. More recent thinking in the positive psychology literature focuses on the importance of enhancing well‐being and happiness in clients and enhancing the client's own strengths and positive experiences. In turn, positive psychology adopts a strengths‐based approach to working therapeutically with clients. Positive psychology has a number of potential implications for working with forensic clients and the delivery of therapy and relapse prevention blocks. This paper will explores the potential application of positive psychology literature to offending behaviour interventions. Specifically, it focuses on the process of relapse‐prevention and self‐management, within the framework of the Self‐Regulation Model of the Relapse Process (SRM‐RP).
Identifies key activities that network users can perform in orderto use the network effectively. Offers recommended reading, frombeginner to expert user status. Explains some…
Identifies key activities that network users can perform in order to use the network effectively. Offers recommended reading, from beginner to expert user status. Explains some commonly used terms (e.g. Turbo Gopher with Veronica!). Lists useful Internet resources.
Julie Ashford, Martin Eccles, Senga Bond, Jesley Ann Hall and John Bond
The drive towards clinical effectiveness and cost‐effective care within the NHS is becoming increasingly apparent. Consequently, there is a need to change clinical practice, and a…
The drive towards clinical effectiveness and cost‐effective care within the NHS is becoming increasingly apparent. Consequently, there is a need to change clinical practice, and a set of activities with which to implement the necessary and desirable changes is required. Resistance to accepting change at an individual and organisational level is common and it is postulated that the solution lies in adopting an eclectic approach where the range of factors affecting the implementation of change is considered. A possible framework for identifying suitable behaviour change strategies is proposed. Factors included are the context of change, the relevant theoretical and empirical literature and the implementation and maintenance of change. With practical application in mind, the framework is intended as a tool to assist health care professionals analyse the change process in a structured manner and develop potential strategies for achieving desirable behaviour changes within their own and others’ practice.
Minita Sanghvi and Nancy Hodges
Today, appearance is an integral aspect of a politician's image and personality and therefore his or her brand (Budesheim & DePaola, 1994; Sanghvi & Hodges, 2015; Smith & French…
Today, appearance is an integral aspect of a politician's image and personality and therefore his or her brand (Budesheim & DePaola, 1994; Sanghvi & Hodges, 2015; Smith & French, 2009). While appearance is critical to political marketing, most of the research focusing on appearance in politics is experimental in nature (Lenz & Lawson, 2011; Olivola & Todorov, 2010; Todorov et al., 2005). This study investigates the importance of appearance for marketing politicians through a qualitative interpretivist framework that offers implications for theory. Moreover, this chapter offers a specific focus on the importance of appearance for female politicians.
Research shows women face greater scrutiny on their appearance (Carlin & Winfrey, 2009; Sanghvi, 2018). This chapter examines myriad of issues women in politics face based on their appearance. It also examines how women have successfully managed the issue of appearance at local, state and national levels. Thus, this study delivers a multifaceted view of the topic and facilitates the understanding of how appearance management enters into the political marketing process.
Arun K. Jain, Christian Pinson and Naresh K. Malhotra
The usefulness of loyalty as a construct for understanding and analysing the market for banking services is here discussed. Using empirical data, the socio‐demographic…
The usefulness of loyalty as a construct for understanding and analysing the market for banking services is here discussed. Using empirical data, the socio‐demographic, attitudinal and behavioural characteristics of loyal versus non‐loyal bank patrons are described. Bank loyalty can be measured and is useful in explaining differences in banking skills, expected benefits and attitudes towards banks and level of utilisation of banking services.
The efforts to improve on the stewardship role of corporate governance have mainly emanated from external forces, such as pressure from shareholder groups, regulators, organized…
The efforts to improve on the stewardship role of corporate governance have mainly emanated from external forces, such as pressure from shareholder groups, regulators, organized exchanges and courthouses. However, past research and field evidence, not the least being the Enron's scandal, have demonstrated that the independent structure of the board is far from being a guarantee to its optimum performance. Building on survey results administered to individuals with significant boardroom experience, it is argued in this paper that the quest for complete autonomy in the boardroom should be extended beyond the structural configuration to also include the psychological independence dimension.
We've been living in a homogenous world, you know a world centered on and seen through the language perceptions of men. The consequences of this for everything that we take for…
We've been living in a homogenous world, you know a world centered on and seen through the language perceptions of men. The consequences of this for everything that we take for granted, for all our assumptions are very deep. Feminism, in the sense I use it, is a radical complexity thought in the process of transforming itself. It is a kind of breaking open of not only the oversimplification but of the lies and the silence in which so much of human experience has been cloaked. Too much has been left out, too much has been unmentioned, too much has been made taboo. Too many connections have been disguised or denied. (Interview with Adrienne Rich, Christopher Street, Jan. 1977, pp. 9–16.)
Dũng Anh Vũ, Yongjiang Shi and Terry Hanby
The paper aims to provide both academics and practitioners a strategic framework for integrating brands in horizontal mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in order to create and…
The paper aims to provide both academics and practitioners a strategic framework for integrating brands in horizontal mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in order to create and deliver value.
A conceptual framework developed from a review of the existing literature and pilot case studies.
The paper first discusses the importance of brand integration for value creation in horizontal M&As from a practical perspective. The paper then reviews three related bodies of existing literature that are critical to this research – M&As, product and brand management, integration approach. This review leads to the identification of the research gap in the area of brand integration in M&As. The paper then develops and proposes a strategic framework for integrating brands in horizontal M&As based on the pilot case studies and existing literature.
The paper structures and classifies the fragmented existing literature in the domain of product and brand management into four major views – customer (market) perspectives, supply (manufacturing) concerns, product development (innovation and technology) considerations and value creation. This classification can be a useful approach for future research in reviewing the diversified product and brand management literature. The strategic framework developed here consolidates the four perspectives of product and brand management and the two views of strategic management (positioning and resource‐based) and presents four major strategies and a process for the successful integration of brands in post‐horizontal M&As. The paper also provides an overview of overseas M&A activities on the part of Chinese companies in terms of trend and motives and considers some implications of the brand integration strategic framework for Chinese companies when they acquire international brands. Future research priorities are also discussed and research methods recommended.