N. Boubekri and Pinaki Chakraborty
The application of robots to industrial problems often requires grasping and manipulation of the work piece. The robot is able to perform a task adequately only when it is…
The application of robots to industrial problems often requires grasping and manipulation of the work piece. The robot is able to perform a task adequately only when it is assigned proper tooling and adequate methods of grasping and handling work pieces. The design of such a task requires an in‐depth knowledge of several interrelated subjects including: gripper design, force, position, stiffness and compliance control and grasp configurations. In this paper, we review the research finding on these subjects in order to present in a concise manner, which can be easily accessed by the designers of robot task, the information reported by the researchers, and identify based on the review, future research directions in these areas.
Susobhan Maiti and Chandrima Chakraborty
Over the last four decades – the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s – the share of manufacturing in gross domestic product (at current prices) in India has stagnated, whereas the share…
Over the last four decades – the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s – the share of manufacturing in gross domestic product (at current prices) in India has stagnated, whereas the share of services (construction excluded) has increased significantly. The relatively mediocre growth performance of the manufacturing sector as compared to the services sector in India has emerged as a matter of concern. There has been growing recognition in policymaking circles and academia that India needs accelerated growth in the manufacturing industry in the next few decades, so that India's economic growth is led by manufacturing rather than services. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the growth in total factor productivity (TFP) of formal and informal segments of 10 groups of Indian manufacturing industries is undertaken, which is calculated based on KLEMS data obtained from National Accounts Statistics (NAS), published annually by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) of India. The period covered for the analysis of TFP growth is 1980–1981 to 2019–2020, which is broken into four sub-periods. Year wise total factor productivity growth (TFPG) of different industries for the sample period shows a fluctuating growth rate, which includes both positive and negative trends. Decade wise growth and overall TFPG of the different industries also indicate an oscillating pattern, that is, a mix of positive and negative TFPG. The minimum overall TFPG is observed in the coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel industries, and the maximum in electrical and optical equipment for the period 1981–2020.
For the prosperity of both gender and for social justice, independence and empowerment of women is essential. Empowerment of women not only ensures her personal or household…
For the prosperity of both gender and for social justice, independence and empowerment of women is essential. Empowerment of women not only ensures her personal or household welfare but also spreads positivity throughout the community. This generation of positive externality by empowering women has actually attracted attention worldwide toward exploring the concept of women empowerment as well as analyzing their status. The present research focuses on comparative analysis of the status of women empowerment among the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries and side by side explores its relationship with the various macro-indicators related to growth and development. This study reveals that Maldives and Sri Lanka had a relatively better status of women empowerment as compared to other SAARC countries. Further, based on the panel data analysis, the authors have found that urbanization and globalization have a significant impact on women empowerment. Thus, this holistic approach of measuring women empowerment from a multidimensional perspective and detecting the influencing factors is inevitable for enhancing the status of women at the global level.
Satyanarayan Kumbhakar and Pinaki Das
The early childhood years are a period of great opportunity but are also of great vulnerability. Responsive caring is important for children to live, learn, grow, and develop to…
The early childhood years are a period of great opportunity but are also of great vulnerability. Responsive caring is important for children to live, learn, grow, and develop to their full potential. Being healthy at childhood is the crucial requirement for a nation to be healthy throughout. But children in developing countries are earmarked to be vulnerable to the adverse socioeconomic conditions. Without the availability of proper nutritional diet and immunization, children remain underweight, stunted, and wasted. In order to capture their condition, analyzing their health status is inevitable. Further, since discrimination based on gender in every sphere of life be it at home or outside is quite evident in a patriarchal nation like India, therefore, an analysis of the child health based on their gender gains momentum. Thus, the present study analyzes the status of child health in West Bengal from a multidimensional perspective and disaggregates it on the basis of their gender in order to catch the effect of discrimination persisting in society. In order to do so, we have considered the NFHS unit level data of the latest two rounds. The present study contributes to the existing literature from methodological perspective as well as by formulating a child deprivation index using a multidimensional approach. Together with that, we have unearthed the factors influencing the health status of the children based on their gender.
Kalidas Das and Pinaki Ranjan Duari
Several graphs, streamlines, isotherms and 3D plots are illustrated to enlighten the noteworthy fallouts of the investigation. Embedding flow factors for velocity, induced…
Several graphs, streamlines, isotherms and 3D plots are illustrated to enlighten the noteworthy fallouts of the investigation. Embedding flow factors for velocity, induced magnetic field and temperature have been determined using parametric analysis.
Ternary hybrid nanofluids has outstanding hydrothermal performance compared to classical mono nanofluids and hybrid nanofluids owing to the presence of triple tiny metallic particles. Ternary hybrid nanofluids are considered as most promising candidates in solar energy, heat exchangers, electronics cooling, automotive cooling, nuclear reactors, automobile, aerospace, biomedical devices, food processing etc. In this work, a ternary hybrid nanofluid flow that contains metallic nanoparticles over a wedge under the prevalence of solar radiating heat, induced magnetic field and the shape factor of nanoparticles is considered. A ternary hybrid nanofluid is synthesized by dispersing iron oxide (Fe3O4), silver (Ag) and magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles in a water (H2O) base fluid. By employing similarity transformations, we can convert the governing equations into ordinary differential equations and then solve numerically by using the Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg approach.
There is no fund for the research work.
Social implications
This kind of study may be used to improve the performance of solar collectors, solar energy and solar cells.
This investigation unfolds the hydrothermal changes of radiative water-based Fe3O4-Ag-MgO-H2O ternary hybrid nanofluidic transport past a static and moving wedge in the presence of solar radiating heating and induced magnetic fields. The shape factor of nanoparticles has been considered in this study.