Using the Jefimenko generalization of the Biot‐Savart law and the Laplace transform we analyse the electromagnetic radiation of a vertical dipole antenna fed with a pulsed…
Using the Jefimenko generalization of the Biot‐Savart law and the Laplace transform we analyse the electromagnetic radiation of a vertical dipole antenna fed with a pulsed current. We get the magnetic field from the vector potential directly while the electric field is obtained through Maxwell’s equations. We write explicitly the expressions of the electromagnetic field for an exponentially decaying pulse and for a truncated harmonic pulse in vacuum and in a dispersive dielectric of the ionosphere type.
Notes that Scalar digital plane waves are made of a finite or infinite sequence of discrete pulses which are solutions of a wave equation. Discusses the 1D and 2D wave equations…
Notes that Scalar digital plane waves are made of a finite or infinite sequence of discrete pulses which are solutions of a wave equation. Discusses the 1D and 2D wave equations and shows how the 1D and 2D Laplace transforms may be used in connection with digital signals. Gives some examples of digital plane waves and, as an illustration, gives three different applications of this technique.